Sure why not! However many people had made up dates before as well. 2012 is another Date!twoedgedsword wrote:I have good reason to believe that the end will come in 2007
care to know why?
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the end
sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been out of town.
Im not saying that I'm right I'm really not , but i do believe that we can discern the time that we are in and know more than anyone els in history that the time is near, very near.
I do alot of studying on the subject and know for certain that we will not see 2019 because of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:32-35.
May 14, 1948 was the blooming of the fig tree which was the beginning of the last generation
That being the case in that year the generational measurement standard was and still is 70 years, so if you add seventy years to 1948 you come up with 2018, I personally believe that 2018 is the end of the tribulation so the rapture of the church is actually around 2011. The only problem with that number (to me) is 11 has no meaning in the Bible like 7, 12, 40, and you get the point.
So I say the actual number is 2007 only because of the 7, like I said I don't claim to know the day or the hour but I'm not to sure that we cant know the year, really its just a fun thing for me to play with.
Peace out my brother the twoedged sword.
sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been out of town.
Im not saying that I'm right I'm really not , but i do believe that we can discern the time that we are in and know more than anyone els in history that the time is near, very near.
I do alot of studying on the subject and know for certain that we will not see 2019 because of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:32-35.
May 14, 1948 was the blooming of the fig tree which was the beginning of the last generation
That being the case in that year the generational measurement standard was and still is 70 years, so if you add seventy years to 1948 you come up with 2018, I personally believe that 2018 is the end of the tribulation so the rapture of the church is actually around 2011. The only problem with that number (to me) is 11 has no meaning in the Bible like 7, 12, 40, and you get the point.
So I say the actual number is 2007 only because of the 7, like I said I don't claim to know the day or the hour but I'm not to sure that we cant know the year, really its just a fun thing for me to play with.
Peace out my brother the twoedged sword.
I have heard August 1st 2007, with stuff to back it up,
Theres a lot of info on - it also suggets Vladamir Putin the Russian President, is the Anti-Christ.
And predicts A MAJOR Terrorist Attack around October 30th 2005.
The sources of its predictions include "Astrology, Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations and Bible prophecy and the King James version English Bible code"
Theres a lot of info on - it also suggets Vladamir Putin the Russian President, is the Anti-Christ.
And predicts A MAJOR Terrorist Attack around October 30th 2005.
The sources of its predictions include "Astrology, Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations and Bible prophecy and the King James version English Bible code"
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A personal question:
IF the End Times are not near, or even if they've already been fulfilled, as preterism suggests, what would it take for you guys to consider preterism as a possibility?
I like many believed the End Times were near, but it was the hyper-speculation that frustrated me (such as Ronald Reagan's full name having exactly 6-6-6 letters
). But in the event that 2015 comes around and all the End Time predictions are of the long past (and we aren't driving flying cars like in Back to the Future II), would you lose faith, or would you change it?
IF the End Times are not near, or even if they've already been fulfilled, as preterism suggests, what would it take for you guys to consider preterism as a possibility?
I like many believed the End Times were near, but it was the hyper-speculation that frustrated me (such as Ronald Reagan's full name having exactly 6-6-6 letters

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I am kind of drawn to end times speculation and I have come up with the time period of 2012 to 2017 a number of times. I am not going to climb up a tree with a white robe in this time period but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the prophesied end came in the near future.
There are some intriguing things happening presently, signs that something significant is imminent. Not so much involving headlines as just symbols of changing attitudes and what that may indicate, the sort of thing that Jesus said to look for.
Full preterism is a pretty much untenable position, most people would fall into the partial preterist camp. We believe that the fall of Jerusalem signified the completion of most end time prophecy, but not the full completion of it.
There are some intriguing things happening presently, signs that something significant is imminent. Not so much involving headlines as just symbols of changing attitudes and what that may indicate, the sort of thing that Jesus said to look for.
Full preterism is a pretty much untenable position, most people would fall into the partial preterist camp. We believe that the fall of Jerusalem signified the completion of most end time prophecy, but not the full completion of it.
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I read this book called The Bible Code in my "beginning to turn" days. I found it very fascinating, but I soon found that there were many that disagreed with Ripps and Drosnan on whether the Code was real.j316 wrote:I am kind of drawn to end times speculation and I have come up with the time period of 2012 to 2017 a number of times.
But I never got into that; I figured that since the Code predicts a major earthquake in LA in 2010, all I have to do is wait.
