What are we supposed to do?

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What are we supposed to do?

Post by Short1 »

I've been trying my best to figure out my faith. I've been figuring out the questions I have about the Word, my career, and what I think Christianity really means.

But I'm so confused. I'm convinced I will never find answers to anything.. What does the Holy Spirit feel like? Is it this, or that? Why are there psycho churches and Benny Hinn people and ALL THIS STUFF?

No wonder atheists think we're stupid. Christianity looks like nothing because there's so much division and IDIOTS .... where is Christianity? This better all be for the last days and God better come down and give us a smackdown because I'm sick of it. I'm sick of trying to find faith. All I can think of doing is sitting in a closet with my Bible and reading it. That's about the only thing I like to do when it comes to faith. Everything else is messed up in the world. I don't see how I can make a difference when if I tell someone about God, I'm just introducing them to this hellhole of confusion that comes from trying to find my faith.

What am I supposed to do? Where do I find God and His real church and why should I introduce people to God even though I'm just as confused in the faith as outside of it?
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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Short1 wrote:What does the Holy Spirit feel like? Is it this, or that?
Pray about it. Ask and you'll receive, knock and the door will be opened.
Short1 wrote:Why are there psycho churches and Benny Hinn people and ALL THIS STUFF?
Because we are sinners living in a sinful world that hates truth.
Short1 wrote:No wonder atheists think we're stupid. Christianity looks like nothing because there's so much division and IDIOTS .... where is Christianity
The majority of atheists are just as nonsensical as anybody else. Go to any atheist forum and see for yourself. (This includes forums such as Big Think.) Smart people who think things through are rare. This forum has more thinking people than any other I've been to.
Short1 wrote:I don't see how I can make a difference when if I tell someone about God, I'm just introducing them to this hellhole of confusion that comes from trying to find my faith.
It is not up to you to make a difference. Let it go.
Short1 wrote:What am I supposed to do?
Give up. Stop trying so hard. God doesn't need your help.
Short1 wrote:Where do I find God and His real church and why should I introduce people to God even though I'm just as confused in the faith as outside of it?
Find a church/synagogue you're comfortable with - that matches your personality - and stick with it. Read the same few chapters in your Bible over and over until they sink in. Start with Matthew 5-6-7; read those chapters every day for one month. And pray for enlightenment.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

+ + +

If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

I hear you bro,
Change your focus from what is wrong with the church and focus on what is right with Christianity.
Remember Christs peace and love, focus on these and share his peace and love with people.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by zacchaeus »

Short1 wrote:I've been trying my best to figure out my faith. I've been figuring out the questions I have about the Word, my career, and what I think Christianity really means.

But I'm so confused. I'm convinced I will never find answers to anything..
Number of i's = 7, where is GOD?
God isn't the author of confusion yet your confused, faith is simple believe in your heart but your still trying to figure that out... you've been figuring out questions you have about the WORD, which God is the most qualified to answer about Himself. I see your delima and I feel your frustration; I've been there. However God covers you with His LOVE.

Who cares what atheists think and if they think were stupid; better question, do you think were stupid? If so, do you think your self as stupid? GOD loves you and we aren't to care what others think; we shouldn't be ashamed of the Gospel. I know a bunch who aren't... martyrs!!!

...as far as what the Holy Spirit feels like; you will know!!! You just will know... trust me. We are even told to test ourselves to see if were in the faith or not. I've been having to do this myself. I've actually been studying a unique topic that goes against everything I've been taught and set under for the last two years. I'm learning that we have to allow/yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work. If your questioning your own faith then you should be questioning if its real faith; a saving faith. I think your questions may be better asked different ways and to someone other than people; ask GOD. Yield to Him and His Spirit and allow them to work peace in understanding and questions that seem to cast a slight hint of doubt. People are people and they will fail you every time... one bad apple don't mean their all bad, but don't let people be what others see in you... don't give them or satan opportunity. Allow them to see GOD in you for you may be the only GOD some people see. Don't let the mass change you, change the mass. Pray to GOD seek Him earnestly with a humble and contrite heart... He will lead the way. If you trust in God, that His Son died for you; your saved and have the Holy Spirit. If your saved that is all that truly matters. The rest will fall in place. All I want to know is Him and Him crucified, what others think or do is irrelevant... for we know its appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement. All will give an account of themselves not for each other. Peace, joy, and LOVE to you brother...
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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by Gman »

Short1 wrote:I've been trying my best to figure out my faith. I've been figuring out the questions I have about the Word, my career, and what I think Christianity really means.

But I'm so confused. I'm convinced I will never find answers to anything.. What does the Holy Spirit feel like? Is it this, or that? Why are there psycho churches and Benny Hinn people and ALL THIS STUFF?

No wonder atheists think we're stupid. Christianity looks like nothing because there's so much division and IDIOTS .... where is Christianity? This better all be for the last days and God better come down and give us a smackdown because I'm sick of it. I'm sick of trying to find faith. All I can think of doing is sitting in a closet with my Bible and reading it. That's about the only thing I like to do when it comes to faith. Everything else is messed up in the world. I don't see how I can make a difference when if I tell someone about God, I'm just introducing them to this hellhole of confusion that comes from trying to find my faith.

