Hi BW.B. W. wrote:Hi Glen to answer you,Glen wrote:Hi BW.
I am not sure I understand how self righteousness could be applied to a UR position, I believe I am without merit, My positional stance is because of Christ’s obedience, faithfulness, sacrifice and his gracious free gift, Though I still have self righteous residue from being yoked to this corruptible tabernacle, it wouldn't be from thinking I am having any involvement in my salvation, or that I was a lucky spin of the limited selection raffle.
Isn't condescension God stooping down and dealing with man on his level? stepping out of the way and letting those free choices from the slave market of sin, Ephesians 2:2-3 bring about its carnal fruits? What scripture are you thinking about that would show that I am guilty of that?
Grace, Glen.
How self righteousness could be applied to a UR position is that there is a fair amount of self righteous justification for it from its proponents the same as you cited that there exist between any Calvinist or Arminian positional stance.
I do not think it was condescension that God stooped down and dealt with man on man’s very level as it is written in Philippians 2:5-11. UR negates this purpose as there is no purpose for God to do so. The Lord did so for you. He been engaging you choice to accept his salvation as he so stated how it comes John 3:5-10, John 3:11-13, John 3:14-17 now notice the next verses: John 3:18-21, There is a condemnation for those that reject and if a condemnation then UR is untrue in it presuppositional statement about God allowing all in heaven.
UR takes no account of any warnings about where such condemnation leads as Jesus plainly says in Mark 9:43 to avoids at all cost. If this refers to a cleansing torturous bath to be avoid at all cost, then it be a strange love that tortures until one cries uncle and be so bound by fear in heaven that they must love out of terror, God.
What do you know about the Christian gospel message?
You admit to still having self righteousness, wouldn’t that corrupt heaven, if the Lord just let you in, on UR’s terms? (Isaiah 26:10) There is only one way to secure your salvation, and that is through trusting in Christ alone. From that, you become born again (do you understand what this means?) into his kingdom. The Lord then builds a living relationship with you that sanctifies you in the process. You know it. Have you experienced this yet, or maybe you only thought you had, but did you really?
Do you want to become born again? This time, for real? Why take a chance on UR when reality about human nature as it is self evident? God deals justly as it is written in Job 34:11, Isaiah 3:10-11, Romans 2:6, and Galatians 6:7. If one rejects His terms, how He stepped down out of heaven, to become as one of us, knowing first hand our human nature, then die on a cross exposing humanities self righteous sin toward goodness, afterwards providing a way through him (John 14:6) so that people can return to God in a just manner that demonstrates respect for person deciding if they’ll reject or accept his offer. Reject it – then its Isaiah 3:11 NKJV, accept it then Isaiah 3:10 NKJV. Fair is fair and impartial to all.
Well of coarse that kind of superior attitude my leak out with any belief system, we are still all human and if we feel we are right about something then that will be apparent, if I have come across as being over the line that way then I would apologize.
The position I take isn't based on freewill, so any attribute infered to myself concerning my salvation would be misplaced humanism, I would see my position more inline with a boast for Christ than myself.
I would disagree that I have done away with the need for Christ, all I am doing is broading the intent based on Gods will.
Galatians 5:16-17, shows the believer can be influenced by the flesh as long as we are yoked to it, plus the preaching under the law might not be the best place to build a doctrine based on signs and wonders long gone with that born again hope.
But I get your inference about my salvation, and its a sad that you need to go there