So, what if 2017 rolls by, and we have no oil left, the polar ice caps are 25% melted, Bush is celebrating the 10th anniversary of when he declared martial law and crowned himself Czar...but there's no End Times. THEN would all these predictions that have lasted for thousands of years finally go away? I mean, all bets are off now, right? If this generation outlives all End of Days predictions, would preterism rule the land?
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No Shirtless, the key predictions are the rise of the anti-Christ and the broken peace with Isreal. We haven't seen either of these, and if we still haven't seen them in 2017 then we'll still be waiting.
The anti-Christ will be pretty obvious - he'll control pretty much the whole world, restrict buying and selling to those with 'the mark', make peace with Isreal and the rest of the world, appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
The anti-Christ will be pretty obvious - he'll control pretty much the whole world, restrict buying and selling to those with 'the mark', make peace with Isreal and the rest of the world, appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
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[Bible]Revelations 13 explains first how the Dragon heals the first beast who had been mortally wounded (possibly dead and ressurected) but then verses 14 and 15 explain how an innanimate image (statue?) of the first beast is brought to life by the second beast.bizzt wrote:Hey Felgar what Scriptures do you associate with that comment? I am just wondering as I have never heard of this until the Tim Lahaye SeriesFelgar wrote: appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
I didn't read everything through but in general I think I trust this site. It explains some of what the anti-christ is.
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RBC is a good site... I forgot about the Scripture and thanks for the ClarificationFelgar wrote:[Bible]Revelations 13 explains first how the Dragon heals the first beast who had been mortally wounded (possibly dead and ressurected) but then verses 14 and 15 explain how an innanimate image (statue?) of the first beast is brought to life by the second beast.bizzt wrote:Hey Felgar what Scriptures do you associate with that comment? I am just wondering as I have never heard of this until the Tim Lahaye SeriesFelgar wrote: appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
I didn't read everything through but in general I think I trust this site. It explains some of what the anti-christ is.
If you willingly accept this 'mark' then you will lose all possibility of ever being saved. What is this 'mark' and what would it be like, and would it be common knowledge around the world that accepting this mark will make you lose all possibility of ever going to heaven and will it be common knowledge that this man is the Anti-christ?Felgar wrote:No Shirtless, the key predictions are the rise of the anti-Christ and the broken peace with Isreal. We haven't seen either of these, and if we still haven't seen them in 2017 then we'll still be waiting.
The anti-Christ will be pretty obvious - he'll control pretty much the whole world, restrict buying and selling to those with 'the mark', make peace with Isreal and the rest of the world, appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
- bizzt
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Felgar wrote:No Shirtless, the key predictions are the rise of the anti-Christ and the broken peace with Isreal. We haven't seen either of these, and if we still haven't seen them in 2017 then we'll still be waiting.
The anti-Christ will be pretty obvious - he'll control pretty much the whole world, restrict buying and selling to those with 'the mark', make peace with Isreal and the rest of the world, appear to raise a body from the dead, etc.
Yes that is correctsoulfool wrote: If you willingly accept this 'mark' then you will lose all possibility of ever being saved.
The Mark as per Revelations will be like the Number of Man "666" and will be placed on your Forehead or your hand.soulfool wrote:What is this 'mark' and what would it be like,
It will be common Knowledge to Christians! People will believe he is a Man of Peace and will give a Peace Covenant for 7 years with Israel. However he will break this Covenant after 3 1/2 years as per Daniel in the OT. Once Broke he will wage war and descrete the Temple of Israel.soulfool wrote: would it be common knowledge around the world that accepting this mark will make you lose all possibility of ever going to heaven and will it be common knowledge that this man is the Anti-christ?
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Agreed. People who don't have the benefit of the Counsellor of Truth (the Holy Spirit) will be easily deceived because of the fact that he will come proclaiming peace, and will actually solve most of the world's problems.bizzt wrote:It will be common Knowledge to Christians! People will believe he is a Man of Peace and will give a Peace Covenant for 7 years with Israel. However he will break this Covenant after 3 1/2 years as per Daniel in the OT. Once Broke he will wage war and descrete the Temple of Israel.
With the world united you could see how easily everything else could fall into place if people band together. Consider the productivity of America during WWII, and now consider the entire world, and you can pretty easily see how poverty and most disease accross the world could be basically wiped out.
So keeping this in mind, couipled with making life from an object (abiogenesis, really - how much would that discredit Christians and lend more credence to atheism?) I think it's clear (or at least reasonable to accept) that:
1) we have not yet seen the anti-christ
2) though the sword of truth he'll be easy to spot
3) the rest of the world will fall under his spell