My dad life was spared on his birthday

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My dad life was spared on his birthday

Post by DRDS »

Hey guys, I just had one of the biggest shocks of my life involving my dad who at the time was still celebrating his 49th birthday. The motel that my dad works at as a side job/ training job got robbed just a few minutes after he started his late shift. A guy about 5.10 or so wearing a halloween type mask and holding a rifle and pointing it at him! From what my dad said he didn't demand money or didn't say anything to him was pointing the rifle at him and my ducked out of the way and locked himself in a side office and called the cops. Afterwards the attempted robber fled and the cops placed the motel he works at along with all the motels in that area on lockdown.

By far it's one of the closest calls my dad has ever had. He had a few minor close calls back in the late 80s early 90s when he worked as a manager for a couple of resturant/bars. And when he worked as a frozen food delivery salesperson he had a bad accident in his truck after he blacked out. But this is the first time he had ever been held at gunpoint to my knowledge.

But on a even more crucial and more happy note. My dad and I are very close. I talk to him on the phone daily. He's the closest member of my family. When I talk to God each day one of the routine things I ask HIm is to allways keep my family, friends, and any connections safe, and of course, many times I place special emphesis on my dad.

And needless to say this is a great answer to prayer and shows everyone that God still works in people's lives.

When I talked to my dad earlier he was slighly shaken up, but was completely fine! I think there will be some things on the news about this later today and if so I'll post the links.

But anyway, I myself is very shaken for obvious reasons but EXTREMELY grateful that my dad is ok! Thank you God! Thank you God!
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Re: My dad life was spared on his birthday

Post by Silvertusk »

Great testimony DRDS. Thank God your Dad is ok.

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