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Post by Gman »

Not only does this guy support a church that is racist against blacks and other ethnic minorities, but this guy also happens to be a High Priest Temple Mormon..

I wonder if America will be dumb enough to support this crazy guy....

Yup, dumb enough.. :doh: ... aul-second
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Re: Romney

Post by Canuckster1127 »

I'm reminded for some reason of the woman who walked into a butcher shop and asked the proprieter if he had any fresh chickens. He presented her with one and she immediately began to inspect the bird, first by sticking her nose close, lifting a wing and taking a deep smell which resulted in a scowl of shock then she opened the chickens beak and inhaled followed by a snort of discuss. Finally she turned the chicken around, and buried her schnoz right in the hind end and practically flung the bird at the meat cutter and said, "You have the nerve to call that Chicken fresh?"

The butcher paused, looked at her and quietly said, "Tell me Madame. You could pass such a test?"

I'd be careful touting the sins of the Mormon church too loudly with regard to racism, even though I personally don't espouse Mormonism. The track record of many Christian churches in that regard is hardly steller.

I'd rather have a competent Mormon whom I disagree with religiously in a position of secular power than an incompetent Christian who believes everything that I do.

Just a thought ....

y*-:) :shock: :eugeek:
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Re: Romney

Post by Gman »

I know what you mean Bart.. But I simply can't understand how any sane person would ever be attracted to the doctrines of Mormonism... I mean, it's really really out in left field here.. Wow.

And I use to think I was going nuts.... 8-}2
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Romney

Post by Philip »

OK, so Romney is so intellectually daft or ignores the fact that none of the places named in the book of Mormon have ever been archaeologically validated; Believes Mormon teachings that god the father has flesh and bones and that he used to be a man on another planet, and that he is merely one god of many; That god had spirit children, of which Jesus and Satan are brothers; That salvation is obtained by obeying the laws and ordinances of the Mormon church; That he and any human can become a god someday. Scary beliefs. OK, so ALL of these things really bother me. As, clearly, if Romney believes his church, he's already been greatly deceived and is ripe to be used (perhaps unwittingly) to lead America down a wrong path.

All the above said, every year, I board jets, likely with many wonderful Christians on board, some of whom might even be fine pilots of smaller aircraft, but few of whom are likely to be qualified to fly a large jet. And yet, my FIRST criteria for a pilot is that I want a guy who is trained to fly a big jet. And if that qualified pilot also happens to be a Christian, fantastic. But if not, well, I'd rather have a unbeliever at the helm of a 747 than a well-meaning Christian who might not know a rudder from a flap. Similarly, I often drive across huge bridges, many that were likely designed and built by unbelievers, but nonetheless were also qualified engineers. I'd PREFER to fly on jets and cross bridges built by the best trained CHRISTIAN professionals, but often I have no choice in the matter.

And, certainly, if I see a pilot or engineer known for a catastrophic track record (Christian or not), and I have a choice, I'm definitely going to go with the fellow I perceive to be more qualified (Christian or not). I'd like to find BOTH faith and professional competence in all professionals I hire or whose expertise I must patronize. But in the real world such a choice is often unavailable. Sometimes God doesn't give us perfect horses to choose from or to ride, and thus we must do our best to (prayerfully) select the best from the ones He makes available. And I do know that God used a lot of unbelievers to accomplish his will throughout Scripture.
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Re: Romney

Post by Gman »

Philip wrote: And I do know that God used a lot of unbelievers to accomplish his will throughout Scripture.
I think this guy as a high priest probably doesn't only want to accomplish his will, but would rather BECOME his will as a god also.. With his own temple too if you know what I mean. y:O2
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Romney

Post by Philip »

I think this guy as a high priest probably doesn't only want to accomplish his will, but would rather BECOME his will as a god also.. With his own temple too if you know what I mean. y:O2
Gman, I hate the thought of the what-ifs of Romney. But I could also say this about the others. There are some really good fellows that I wish would have run, but the parties' kingmakers so closely control the process that it's truly difficult for an outsider without name recognition and mounds of cash to come in and challenge the good ole boys. By the time guys have any national name recognition, they owe so many power brokers that its tough to be truly independent in thought and deed. They're virtually paid for by that point!

