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Post by Anonymous »

Why do you say that the odds of this universe being made through design put you off from believing such?

Do you know according to the same physics that an infinite amount of universes are being made at an infinitely small amount of time?

There then must be an infinite amount of universes just like this one, so why cant this universe be made by accident?

Post by Anonymous »

Ignore the last message. Here makes more sense:

Why do you say that the odds of this universe being made through accident put you off from believing such?

Do you know according to the same physics that an infinite amount of universes are being made at an infinitely small amount of time?

There then must be an infinite amount of universes just like this one, so why cant this universe be made by accident?
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Do you know according to the same physics that an infinite amount of universes are being made at an infinitely small amount of time?
That's your leap of faith. I think the gap's too large... :( And I think the chances just don't exist. Order from chaos, life from non-life, non-matter from matter (information), personality from non-personality....
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

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An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Essedarius wrote:Do you know according to the same physics that an infinite amount of universes are being made at an infinitely small amount of time?
Those who believe in such a theory have no real scientific evidence for believing such, except out of faith and dedication to a non-Theistic philosophy.

Additionally, this is prone to an infinite regression fallacy since the world which spawns an infinite supply of worlds must be constantly changing to be able to spawn worlds. As it is constantly changing, it is temporal, and so falls under an infinite regress of causality. Therefore if there is a universe continually spawning new universes, than such a universe must have a beginning anyway. For:

2.1 Argument based on the impossibility of an actual infinite:
2.11 An actual infinite cannot exist.
2.12 An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.
2.13 Therefore, an infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.

2.2 Argument based on the impossibility of the formation of an actual infinite by successive addition:
2.21 A collection formed by successive addition cannot be actually infinite.
2.22 The temporal series of past events (as the theoretical universe that spawn ours would consist of) is a collection formed by successive addition.
2.23 Therefore, the temporal series of past events cannot be actually infinite.

Something else worth noting is that such a universe would technically be "supernatural" since the nature of such a universe is beyond ours, and this renders a main belief of scientists that our universe is a closed system invalid. Therefore in the Atheist's words, it opens up the door to the miraculous happening if a supernatural world could intervene with ours at any moment. ;)

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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