What am I supposed to do? Where do I find God and His real church and why should I introduce people to God even though I'm just as confused in the faith as outside of it?
A very good question Short... Yes, there is much more to this than chasing plastic Christmas trees all your life.

I can't give you a direct answer but perhaps you are looking for deeper truths here... I believe you will find a stronger answer when you understand the hebrew roots of Christianity. Jesus (or His hebrew name Yeshua) was a JEW! Therefore once you understand the deeper truths of Torah you will understand more about G-d and ultimately what your G-d given role is.. The construction of the tree of Biblical Zion.

Does that make any sense? G-d DOES need your help...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by Zionist »

it's hard to be a believer in God and to walk by faith. walking by faith is the hardest thing for us to do in the flesh but you know what God knows this and thats why he looks at the heart short. from your words i can tell you want to seek god and know him more intimately heck we all do short even the more experienced chrisitian will tell you this. always remember when peter tried to walk on the water to reach Jesus. it perfectly shows us a very important lesson that no matter how strong our faith is we will always fall short but that through our faith in Christ as lord in savior and our love for God He'll pull us through like he did peter. As for the Holy spirit im sure you felt at times a feeling of comfort and peace that lets you know that everything will be alright or a feeling of warmth and love that makes you forget your worries that my friend is the spirit. not like those wackos in word faith movements try to make it seem. dont be hard on yourself about finding a church just stick to prayer and remember that the body of christ is the church and whenever one or more are gathered in his name He's there: in fact, i dont attended church atm but i have fellowship with a couple of spiritual brothers in the faith at work and with my wife at home and thats what church is about. my suggestion is to keep in prayer and stay focused in His word and i promise you He'll show you the answers to your questions.
Our rightousness is of filthy rags and in the eyes of God all have gone astray and nobody is justified under the Law. We are saved by the Grace of God through our faith in Him and in Him who he has sent Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way.
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Re: What are we supposed to do?

Post by jestes »


I may be way off base here, but I'll answer your question to the best that I can, drawing on how I've felt in the past. It sounds to me that you may be a new believer, or at least one who is now taking his faith more seriously. Either one is wonderful. In fact, each and every one of us falls into the second category more times than we can count. I definitely do.

Not that long ago, I felt a lot like you seem to now. I had gotten serious about my faith after nearly loosing it, but my doubts shifted after it came back. After my faith in God was restored, I was pretty confident that He existed, but I had nearly none that I would spend eternity in heaven. I read a few Bible verses that quite frankly, scared me beyond what my keyboard can describe. My spiritual understanding before that was so infantile that I had severely misinterpreted some Bible passages and thought that I was going to hell. Anyone who has had a panic attack severe enough to cause tremors will empathize with me. I thought that I had this incredibly high standard to live up to in order for Jesus to let me into heaven. I was afraid that if I did X too many times, or didn't do Y enough, game over.

That feeling changed though, after much prayer and some more reading. It finally "clicked" for me one night: Faith IS a relationship, and I WILL mess this up. However, because the work, requirements, and guarantee of salvation have already been done, met, and given by Christ, I AM going to heaven, period. My fate is not dependent on my own performance, but rather on the love that Christ has for me.

Although not verbatim, the above is pretty close to what I was asking in my prayer when it "clicked." Having realized that, I still had a lot of questions. How do I witness? How much do I witness? How am I supposed to act? What happens if I don't do this, or if I do that? What if I'm wrong about something? Will Christ be so angry with me I wish I could have never existed? I've had to remind myself of that night time and time again. The farther along I've come though, the less frequently I've needed the reminder. :)

I've also realized some other things. Christ doesn't just expect us to do nothing with our salvation. Why would He show enough love to save somebody and then not teach them how to live His way? Living his way simply means to show love, but Finding places to show it takes practice. Remember that the whole law hinges on love for another and love for God. He also seems to be very big on living by example as opposed to preaching. Preaching has it's place, but having my life "shine" is the best way to get someone to notice.

I compare the life of a Christian to a college degree, only with the order reversed. Christ gives us a diploma first, promising we have now "graduated" from the world. After getting our diploma, we begin studying the world, learning right from wrong. The nice thing is, we don't have to worry about failing a class. There is no pass or fail anymore. It's only a race against ourselves to see how far we can go.

I know that I've often times been harder on myself than I need to be. I'm not saying I should be apathetic or anything, but I think that a lot of this stems from the fact that I cannot wrap my head around the level of love that Christ has for me. I have often times been guilty of thinking that He's going to be livid with me for doing something, making a mistake, or not doing something. I have since come to realize that His love is far bigger than anything I can throw against it. Picture your newlywed wife burning your favorite Thanksgiving dinner because she wasn't paying attention. She starts crying thinking you're going to get upset. You just laugh and give her a big kiss just to see her smile again.

I don't know if my reply fits the way you asked your question, but I saw some similarities in your post with my own life, so that's where I wrote from. Another poster above wrote that God doesn't need you, and I agree for the most part. I would like to say though that God doesn't 'need' us, but He does want us. My parting piece of advice would be to pray, and be patient. God has more patience than you and I.
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