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by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:50 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

Is that "K" referring to Kenny or me as a mod? I'm not a mod. At least not anymore. They removed me because I used up all my chances. :crying: That was you. I just broke my no-3 rule. I will blame you. :D I really dont like this unpleasantness! How can I help it stop? This is like when I ...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:59 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

Then the NT is subject to the reasonings of man not unlike those contained in the many links you suggest will educate me. And why does my denial that women should be silent mean that "the NT is subject to the reasonings of of man"? And what "reasonings" do you see in the links I...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:17 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

In relation to the thread topic, there are proven and observed physics that attest that a huge amount of energy/light, which God is, can produce matter in an instant. This has been achieved in the matter accelerator. If it is theoretically possible to teleport matter, and matter can be created by a ...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:52 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

Is that "K" referring to Kenny or me as a mod? I'm not a mod. At least not anymore. They removed me because I used up all my chances. :crying: That was you. I just broke my no-3 rule. I will blame you. :D I really dont like this unpleasantness! How can I help it stop? This is like when I ...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:27 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

No, Mazzy, I dont do third chances. That post was not addressed to you. There is no discusdion between us. Please refrain from addressing me tn the future Seriously Audie why are you here. I could be wrong but the way it looks to me you have no intention of ever having a conversation. Audie's is no...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:12 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

No, Mazzy, I dont do third chances. That post was not addressed to you. There is no discusdion between us. Please refrain from addressing me tn the future You do not get to offer me chances. :shakehead: You have given up your chance to regain credibility in face of lying about me, regardless of who...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:08 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

You sure dont speak as someone who likes science, but maybe I am misunderstanding something. Nobody says dinosaurs evolved from bacteria, btw. If you wish to find fault with evolution, thats fine, but use real examples if you have any, arguing against a position that the other does not hold is know...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:28 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

People tend to be dogmatic ion their views and that tends to make people closed minded to the fact that many times it is not an either/or situation. And the authorship of the books of the bible is on such matter. We know that it was not possible for Moses to write ALL of the accounts in the Pentate...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:12 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

... "This half-life value implies a higher initial 146Sm abundance in the early solar system," This statement is from this research article. ... Again, where in the paper, or in your imagination, is the link between a 30% error in 146-Samarium half-life and a roughly comparable huge error...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:21 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

People tend to be dogmatic ion their views and that tends to make people closed minded to the fact that many times it is not an either/or situation. And the authorship of the books of the bible is on such matter. We know that it was not possible for Moses to write ALL of the accounts in the Pentate...
by Mazzy
Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:12 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

Hi Mazzy, Hope you don't mind me interjecting. If you've read any of my messages, earlier ones, you'll know I'm Day-Age. So, just trying to build a quick bridge here since I don't know much about you except in your profile. However, there is no reason to let go of Mosaic authorship simply because t...
by Mazzy
Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:53 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

Jac3510 said I don't have a lot of faith in you going forward, given your disinterest in having a proper conversation and your dismissal of "reasoning of man," even as you proceed to offer your own "reasoning"--reasoning that, to the worse, strongly suggests that you have never a...
by Mazzy
Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:47 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

Yes I do mind as the post just becomes too long You certainly don't have to play by my rules, but I also don't have to play by yours, and it is rather poor DB etiquette to make such a series of posts. As such, following this post, I'll reply as necessary to the first of your replies and not the oth...
by Mazzy
Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:49 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: How God Creates
Replies: 330
Views: 62732

Re: How God Creates

The point I made is that a 30% error is huge and nothing to be handwaved away, sufficient time has not passed for even one instance of a daughter cell to be measured. Why do you seem to think that a 30% error in 146-Samarium half-life should correspond to a roughly comparable error in scientists' e...
by Mazzy
Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:38 pm
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: Why is young earth so important?
Replies: 159
Views: 45706

Re: Why is young earth so important?

Jac3510 I read the 1st link “What is a documentary Hypothesis” Here’s a snip.. " Jesus said in Mark 12:26, “Have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?” Jesus states plainly that Mose...