My life dilemma

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My life dilemma

Post by Zukkor »

Recently I have had a loved one die, it was tragic and unexpected and she was young...only 25, this immediately made me think more about mortality and death and eventually led to my faith. But of course, it also led to my existential crisis, and now I still have questions that remain unanswered. At the beginning of my faith journey I had terrible doubts, doubts that arose from my atheistic past. I did not question whether God was real or not, but I question whether Heaven existed or not. Because to me, my greatest fear would be for there not to be a Heaven. I do not say this out of fear for myself, but of fear for my loved ones...of her. She was such a unique and special person that I thought it would be impossible for her to simple cease to exist. But, the doubts crept in...and oh how horrible they are, even the thought that she...her soul no longer existed truly terrified me. I prayed to God to "please give me a sign, something, anything, to show me that she is alright and with you". Of course I knew that I asked too much, for I had already made up my mind that it would truly have to be a miracle to ease my doubts. Now, I feel my faith getting stronger, in every essence of the word. Yet these doubts still linger on in the back of my mind, taunting me.

Another dilemma I face is the meaning of life. I don't understand why we have to go through so much much tribulation on this earth...why can't we just see the ones we love now?
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Re: My life dilemma

Post by Murray »

Because of sin my brother. Sin corrupts this world; sin creates all earthly pain we experience. Adams original sin doomed mankind, Jesus work on the cross saved mankind.

We experience pain because this life is imperfect; the life in the next is not. In the next life there is not pain, no sadness, no death. We should not grieve dead loves ones, but should rejoice in here passing to a perfect life; and I realize this is a hard thing to do but we cannot live in the past forever. We must acknowledge that they are happier and better off in the next life, the minute we do this, the minute we start to recover.
One day all pain will be gone on this earth, when Jesus returns perfection shall return as well. This life is a test, it has challenges, but we must overcome them and work for the eternal glory that is Christ.

As my favorite saying goes, “We are not living going towards death, but dyeing goings towards living.
She is living now, she is happy, and I’m sure she wants you to be as well.
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Re: My life dilemma

Post by forgiven1 »

I am very sorry for your loss. It is hard to understand losing someone so young. The only comfort that I can give you is to tell you to look to God's word for His comfort & peace. He will ease your doubts and increase your faith. All you have to do is ask. I'm learning an important thing in prayer is to be honest and open with Him. He knows our thoughts & hearts anyway. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Hebrews 11:1. Heaven is as real as you and I are. We have the promise from Christ that He has prepared a place for us to dwell with Him for eternity. He said it, just believe it. The Holy Spirit, our great helper, will lead you if you just ask. God bless you and keep growing in Christ.
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Re: My life dilemma

Post by zoegirl »

I am also sorry to hear of your loss. I would also agree that to turn to Him is the only way to fund comfort and answers. He wants to hear of your feelings and doubts and worries. He wants your honesty. Read through the Psalms and use them to cry out to Him.
"And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Jesus Christ"
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