Presup Apologetics

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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Seraph »

If a person believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God, yet this person cannot even account for his own ability to reason, then why should this person be taken seriously when his own conclusions are based on such shaky foundations?
Does one need to know the inventor of the fork in order to eat with it?
How on Earth have we been able to feed ourselves all this time with such shaky foundations?

You guy's said yourself that you think human reason is reliable. How does it affect the reasoning itself if the person can't account for the origin of reason?
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Seraph wrote:
If a person believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God, yet this person cannot even account for his own ability to reason, then why should this person be taken seriously when his own conclusions are based on such shaky foundations?
Does one need to know the inventor of the fork in order to eat with it?
How on Earth have we been able to feed ourselves all this time with such shaky foundations?

You guy's said yourself that you think human reason is reliable. How does it affect the reasoning itself if the person can't account for the origin of reason?
Taking your example a little further, it would be like someone who becomes genuinely interested in forks never questioning or looking for where the fork came from, or making any attempt to understand the fork.

If one was genuinely interested, those questions should pop up immediately.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Seraph »

I agree, but they can still use the fork correctly. I think the same applies to knowledge and reason.

To me, the things Danny and jlay are saying about the Atheists flawed worldview because of not being able to account for reason is equivalent to if a person didn't know where the fork came from, was eating with it, and someone said "you have no right to eat with that". Even if they can't account for the origin of reason, you can't dismiss all of their arguements just because of that. Their arguements themselves concerning their worldview could still be sound.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Byblos »

Seraph wrote:I agree, but they can still use the fork correctly. I think the same applies to knowledge and reason.

To me, the things Danny and jlay are saying about the Atheists flawed worldview because of not being able to account for reason is equivalent to if a person didn't know where the fork came from, was eating with it, and someone said "you have no right to eat with that". Even if they can't account for the origin of reason, you can't dismiss all of their arguements just because of that. Their arguements themselves concerning their worldview could still be sound.
Their arguments may be sound until they attempt to use the very reason that was bestowed upon them to deny its source. That's when their worldview completely falls apart.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by spartanII »

Seraph wrote:I agree, but they can still use the fork correctly. I think the same applies to knowledge and reason.

To me, the things Danny and jlay are saying about the Atheists flawed worldview because of not being able to account for reason is equivalent to if a person didn't know where the fork came from, was eating with it, and someone said "you have no right to eat with that". Even if they can't account for the origin of reason, you can't dismiss all of their arguements just because of that. Their arguements themselves concerning their worldview could still be sound.
I'll quote what Van Till told Bahnsen once... "Atheists and Christians know how to count, sometimes atheist can count better than Christians, but they cannot account for their counting."
It's the same way in theism/versus atheism. In the atheists universe, what they demand is everything to be brought in with the 5 senses/reason and that be "truth," but they can't even get off the ground with that flawed way of thinking. Especially once they think nature is, all that there is. A lot of atheists arguments against Christianity are either
illogical, or straw mans... sometimes they bring up good points but even if we skipped the first step and grant them neutrality their arguments wouldn't hold much water and could be answered with given time.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Reactionary »

spartanII wrote:I'll quote what Van Till told Bahnsen once... "Atheists and Christians know how to count, sometimes atheist can count better than Christians, but they cannot account for their counting."
It's the same way in theism/versus atheism. In the atheists universe, what they demand is everything to be brought in with the 5 senses/reason and that be "truth," but they can't even get off the ground with that flawed way of thinking. Especially once they think nature is, all that there is. A lot of atheists arguments against Christianity are either illogical, or straw mans... sometimes they bring up good points but even if we skipped the first step and grant them neutrality their arguments wouldn't hold much water and could be answered with given time.
Well put, however, one has to ask himself how can atheism be so popular these days then? How large amount of public brainwashing has been required to create the popular image that a Christian is deluded by blind faith, while an atheist is so wise, rational and enlightened? Is there a proper response from the atheists to our arguments at all? I've been trying to find it, yet I only come across predictable bullet-dodging tactics. If it's indeed so, it should be the final nail in the coffin of the atheist ideology, yet atheism is still alive. Looking at the apparent confidence showed by new atheists these days, one would think they really do have a case. I'm shocked (negatively surprised) by the possibility that a refuted, defeated worldview may be on the rise in the 21st century.

