Archaeological Proof of Exodus

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Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by Mariolee »

I've recently read that a university professor of theology claimed that there was actually no evidence for the Exodus. Their source was "The Bible Unearthed". I'm way too tired right now to do any research at the moment, but if there's any recommended reading out there for this topic.
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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Can't think of any immediately.

It does come to mind however to remind that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by Gman »

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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by Telstra Robs » (there are external sources at the bottom of the page).

An eruption at Santorini or Thera was so large that the island was blown apart. It destroyed the Minoan civilisation directly on Thera and indirectly at Crete by weakening it with a massive tidal wave. Huge amounts of ash come out of volcanoes, and this ash could have been the plague of darkness. The eruption was dated with carbon dating to 1628 BC. This is not only around the time the plagues happened, but also 45 years before the dated destruction of the city of Jericho. The destruction of Jericho would have taken place about 45 or so years after the exodus from Egypt.
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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by jlay »

You've heard, location, location, location. In this case it is actually, chronology and location. you can't find evidence for something if you are looking in the wrong place and wrong time. Historians who say there is no evidence oddly still maintain traditional locations and times. Yep, that makes sense. Discoveries have produced valid reasons to abandon the traditional time and location of the Exodus.

One thing we do have evidence of is Egyptians erasing and rewriting their own history. This was evidenced in a TV documentary unrelated to anything to do with Israel. But, in fact, hieroglyphs were removed and altered where a leader was despised or something unfavorable had been recorded to make Egypt look bad. There would be very little evidence of an enslaved people. When Joseph was 2nd in power in Egypt, Israel was not a nation, but a family. And many years later, there would be little reason for Egypt to consider anything significant about an enslaved Semitic race.
This site in Midian very well fits the actual description of Sinai. Unfortunately it is in Saudi Arabia, is fenced in, and off-limits. Why would the Saudis fence off a mountain in the middle of nowhere? This mtn actually still has the remains of a alter.
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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by Byblos »

If you get a chance, get the documentary The Exodus Decoded. While I don't fully agree with some of its assumptions and conclusions, it is an incredibly rich documentary that lays out the Exodus in a historical and archeological manner like I have never seen before.
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Re: Archaeological Proof of Exodus

Post by ROBE »

I remember reading two books by a controversial historian who claimed Egytian chronology had been miscalculated by a couple of hundred years and this combined with the wrong Pharoah being identified with the looting of Jerusalem, had resulted in historians missing evidence of the Isrealites because they kept looking in the wrong time periods.
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