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by Zionist
Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:27 am
Forum: Philosophical Discussions
Topic: Simple argument against Christianity
Replies: 20
Views: 8981

Re: Simple argument against Christianity

Romans 1:18-32 18 .For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 .because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 .For since the creation of the world His...
by Zionist
Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:09 am
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: OCE or YEC?
Replies: 20
Views: 8027

Re: OCE or YEC?

@rick after doing research i have come to the conclusion that i lean heavily on OEC side. i do enjoy science and feel that OEC view just makes more sense to me. thnx again for the material oh and do you have any others you can recommend or share. thnx again rick I haven't read a lot of books on the...
by Zionist
Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:49 am
Forum: Christian Theology
Topic: Trying to take the high road
Replies: 33
Views: 7235

Re: Trying to take the high road

@ ultimate look we all would like to help you through your crisis but you make things difficult by the way you respond to peoples advice. i mean for example the God, Zeus thread where you asked about people losing belief in God i provided two posts worth of information with scripture for you to read...
by Zionist
Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:53 am
Forum: Creation Talk
Topic: OCE or YEC?
Replies: 20
Views: 8027

Re: OCE or YEC?

after doing research i have come to the conclusion that i lean heavily on OEC side. i do enjoy science and feel that OEC view just makes more sense to me. thnx again for the material oh and do you have any others you can recommend or share. thnx again rick
by Zionist
Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:13 am
Forum: Christian Theology
Topic: Trying to take the high road
Replies: 33
Views: 7235

Re: Trying to take the high road

I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to ...
by Zionist
Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:02 am
Forum: End Times
Topic: Rapture timing?
Replies: 60
Views: 24961

Re: Rapture timing?

@1stjohn you know you're the first person to actually answer part of my question. i would like to know what made you draw your conclusion to post trib point of view if you don't mind discussing it. if you can break down why and how you came to the belief you hold now concerning the timing of the rap...
by Zionist
Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:38 am
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: As promised... The End Times
Replies: 11
Views: 2751

Re: As promised... The End Times

so what exactly is your question cuz i don't see it? are you just telling us your view on end times or are you trying to ask a question in the form of a non-question? plz explain thnx. If all threads are to suppopsed to be in the form of a question I am sorry for violaing that ): wasn't trying to b...
by Zionist
Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:13 am
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: As promised... The End Times
Replies: 11
Views: 2751

Re: As promised... The End Times

@paul that is not necessarily true my friend and let me explain plz. i am in no way doubting that what Christ said was about the impending destruction of the temple but i also feel and as evidenced in what He says He was also talking about the End of the world as we know it. what do i mean? i always...
by Zionist
Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:36 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Evolution and Intelligent Design
Replies: 429
Views: 112724

Re: Evolution and Intelligent Design

watch this video ivellious it is very informative and will show that ID isn't like you are exaggerating it to be. we can reason and debate without using over the top and over exaggerated comments right? so plz keep it civil and well mannered. you don't agree with ID and that's fine i don't agree wit...
by Zionist
Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:06 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Evolution and Intelligent Design
Replies: 429
Views: 112724

Re: Evolution and Intelligent Design

ID doesn't just say poof it all existed. that's your assumption/insertion and a bad one at that. you have a problem a serious one with God obviously to say such but nonetheless ID does not state that at all. if that's the case than anything we create just gets poofed into existence according to ID a...
by Zionist
Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:48 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Evolution and Intelligent Design
Replies: 429
Views: 112724

Re: Evolution and Intelligent Design

intelligent design offers the best explanation of the origin of life. other scientific theories do not answer adequately or explain the origins of life and the complexity of life the way ID does. i know some of you may disagree with this or may even say ID is not scientific because it is not observa...
by Zionist
Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:45 pm
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: As promised... The End Times
Replies: 11
Views: 2751

Re: As promised... The End Times

so what exactly is your question cuz i don't see it?
are you just telling us your view on end times or are you trying to ask a question in the form of a non-question? plz explain thnx.
by Zionist
Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:40 pm
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: God, Zeus, and Odin
Replies: 26
Views: 6562

Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

@ultimate i believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question but i'll touch on it a bit more for you and i do suggest you read revelation more thoroughly along with matthew 24, 2nd thessalonians 2, 2nd timothy 3, 2nd peter 3 this is just to name a few but there are more in the NT ...
by Zionist
Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:14 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Topic: The Rich
Replies: 31
Views: 9951

Re: The Rich

@murray listen to the other guys here and don't listen to that guy that is feeding you nonsense for three hours. God does not get mad at us for working hard and getting paid well for doing so like everyone else mentioned loving money is the root of all evil not money itself. if you're working hard, ...
by Zionist
Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:53 pm
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: God, Zeus, and Odin
Replies: 26
Views: 6562

Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

@ultimate i believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question but i'll touch on it a bit more for you and i do suggest you read revelation more thoroughly along with matthew 24, 2nd thessalonians 2, 2nd timothy 3, 2nd peter 3 this is just to name a few but there are more in the NT a...