I agree. Bodybuilders, at the highest level,aren't much different than anorexics.Body building is a sport littered with corruption. People who are obsessed, not with fitness, but a twisted self-image.
Jlay, maybe Arnold kissed his cross?steriod abuser by admission. Wreckless sexual deviant most of his life. Adulterer. And, I've never known of any genuine Christian testimony from this man. Where did you get your info?
Murray, many of the major bodybuilding competitions don't have any drug testing. If they did, they would have no competitors.And perhaps you do not realize that professional bodybuilders that compete take drug tests?
Ha ha Murray, Arnold is clean. He's never taken steroids. It was probably just vitamins. And, while we're at it, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and Roger Clemens are drug free too.I've never heard of Arnold taking steriods, I've read a ton about him and never I have ever heard anything about steroids,
Powerlifters, and bodybuilders who take illegal drugs, are able to work harder, and recuperate faster than non drug users. The drug users earn their accomplishments too.Sterioders are cheater IMO, who deserve no respect, and most powerlifters who earn their accomplishments think the same way.