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Re: Romney

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

I wonder if America will be dump enough to support this crazy guy....

Yup, dumb enough..
Nope i think you said it best the first time " dump enough " :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound:
I don't know about you Americans but dump has a plural meaning in Aussie land.

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Re: Romney

Post by RickD »

I think Romney will be our next president. If he gets the nomination, there are too many people who would vote for whoever is not Obama.
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Re: Romney

Post by Philip »

I think Romney will be our next president. If he gets the nomination, there are too many people who would vote for whoever is not Obama.
Scary thing is, if the economy improves just a bit, and if a third party candidate emerges (say, like Ron Paul - scary as HE is), then you may well have the perfect storm for Obama II.

Of course, ultimately, it is God that instills leaders in office, as to His divine and eternal purposes. And I believe often that His installations of office holders are chosen by Him so as to reflect the hearts and attitudes of a nation's population as a whole - He often gives us what we want and who most collectively want (whether good or bad). If our collective hearts, minds and actions are a reflection of GOD'S values, I believe He gives us leaders that mirror that - and vice versa.
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Re: Romney

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
Of course, ultimately, it is God that instills leaders in office, as to His divine and eternal purposes
Kinda like it's predestined, eh? :mrgreen:

Scary thing is, if the economy improves just a bit, and if a third party candidate emerges (say, like Ron Paul - scary as HE is), then you may well have the perfect storm for Obama II.
I can see that, as well. The anti-Obama votes are split between Paul and Romney, for example. Then that would leave President Obama, with possibly the majority of votes.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Romney

Post by RickD »

My problem with Romney, stems from when I lived in Massachusetts, and he was governor. He told the people that he wouldn't raise taxes. Well, he just added fees to stuff instead. That's quite disingenuous, IMO. And besides that, he had a state health care plan that's similar to Obamacare.
Honestly, his Mormon faith wouldn't keep me from voting for him. I think a candidate who calls himself a Christian, holding to beliefs that practically mirror my own, but wanting to make a form of Christianity a "law of the land", is much more disturbing to me.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Romney

Post by Philip »

Kinda like it's predestined, eh? :mrgreen:
Well, Rick, let's not go there, not today (at the moment, a bit depleted of emotional/intellectual energy for that one) haha. However, Scripture clearly teaches God installs leaders and gives them authority. And, obviously, God hasn't always voted as I would have. And He still apparently HATES the Cubs, LOL.
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Re: Romney

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
Kinda like it's predestined, eh? :mrgreen:
Well, Rick, let's not go there, not today (at the moment, a bit depleted of emotional/intellectual energy for that one) haha. However, Scripture clearly teaches God installs leaders and gives them authority. And, obviously, God hasn't always voted as I would have. And He still apparently HATES the Cubs, LOL.
I agree, Philip. Especially the part about the Cubs ;) . I'm a long time Red Sox fan, so I can certainly understand the way Cubs fans feel. The Cubs are certainly getting a great, devoted GM. He may just help the Cubbies get over the hump.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Romney

Post by Philip »

Rick, even though I'm a Southern boy, I spend a lot of time in MA, RI and CT. My wife it from CT and my SIL lives in Springfield, MA. Interestingly, I see conservative values erupting up there, guessing as a long-overdue backlash to many years of liberal social views and heavy taxation. The older Catholics up there are really awakening politically - they now realize what liberalism is taking from them and their country. But I get upset and concerned when I see mere pragmatic and only fiscal conservatism - without a heart for people truly in need. Being socially conservative also should have a heart for helping people, albeit in the right ways to truly help, and to not build even more dependencies. I lot of fiscal conservatives despise minorities and think the ills of most poor people are all self-induced. Many are self-induced, but certainly not all. And true conservative leadership is finding a way to help people help themselves, where they can, and more so where they cannot.
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Re: Romney

Post by wrain62 »

Ron Paul is the candidate that best represents Christia views. Why is he so scary?
Romans 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
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