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by Ivellious
Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:27 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Genesis Creation Accounts' Purpose: Science or Theology?
Replies: 38
Views: 9824

Re: Genesis Creation Accounts' Purpose: Science or Theology?

This evidence proves that unlike what Evolution has taught us that the first man was dumb out of Africa,the evidence shows evidence for ancient civilizations that were highly advanced societies and this evidence is all around this earth We do have evidence of a number of highly organized and cultur...
by Ivellious
Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:49 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Yes, there are Black Holes
Replies: 1
Views: 1330

Re: Yes, there are Black Holes

This whole situation reminded me of why I really hate most so-called "science journalists" out there. Most of the time, people writing articles about science or scientific research for websites or other publications have virtually no scientific education and don't really understand the stu...
by Ivellious
Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:35 am
Forum: Aberrant Christianity
Topic: Accepted Jesus, But Doesn't Believe He's God
Replies: 62
Views: 66075

Re: Accepted Jesus, But Doesn't Believe He's God

My word might not mean much here, but this was my first thought: If you believe Jesus is your savior, and accept Jesus as such, then obviously you have some faith in the Bible. So why only take the Bible's word halfway? As far as I'm concerned, the Bible is exceptionally clear that Jesus is the divi...
by Ivellious
Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:01 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Topic: Atheist Jews
Replies: 19
Views: 5300

Re: Atheist Jews

There is both a religion called Judaism and a racial group that is called Jewish. Obviously the two are historically and culturally linked, but being part of the Jewish race is different from being part of the Jewish faith. Many people who are Jewish by race choose not to follow the Jewish religion,...
by Ivellious
Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:25 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: I Samuel 15: 1-3
Replies: 7
Views: 3773

Re: I Samuel 15: 1-3

Are you saying that sexual abuse of animals, sons, daughters, siblings, cheating on one's spouse, that child sacrifice, among other things, should be permitted, if not encouraged, even to children? And go without consequence or penalty? Nope. Not at all. But here's the deal: Things like this have h...
by Ivellious
Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:29 am
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: I Samuel 15: 1-3
Replies: 7
Views: 3773

Re: I Samuel 15: 1-3

So, in summary, God wanted to make a point, and what better way to make a point than forcing his followers to undertake a brutal and merciless slaughter of an entire people? I'm sure it was a nice break from those days of old when God just performed the annihilation of the wicked on his own.
by Ivellious
Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:06 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Transhumanism a possibility or just science fiction
Replies: 14
Views: 4770

Re: Transhumanism a possibility or just science fiction

I have no doubt that we will soon have numerous technologies capable of "improving" our physical bodies in any number of ways. Prosthetic body parts are already in existence, and are getting more useful each year. Human exoskeletons (think Iron Man but with less armor and weapons) could gi...
by Ivellious
Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:42 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Evolution in history class?
Replies: 56
Views: 12161

Re: Evolution in history class?

Is he learning the history of the study of evolution, perhaps? I could see learning about the people involved with the study of evolution in a history class, but studying ancient, prehistoric events is, by definition, outside the realm of the general definition of "history." It's paleontol...
by Ivellious
Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:24 pm
Forum: Politics and World Events
Topic: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas
Replies: 54
Views: 18957

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Blindly placing blame on one side or the other for no reason other than religion or their ancestry is the worst kind of foolish, in my opinion. Same goes for blindly idolizing one side for the same reasons. As far as I'm concerned, people in both Palestine and Israel are heavily in the wrong, and ma...
by Ivellious
Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:33 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: If ENCODE is right Darwinism is wrong
Replies: 2
Views: 1513

Re: If ENCODE is right Darwinism is wrong

The problem with the 80% figure cited by ENCODE and, subsequently, the media, is that most people don't actually understand what it means. Their extremely broad definition of "functional" includes and part of DNA that is ever transcribed. Even if the byproduct of that transcription does li...
by Ivellious
Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:06 pm
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: Question
Replies: 1
Views: 1303

Re: Question

The article is actually pointing out that these "proofs" of the Bible's accuracy are either nonsense, wrong, or have nothing to do with science. Most of what the poster says were the scientific views in biblical times had nothing to do with science, or the claim of what "science"...
by Ivellious
Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:52 pm
Forum: God and Science
Topic: Adam and Eve
Replies: 29
Views: 9050

Re: Adam and Eve

I found this ... _soul.html I would be seriously wary of anything that website says, or using anything it says as theological proof. The site also claims that the "white" race is God's chosen race, and that Adam and Jesus were white men and all othe...
by Ivellious
Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:20 pm
Forum: Resources & Reviews
Topic: Noah's ark
Replies: 44
Views: 16029

Re: Noah's ark

As I see it, most salt in the oceans is from land runoff, so at that time, it was probably much less salty than today. As for fresh and saltwater fish , either could live in fresh water for a time, especially if the oceans did not become so salty for another millennia or two. I think you missed the...
by Ivellious
Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:25 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Topic: The International Association of Exorcists
Replies: 11
Views: 4487

Re: The International Association of Exorcists

And the Vatican officially recognizes this as real? I thought the Catholic Church had kind of backed off the whole exorcism thing in recent years. At least that's what the Catholic student group at my university told me anyway.
by Ivellious
Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:23 am
Forum: God and Science
Topic: The history of the Church and Evolution.
Replies: 40
Views: 10525

Re: The history of the Church and Evolution.

It's actually pretty amazing how widely accepted Darwinian Evolution was in the early parts of the 20th century, even among Christians and other religious folk. Obviously there were some ultra-conservative detractors, but there was no significant anti-evolution campaign like we see today until the G...