World Peace

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Re: World Peace

Post by DannyM »

Ant wrote:There are some christians who try to help the poor, yes,

but there are many others who cause serious harm to the poor, and promote the opposite of what Jesus taught.
Many others? What are you implying here? That the Christian movement throughout the world is in a minority?
For example it is believed by some that Edmund Walsh, a strongly anti-communist Roman Catholic priest, gave McCarthy the idea of using a anti-communist hatred campaign to gain popularity and get reelected. That hatred campaign likely resulted in the US changing sides in Vietnam and causing the Vietnam War which killed a whole lot of people, and not many people know it, but also ended in nuclear war.
Eh? So the Catholic Priest’s alleged idea sparked a chain of events which the Priest must be held responsible for? So the Priest is responsible for the actions of others?
There's a lot of churches out there spreading hatred. Hatred for communists. Hatred for muslims. Hatred for democrats or republicans. All that hatred is leading to WW3. A few soup kitchens help, but they don't make up for all the hatred taught by other christians.
Are you born again, Ant? What is this nonsense? “Hatred”? Please give specific examples, lest you be dismissed as a crank.

A few soup kitchens? Are you serious?

Come on, Ant, what is your agenda here?
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Re: World Peace

Post by Ant »

Come on, Ant, what is your agenda here?
No hatred? Whatever! My "agenda" is to bring about World Peace, according to God's plan.

Just for curiosity, I added up the number of posts of each person, and the number of Bible references from each person. The number of posts is first, followed by the number of Bible references.
me 8 11
Silvertusk 4 0
MarcusOfLycia 2 0
Murray 1 0
Gman 1 0
Katabole 3 2
Reactionary 1 0
B. W. 2 7
neo-x 3 0
Danieltwotwenty 6 1

'Course, I don't like it when people fling out a whole lot of irrelevant Bible verses, just to hear themselves say them, but when people say over and over that what I say is not in the Bible, yet don't provide any references to show where the Bible says otherwise...

Seems like you all are set in your ways, and unwilling to listen. Reminds me of the time my father quoted some verses from the Old Testament to his mother, and she tore out the whole Old Testament from her Bible. If you don't want to hear, you won't hear.

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Re: World Peace

Post by Murray »

Matthew 1:1

Matthew 1:2

Matthew 1:3

Matthew 1:4

Matthew 1:5

Matthew 1:6

Revelation 1:2

Revelation 1:3

Revelation 1:4

Revelation 1:5

Genesis 1:4

Genesis 1:5

Genesis 1:6
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Re: World Peace

Post by Murray »

posting bible verses that have nothing to do with human created world peace does not make me right eh?
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Re: World Peace

Post by Murray »

My whole point is humans are not capable of world peace as long as sin exists. There will always be greed, lust, ect...

This world is imperfect and will never be perfect until the new world comes.
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Re: World Peace

Post by DannyM »

Ant wrote:No hatred?
Did I say there are no instances of hatred? I asked for specific examples of this widespread hatred you are speaking of.
And that's the level of response!
My "agenda" is to bring about World Peace, according to God's plan.
:lol: Please remember us when you accept the Nobel Prize so that we can all bask in your glory.
Seems like you all are set in your ways,

And you are clearly no less set in your ways.
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Re: World Peace

Post by Murray »

Nothing wrong with working for world peace, just know that as long as human sin exist __ ___ ____ ______ (Fill in the blanks)
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Re: World Peace

Post by B. W. »


A true Christian will not place their hope in man, nor the state, nor Marxism, nor socialism, nor communism. We seek to save the lost from the wrath of God.

Your denial of Jesus words proves that you are not a Christian: Communist yes – Christian NO.

The evil of Communism is found in its exploitation of the poor to solidify absolute control over the poor by threatening them that if they do not support communism, the poor’s mere bare subsistence level that the State so graciously grants them will be taken away. Socialism always needs enemies and scapegoats to stay in power.

They kill without remorse, collapses entire economies, create famine, lie, steal, use the politics of person destruction, blackmail in order to achieve god like power to mold the world to their will and their will is to rule the world by means of crony monopolized capitalism called communism. Everybody must purchase goods from their approved company stores.

The goal of communist since the early 1920s was world domination and their enemy was the USA after WW II. Instead of bombs to destroy Americas Industry – collapse the system from within. Make laws and regulations that destroy business and the industrial might if the USA. Infiltrate political systems and inject Marxist didactical thought in schools and Government.

When America is weak, make sure it is indebted to Communist Countries so that in the future foreign powers can come over to this country, walk in without a fight, and take our resources and people for enslavement. Why? All for social justice! Pay back to the evil good Americans so soft and decadent for their exploitation of the world -- PAYBACK YEEHAA!

Again, the thief comes to kill rob and destroy. America is not the problem - human sin nature is and marxism, socialism, communism cannot solve it for no matter how noble it sounds a tyrant will emerge proving sin is real and human utopia is slavery of the most dire kind.

You presuppose that Christians do not feed the poor or do anything. You are closed minded to facts and your doctrine is built upon the love of hate – you love to hate the rich, you love to hate Christians. Your love is defined by how much you hate to acknowledge the truth.

