Life on mars?

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Life on mars?

Post by jakobp »

i was reading an article on Yahoo and they were saying that they have found places on mars in which life could have arised. my question is:
If they did find life on mars, how much damage would it do to god? afterlife? or even christianity?
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Re: Life on mars?

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Ever since I started reading news online ten or so years ago, I've been reading stories with similar topics. "We may have found an area with life" seems to be one of the most common and erroneous news stories that gets tossed about. The "Is the world going to end on [insert day here]" is probably the only one I see more often.

I guess if it didn't feel like someone was crying wolf all the time, it'd affect me more, but at this point I'm a little numb to it all.
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Re: Life on mars?

Post by Silvertusk »

At most it would be simple bacterial life - and why not when it is that close to Earth - I place so fine tuned for life the mind boggles. The fact is could intelligent life form on Mars - the answer is simply no.

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Re: Life on mars?

Post by neo-x »

well I dont know much but I think God must be creating like forever, if we did find life anywhere else, that would also explain how God spends his time :ebiggrin:
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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Re: Life on mars?

Post by Murray »

God made tons of weird living things before us on this planet, so It really would not surpirse me if he had some fun on another one
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