Am I the only one who thinks like this? y:-/
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Byblos »

Reactionary wrote:Well put, however, one has to ask himself how can atheism be so popular these days then? How large amount of public brainwashing has been required to create the popular image that a Christian is deluded by blind faith, while an atheist is so wise, rational and enlightened? Is there a proper response from the atheists to our arguments at all? I've been trying to find it, yet I only come across predictable bullet-dodging tactics. If it's indeed so, it should be the final nail in the coffin of the atheist ideology, yet atheism is still alive. Looking at the apparent confidence showed by new atheists these days, one would think they really do have a case. I'm shocked (negatively surprised) by the possibility that a refuted, defeated worldview may be on the rise in the 21st century.

Am I the only one who thinks like this? y:-/
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Echoside »

DannyM wrote: I know. But you are agnostic, right?
Maybe in the past at some point, but nothing I've said thus far in the thread matches with that definition so I'd wager a no.
DannyM wrote:You’ve already admitted to having no account for your presuppositions. Yet you are plodding along in this inconsistency. If a person believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God, yet this person cannot even account for his own ability to reason, then why should this person be taken seriously when his own conclusions are based on such shaky foundations?
See above. This is an entire misrepresentation, If I held such a belief there is no reason for me to be here in the first place :shakehead:
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by DannyM »

Echoside wrote:
DannyM wrote: I know. But you are agnostic, right?
Maybe in the past at some point, but nothing I've said thus far in the thread matches with that definition so I'd wager a no.
DannyM wrote:You’ve already admitted to having no account for your presuppositions. Yet you are plodding along in this inconsistency. If a person believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God, yet this person cannot even account for his own ability to reason, then why should this person be taken seriously when his own conclusions are based on such shaky foundations?
See above. This is an entire misrepresentation, If I held such a belief there is no reason for me to be here in the first place :shakehead:
LOL. Okay, what are you, if you do not mind my asking?
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by DannyM »

Seraph wrote:
If a person believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God, yet this person cannot even account for his own ability to reason, then why should this person be taken seriously when his own conclusions are based on such shaky foundations?
Does one need to know the inventor of the fork in order to eat with it?
How on Earth have we been able to feed ourselves all this time with such shaky foundations?

You guy's said yourself that you think human reason is reliable. How does it affect the reasoning itself if the person can't account for the origin of reason?
:) Of course human reason is reliable. No-one is saying otherwise. I don't see how this negates the argument. Amusing fork analogy, though :)
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Echoside »

DannyM wrote: LOL. Okay, what are you, if you do not mind my asking?
I don't know, my posts speak for themselves. If you want to find a label to stick me with I can't really help you there.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by DannyM »

Echoside wrote:
DannyM wrote: LOL. Okay, what are you, if you do not mind my asking?
I don't know, my posts speak for themselves. If you want to find a label to stick me with I can't really help you there.
Ah, well it seems to me you have been portraying yourself as agnostic. I don't see where the misrepresentation is.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by Echoside »

DannyM wrote: Ah, well it seems to me you have been portraying yourself as agnostic. I don't see where the misrepresentation is.
It "seems" to me that you would like to pin me down to agnostic so you can point out the flaws i'm all too well aware of. Sorry it's not going according to plan, I disagree with the statement that knowledge of God is unknown or unknowable, therefore I'm not agnostic in your sense of the word. The misrepresentation is PLAINLY obvious with this in mind.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by jlay »

I agree, but they can still use the fork correctly. I think the same applies to knowledge and reason.
Seraph, again, I think you are arguing against something that we aren't presenting as presup. No one says atheists can't use logic or reason. They do. They just have no basis to defend doing such. Why should the atheist trust the laws of logic? If you peruse enough atheist philosophy you will see that they are trying to undermine the law of non-contradiction. Trying to re-write the rules to better suit their worldview.

An atheist can have morals. That doesn't mean they can account for why they should have morals.

Echoside wrote: But it's not obvious to me
If you see a sculpture, is the existence of the artist obvious?

With the info you have, do you think that a creator god exist?
Last edited by jlay on Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Presup Apologetics

Post by DannyM »

Echoside wrote:
DannyM wrote: Ah, well it seems to me you have been portraying yourself as agnostic. I don't see where the misrepresentation is.
It "seems" to me that you would like to pin me down to agnostic so you can point out the flaws i'm all too well aware of. Sorry it's not going according to plan, I disagree with the statement that knowledge of God is unknown or unknowable, therefore I'm not agnostic in your sense of the word. The misrepresentation is PLAINLY obvious with this in mind.
Now you are just playing games. But regardless, you carry with you your own assumptions and prersuppositions. You are perfectly "pinned down" in this respect. And until you give an account for your presuppositions you will always be logically inconsistent. So the evasion game doesn't really wash. :)
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