You made reference that Jesus would support communism yet the bible does not teach this as I stated before:

Karl Marx and Communism as well as progressivism teaches that it is the State one must give too in order for the state to give to the Poor.

Jesus Christ did not teach this nor does the bible. The bible and Christ taught that it was for individuals to give to other individuals and also to the Assembly of Believers as well so the needs can be discerned and goods distributed thru discerned need (Don’t work, don’t eat 2 Th 3:10)


The Maximum of Communist, neo Marxism, and progressive socialism is to make your opponent live to their own standards in order to overthrow them – exhaust them. However Leftist do not live up to their own standards because the ends justify the means and the ends is POWER and CONTROL – or else we’ll make your life miserable to convert or kill you.

In Fact, Jesus confronted one of the first Progressive leftist in the bible: and Luke 18:18 contains the discourse:

"Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.

And he said, "All these things I have kept from my youth." So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.
" NKJV Luke 18:18, 19, 21, 22, 23c

This person was one – a ruler and very rich.

When the bible speaks of bad rich people exploiting the poor – it is referring to the Rulers who are rich a powerful – not all the wealthy but a certain type of person who is politically connected and very wealthy who uses the backs of the poor to stay in power. In other words, progressives like you, Ant, are being exploited to keep the politically powerful rich in power. They care nothing for you, you’re a pawn, a tool, a dupe to them.

Hard fact, in the USA the 1960-current trend for LBJ’s Great Society welfare programs have not ease black or minority poverty very much - Only 2 percent after how many years?

What it did was gained a voting block of people that could be easily frighten with scare tactics that their political opposition wants to take the measly benefits they receive away, every voting year, decade after decade, so they rich rulers remain in power. That is exploitation and the main goal of social justice for the progressives – POWER and EXPLOITATION of the very poor in the most-vile manner.

So Ant – as Jesus said to the rich and powerful ruler, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” He is referring to the politically powerful rich – not all people who have wealth.

Jesus did not teach – steal, rob, and destroy but the progressive left sure does.

What this shows, is that there is a true thing as a sin nature and is why progressivism will always fail. Why there is wars, crime, bitterness, broken homes, addictions.

Ant or Tony please take the time to read Matthew chapters 26 beginning in verse 47 all thru chapters 27 and 28 and ask yourself – have you not put Christ of the cross mocked him, spat on him, put him on trial, like to beat him, scorn him, demand of him to act for you a certain way? That is our sin nature, Tony. You exposed yours here amply.

Again Christ died exposing this about ourselves - how we hate those that are good, how we covet another's wealth to take it from them, how we justify stealing, how we so willingly will put to death those that are good to justify the rightness of a cause.

You need Christ, Tony, the real Christ Jesus, not one in the image and likness of your cause...
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Re: World Peace

Post by Silvertusk »

:amen: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: World Peace

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Just for curiosity, I added up the number of posts of each person, and the number of Bible references from each person. The number of posts is first, followed by the number of Bible references.
me 8 11
Silvertusk 4 0
MarcusOfLycia 2 0
Murray 1 0
Gman 1 0
Katabole 3 2
Reactionary 1 0
B. W. 2 7
neo-x 3 0
Danieltwotwenty 6 1

'Course, I don't like it when people fling out a whole lot of irrelevant Bible verses, just to hear themselves say them, but when people say over and over that what I say is not in the Bible, yet don't provide any references to show where the Bible says otherwise...

Seems like you all are set in your ways, and unwilling to listen. Reminds me of the time my father quoted some verses from the Old Testament to his mother, and she tore out the whole Old Testament from her Bible. If you don't want to hear, you won't hear.


I notice here you put yourself first even though B W has the highest ratio very curious indeed!!

Also a point of contention i have a bible verse on everyone one of my posts in my signature :mrgreen: so my ratio is higher than yours :pound:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: World Peace

Post by Grizz_1 »

There will be world peace when the Power of Love overcomes the love of power.IMHO Its that simple. And since God is Love and Jesus is God then when he returns there will be Peace.
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Re: World Peace

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Grizz_1 wrote:There will be world peace when the Power of Love overcomes the love of power.IMHO Its that simple. And since God is Love and Jesus is God then when he returns there will be Peace.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :amen: Brother!
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: World Peace

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Here is a link to all the Bible veres where it talks about Jesus being God , i just have one question Tony/Ant do you believe that Jesus was apart of the holy trinity that is God?

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: World Peace

Post by neo-x »

You seriously need to understand scriptures and get rid of any delusions. :shakehead:
If one person is wrong, that means another person is wrong? Nice logic there.
Yes, if both are claiming the same thing, which is not authentic, then yes, both are wrong.
The Bible can be interpreted in any way you like. People do so all the time.
What a pathetic excuse to extract meaning to your fantasies. People do it all the time and most of the time, they are wrong. The scriptures are not open to whims of any of us. It has a concrete meaning and purpose, and it will be carried out, regardless of interpretation.
What I'm saying about John Lennon, is giving an example of the same view from non-Biblical standpoint
You are trying to justify biblical prophesies based on John Lennon songs, WTH
I don't study the Bible to find excuses for what I do.
You already have.
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the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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Re: World Peace

Post by B. W. »

Wondering if Ant is attending one of those marxist protest last couple of days...
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