God Particle? Any ideas?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: God Particle? Any ideas?

Post by Philip »

StMonicaGuideMe said: "And as for Hitchens, well, he's dead now. So, he knows."
Yes, Hitchens knows NOW - but, while still alive, he obviously suppressed and rebuffed the truth that God had already offered Him, so instead of yearning and seeking more, he chose to stay mired in his unbelief. I'm thinking that Jesus standing in front of him doing miracles wouldn't have been enough - lots of people in the New Testament saw Jesus do miracles, and yet remained unrepentant.

Related to the above, I find the parable of "Abraham's Bosom" to be quite interesting. So often, we tend to think that if we had just the right apologetic information or some exceptional evidence to give someone, that it would spur them to believe in Jesus. But Scripture refutes that - certainly for anyone who has access to Scripture.

(Father Abraham, in Luke 16) "He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’” What this tells us is, that for those determined to hold tightly to unbelief, no evidence, no matter how powerful, will be enough to make them believe.

This is why so many brilliant scientists can observe the unfathomable design built into the universe, its countless extraordinary systems and components fitting together in mind-boggling precision and harmony, of such awesome design, to make life possible - and yet, they can attribute it all to pure, blind chance. A universe with God's fingerprints all over it, but they can't see His hands? How sad. But they COULD see His hands if they wanted to - they just don't WANT to!
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Re: God Particle? Any ideas?

Post by KenV »

Philip wrote:And notice how atheists and agnostics, of all of the world's faiths they could choose to attempt to debunk, do they most often focus on, say, the Pantheistic faiths? Muslims? Hindus? Etc? NO, the focus is almost always Christianity they try to shoot down. Ever notice when unbelievers talk derisively about Christianity and the Bible, and most particularly when they speak of the Christian God, they talk with apparent anger, sarcasm, haughtiness, and barely concealed hate. In fact, especially when showing their anger, you can frequently get the impression atheists are talking about God AS IF He is a real, living Being. Wonder why that might be? Hmmm? y:-? Otherwise, why the anger? Does Zeus tick them off that bad? Name another god that does. No, typically, atheist and agnostic anger is specifically reserved for our Christian God.
Alright but that's because you live in a Christian country lol. It's silly to assume that atheist would argue all religions equally when the majority of people they'd ever argue with are Christians. I'm sure atheist in India have a lot more to say about Hinduism and Islam than Christianity. It's not a crazy coincidence, that's just practical.

And anger is perceived on both sides, that's just the nature of debate when both sides disagree so fundamentally.
Philip wrote:
Hmm, well, it's doesn't need to be divinely inspired and its only random if you think that our current form is perfect.
Well, the perceived imperfections are merely God's design for His plan's for humans in this time and place. NONE of what we see now was designed or meant to have anything but a limited earthly shelf life - but all things created by God DO have a purpose. As is so typical of atheists, they focus on the "whys" and supposed design flaws in THIS life. But things are designed exactly as God desired them to be, as to where things will be winding down, difficulties and challenges will exist, extinctions are inevitable. But here's the deal, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THIS LIFE, which is finite. God's plan is to bring as many people into eternal fellowship with Him, perfection and bliss, AFTER THIS life is over. Nothing here was ever designed to last or be perfect. This is not our home!
So he fused chromosomes (in chromosome 2) specifically so when Scientist were researching they'd run into this and have an extremely convenient link for evolution? The only explanation I can think of, assuming God existed, is that he is intentionally testing the faith of scientist by showing them evidence that would lead them astray. Which sounds kind of vindictive.

And why make a nerve 10 times longer than it needs to be? What could possibly be the purpose? That's not an imperfection that does anything specific, it's just sloppy work if its from a Creator. Again, all I can think of is more testing of the faith type situation. To give speculative evidence to make skeptics more skeptical. And he had to have chosen to make all these quirks or what ever you'd like to call them. So why?
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Re: God Particle? Any ideas?

Post by Philip »

Good article for a Christian perspective on chromosome fusion: http://www.reasons.org/chromosome-2-bes ... -evolution

Lots of powerful scientific evidences for God and the Bible in that same site: www.reasons.org
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