Have you thought of starting a bible/study prayer group?Reactionary wrote:I agree, although the situation in the Western Europe seems more grave to me, having read other people's impressions. However, I'm afraid a similar destiny only awaits us in the future.B. W. wrote:Croatia sounds bleak and you all need prayer and support over there.
Hmmm... I guess it depends on the community. There seems to be some interest - the recent visit by the Pope attracted at least a hundred thousand mostly young people. Bible study groups are something that I first heard of here - Catholic communities (which make a vast majority), unfortunately, often rely too much on the RCC's teachings instead of the Scripture. Furthermore, most of them uncritically accept Darwinian evolution. Alternatively, non-Catholic churches are hard to find. Regardless, there are good communities, it's just that such are harder to find if you live in a bigger town.B. W. wrote:How easy is it to get a bible/prayer study group going in Croatia?