Feeling down

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Feeling down

Post by mum1983 »

Do you ever have those days when you think Christianity is the best of a bad bunch (ie religions) and it all seems so convoluted, mixed with unnecessary suffering? God sure didn't seem like the God of Love at today's sermon when he allowed Moses and his followers to murder the people after the golden calf incident. Do you sometimes feel that the answers we are given (at the end of the day it doesn't matter what we think because God is God and is therefore above questioning and it's all done for our ultimate good OR this life is just a blink of an eye compared to eternity in Heaven) "just don't cut it" with you? Do you feel like pawns in a game between God and satan. I'll be honest, that's all life feels like sometimes.

I thank God daily for all he has given me. I go to church and I consider myself a good Christian. Why don't I feel uplifted when I attend church? I'll go a few weeks feeling positive and good and then I'll feel down again. Why do we constantly need top ups from God? Why does the good feeling never last?

I've been feeling worn down lately. I guess I'm looking for some uplifting answers to put things in a perspective I hadn't thought of before...
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Re: Feeling down

Post by domokunrox »

I am not sure where I should address it.

Is the problem of evil the main point? Are you talking about people who do evil? Or "natural" evil?
Or is the problem the "monstrous" God of the old testament?

I hear you and relate to you with the emotional problem. We all get depressed or worn down without the day in and day out of life.

What helps me personally is I remind myself that this world is not our home, and realistically what we feel is like being homesick. We are going to feel this way, and that's why prayer is important. Its calling home and mom or dad answers the phone and you lay out all your problems there. You feel better about it.

(NASB)Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. [29] "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. [30] "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
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Re: Feeling down

Post by mum1983 »

Hi Dom,
Yes I guess my problem is with the God of the Old Testament. They say he never changes. Jesus saves us from his wrath, because he forgives our sins though him--so maybe my problem is unjustified?

I see some people in church singing their hearts out, clapping and shouting "Thank you Jesus, yesss Jesus!" Why don't I feel the same level of excitement that they do?
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Re: Feeling down

Post by domokunrox »

I would hardly say that the people in the old testament didn't deserve their punishment. You have to remember that God doesn't condemn us. We condemn ourselves by engaging in truly evil acts. The Canaanites were truly THAT BAD. God sent his warnings before punishment.

God has always been righteous and just. Its never changed. Can I suggest a book?
Paul Copan's "Is God a moral monster?"

As far as why you don't feel the same level of excitement as some other people.
I have to ask, maybe its possible that you haven't really felt Jesus in your life? I mean, where are you at in your life?
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Re: Feeling down

Post by mum1983 »

Re: Feeling Jesus in my life...it's a hard one. On one hand I have four beautiful children and I do look on them as a gift from God. I'm a stay at home mother and I'm tired and worn out a lot. I just don't have that passion that other people have, for Jesus. I believe and I daily pray for more stregnth and for Jesus to rejuvinate me and fill me with his spirit.

Last week some people told me about an incident that happened at our church long before I started attending. Apparently the church was randomly filled with the Holy Spirit and people started laughing uncontrollably and some were rolling in the aisles making animal noises. Seriously. I wish that would happen again!! I want to be a part of this passion and excitement.
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Re: Feeling down

Post by RickD »

Why don't I feel uplifted when I attend church?
Last week some people told me about an incident that happened at our church long before I started attending. Apparently the church was randomly filled with the Holy Spirit and people started laughing uncontrollably and some were rolling in the aisles making animal noises.
"Holy Laughter", and people flopping around in the aisles, and making animal noises, is NOT from the Holy Spirit. At best, it is human emotions, taking over. At worst, it is something much more sinister. I ask that you seek God's guidance on this issue. Ask Him for discernment. He will show you why you don't feel uplifted spiritually, at that church. I know you are seeking a closer walk with God. We all are. Be open to hear what God will reveal to you.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Feeling down

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Mum, if I could suggest too a book that has made a real difference in my life and helping to understand some things that even as a pastor (which I was in the past) I didn't really understand.


The Book title is "He Loves Me". You can buy a book if you prefer but on that site he also gives away for free a pdf copy of the first edition that he wrote that you can download for free.

Wayne is a friend of mine who went to the same University I did and was in the same program of Biblical Literature with some of the same professors I had. I've gotten acquainted with him over the past few years. He was an editor for a respected Christian Magazine called "Leadership" and he is also one of the men who joined together to publish the book, "The Shack" which I also recommend and which had an impact in my life in opening my eyes to some things that I didn't see earlier in life and my Christian walk.
Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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