Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

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Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

The reason Christ died is to pay for our sins.

I always thought the penalty for sins was spiritual death which means one is separated from God, so what did Christ's physical death do to absolve us from sin and justify us? I also never understood this in the context of animal sacrifice in the OT.

I should have asked this question ages ago - or maybe i had the answer once and i cant recall it hmmm...

God bless
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by Silvertusk »

When the Jews made a sin sacrifice the sins of the Jew was passed onto the animal who was then sacrificed therefore absolving the person of their sins. Jesus was the utimate "animal" sacrfice - the lamb of God in fact. All sins were passed onto him and therefore absolved by his death. Plus I believe (and this is all purely speculation) for a time Jesus did experience the full seperation from his Father when he screamed from the cross "My God My God- why have you forsaken me". He is the only one to date to ever have experienced that - thus saving us from that fate if we choose. I think it was that moment that Jesus wanted God to take away from him when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Just an idea mind with no scriptural support.

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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Yup ok i understand but what does physical death have to do with spiritual death?

Yeah i wouldn't disagree with you there about the experience of separation Jesus had with the Father - but if that were so how did Jesus come back to the Father ( relationship wise) if he held our sins?
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by RickD »

CeT-To wrote:The reason Christ died is to pay for our sins.

I always thought the penalty for sins was spiritual death which means one is separated from God, so what did Christ's physical death do to absolve us from sin and justify us? I also never understood this in the context of animal sacrifice in the OT.

I should have asked this question ages ago - or maybe i had the answer once and i cant recall it hmmm...

God bless
Yes, CeT-To, I believe it is spiritual death that Christ paid the price for. God cannot look upon sin, and Christ took upon Himself, all the sins of humanity, past, present, and future. God allowed certain animals to be sacrificed, as a foreshadowing of the final sacrifice of Christ. Animal sacrifices had to keep being performed, to make atonement. Christ's sacrifice was once and for all. Hebrews 10:1-10
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by jlay »


I think you might be separating something that has no business being seperated. The human experience is physical and spiritual. Not separately, but concurrently. Because of the original sin we are denied access to the tree of life, which results in physical death. Sin has physical and spiritual consequences.
I always thought the penalty for sins was spiritual death which means one is separated from God, so what did Christ's physical death do to absolve us from sin and justify us? I also never understood this in the context of animal sacrifice in the OT.
The cross was a physical death, but just as the OT sacrifices/temple illustrated something spiritual, so did Christ's death. We must not overlook the spiritual transactions that were occurring at the cross, and at the resurrection.

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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by neo-x »

penalty of original sin was both physical and spiritual death
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Ah ok now i'm understanding it better but i have one more question, if Jesus did experience Spiritual death does that mean he must have been sent to hell? Yeah i know the creed was that he did go down there to take the OT saints to heaven ( from Abraham's bosom) but since Jesus also suffered spiritual death how did he get out of hell ? ( gosh this sounds like a disgusting question ....... :shakehead: ) this is why i have been hesitating to ask it.
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by Byblos »

CeT-To wrote:Ah ok now i'm understanding it better but i have one more question, if Jesus did experience Spiritual death does that mean he must have been sent to hell? Yeah i know the creed was that he did go down there to take the OT saints to heaven ( from Abraham's bosom) but since Jesus also suffered spiritual death how did he get out of hell ? ( gosh this sounds like a disgusting question ....... :shakehead: ) this is why i have been hesitating to ask it.
He went to preach the Good News, not to suffer. And I'm not sure it is entirely accurate to say he went to hell, nor that he died a spiritual death.
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Hell is inaccurate, i meant Abraham's bosom.

Ok so if Jesus didn't suffer spiritual death when taking on our sins then how did he take on our sins on the cross?

God bless
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by Byblos »

CeT-To wrote:Hell is inaccurate, i meant Abraham's bosom.

Ok so if Jesus didn't suffer spiritual death when taking on our sins then how did he take on our sins on the cross?

God bless
Spiritual death is the total separation from God. When Adam and Eve sinned they were cast out of Eden, which represented the presence of God at the time, so when they were cast out they died a spiritual death, a separation from God. Unlike Adam and Eve (and everyone else before Christ's sacrifice), Jesus went to Haydes to preach, not to be cast out. If you're asking if Jesus experienced a separation from God in Haydes I would probably say yes, temporarily and for the purpose of preaching the Good News to those who were already there and could not otherwise hear the Gospel. He took on our sins because a sacrifice had to be made, once and for all.
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Ok so why was Jesus' separation only temporarily since he had our sins on Him?

I think you guys are misinterpreting the context of my question - i'm not asking of what IS, i'm asking of "why is it this and not that instead?"

God bless!
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by Byblos »

CeT-To wrote:Ok so why was Jesus' separation only temporarily since he had our sins on Him?
Because if it weren't we'd all still be dead in our sins. He became sin upon his death and he conquered sin by his resurrection. Without the resurrection we believe in vain (1 Cor 15:12-17).
CeT-To wrote:I think you guys are misinterpreting the context of my question - i'm not asking of what IS, i'm asking of "why is it this and not that instead?"God bless!
Then please restate because I'm not following what you're asking above.
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Byblos wrote: Because if it weren't we'd all still be dead in our sins.
That doesn't really explain it tho.
Byblos wrote: He became sin upon his death and he conquered sin by his resurrection. Without the resurrection we believe in vain (<a target="_blank" data-version="NASB" data-reference="1 Cor 15.12-17" class="lbsBibleRef" href="http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/1%20Cor%2015.12-17">1 Cor 15:12-17</a>).
Ok ok so he became sin upon His death and he conquered sin by His resurrection - how was He able to resurrect even tho He became sin?

Doesn't sin separate you from God?

How was Jesus accepted by the Father when He became sin or He took our sins on him?
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by Byblos »

CeT-To wrote:
Byblos wrote: Because if it weren't we'd all still be dead in our sins.
That doesn't really explain it tho.
Byblos wrote: He became sin upon his death and he conquered sin by his resurrection. Without the resurrection we believe in vain (<a target="_blank" data-version="NASB" data-reference="1 Cor 15.12-17" class="lbsBibleRef" href="http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/1%20Cor%2015.12-17">1 Cor 15:12-17</a>).
Ok ok so he became sin upon His death and he conquered sin by His resurrection - how was He able to resurrect even tho He became sin?

Doesn't sin separate you from God?

How was Jesus accepted by the Father when He became sin or He took our sins on him?
- because Jesus was the last and final sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins
- because God is always forgiving
- because that was the redemptive process put in place from before creation
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Re: Embarrassing question to ask for a Christian

Post by CeT-To »

Hmm the 2nd and 3rd i see answered but not the first y:-?

I mean by this since i didn't ask if Jesus was or was not the last sacrifice.

Does Jesus still have our sins upon Him atm?

If yes then how is Jesus with the Father?

If no then where did they go from Him?

What i'm getting at is that - ok i understand the physical sacrifice, but isn't the spiritual sacrifice eternal? Since to sin is to be eternally separated from the Father/God. So then did Jesus take our place in the eternal separation ? clearly not since Jesus is with the Father. So now i'm confused lol.
But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16

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