HOW Do You Have A Personal Relationship With God?

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HOW Do You Have A Personal Relationship With God?

Post by Believer »

As being the "baby" Christian I am, HOW do I have a personal relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Ghost? This is neccessary for salvation so how do I go about doing it? This thread also might be good for new Christians as well.
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Post by Dan »

Easy, you've having one right now. You're searching for Him, want His acceptance and forgiveness, you are looking for Him and want to find Him and so you do have a relationship with Him. Do you pray? That's another part of the relationship, do you ask yourself, "is this what God wants?"? That is another part. Do you try to talk to God but you don't hear anything? Well He's speaking back to you, but it's not the same kind of voice you might be expecting. You may not even realize He's talking to you until weeks after He did communicate with you.

You are already having a relationship with Him! Do you go to church? You should attend because it cultivates your love for Him and makes the relationship more visible to you.
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Better Relationship With God

Post by kateliz »

I agree with Dan.

Just take your heart and present it to God, and there you go! You want a better relationship with Him? Take that desire and present it to God. And read the Bible in order to grow in your knowledge of who God is and how He works and all that. God has shown me that the basis of your relationship to Him is your knowledge of Him. Learn of Him to better your relationship, and your relationship will also help you learn of Him! Both of those and God working in your life and revealing Himself to you will increase your love of Him, and your love of Him will increase your relationship with Him and your knowledge of Him! It's just one big happy cycle! And it all starts with just simply going to God for it!

Oh, and although you should try to find Bible-believing Christians to aid in your walk with Him, every Christian has some flawed thinking about God, so don't let your church or group of friends become your Bible. Let your Bible be your Bible, your God be your God, and God be the primary one you go to to better your relationship with Him! Makes sense but it's all too easy to get priorities out of order.

And if you every feel less interested in God, don't panic and think you're a bad Christian and that you're backsliding. It's actually a natural part of your growth with Him, and God will use it for your good. God uses all things in the lives of those who love Him for their good, even if it doesn't look like it. That guy who cut you off on the freeway? "It's for your good, Brian." Even our own mistakes He uses for our good. Even our sins He uses for our good! You're safely in the Hands of the Almighty, and nothing truly bad can come to you!

I like to think of our walk with God as if we are a leaf floating on a stream. God directs the currents and the bends in the stream and all the obstacles in it. We are in God's Hands, so let's trust Him like it! And trust Him despite ourselves. We're His, flaws and all!
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