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by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:24 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Global warming is an example of the problem with science. I don't want to talk about global warming.
by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:06 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Young Earth Old Universe
Replies: 63
Views: 16742

Re: Young Earth Old Universe

Just an update on my search for artifacts after the Exodus. There seems to be a gap in the artifacts after the exodus and before the Assyrians documented the wars with the jews. So the first temple period has very little to my knowledge. But I am still searching and will put together something. I wi...
by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:42 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?
Replies: 299
Views: 60790

Re: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?

Himantolophus , Actually to answer your question you just need to watch the DVD Privileged Planet. It goes into how special our place is in the universe and it almost seems we were placed here on purpose. We were. After you finish up your studies you might want to do some work with physics. It just ...
by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:18 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Canuckster1127, While we are in the flesh it is impossible to not have filters. The point I am making is that we should be aware of them and try and place everything in perspective. Maybe I add a little drama to my post, but believe me some people need to be shocked into the light of day. Not so muc...
by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:01 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Katabole , When speaking of worlds I always assumed that they were talking the future not the past. Revelation calls for a new earth so it would fit with most of the rest of scripture in the sense that most things are in multiple places in the text. I also see it as refering to the worlds of spirit,...
by frankbaginski
Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:44 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Himantolophus ,

Yes, I am guilty of using the Bible to filter my view of the world. Do you see this as a problem?
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:06 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Katabole ,

Please post your ideas on a rebuilt earth on a new thread, I would really like to explore this subject. I have always wanted to do so and since you have some background with this it may be a good time. Thanks.
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:03 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

I saw something the other day that actually feeds into what I am trying to get across on this thread. Monkeys are actually smarter than man. When a monkey looks into a mirror he sees a monkey. When a man looks into a mirror some of them see a monkey. How we view ourselves is given to what we believe...
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Canuckster1127 , Let us take global warming. According to mainstream media most scientist believe we are in the mist of global warming and the earth is doomed. We need to completely change everything we do and take all of the money from developed countries and ship it to the third world. Do you beli...
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:36 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Canuckster1127 , What science should be and how it actually manifest itself are two different things. I do not believe I am stretching anything in my description of how science is viewed and used in our society today. There are many purest out their with the ability to separate whay we know from wha...
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:37 am
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: God + love + hell = ?
Replies: 84
Views: 27154

Re: God + love + hell = ?

Jesus or someone using the authority of Jesus can command a demon to speak the truth.

Nice post B.W.
by frankbaginski
Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:07 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?
Replies: 299
Views: 60790

Re: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?

ARWalace, From your post it seems that molecular biologist have come a long way. I think this is great. Since I know the universe is created and all in it, then having molecules that form organic structures is well within what I would expect. I have no preconceived notion that the mechanics don't ex...
by frankbaginski
Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:15 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Canuckster1127 , I disagree. If in fact a theory was found to match all data and no anomalies were found then I might have to agree, but that is not the case. I have placed numerous examples of "settled science" on this board where anamolies exist that negate the accepted theory. Science h...
by frankbaginski
Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:26 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?
Replies: 299
Views: 60790

Re: Is ID non-scientific because it has relgious implications?

ARWalace, So if we had the right sugars, phosphates, and acids we would not get DNA. That makes sense because if these items did indeed do this it would make it difficult to use these same parts in a process with one desired end. I am aware of the role of the polymerase and GTP but did not know if t...
by frankbaginski
Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:31 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Pope Warns of Seductive Science
Replies: 66
Views: 16485

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Zoegirl, The question is not OEC or YEC. These are but examples. The question is do you view scripture through a filter. The jews in Jerusalem did not accept Christ because they had a preconception that He would be a leader that would free Israel from the Romans. They would not see Him as He was bec...