I know a girl that is an existentalist.

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I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by spartanII »

I happened to meet a girl the other day who is an existentialist. Or so her facebook profile says. I don't want to be up front in person with her, but she's a sweet sweet girl. I kinda know what existentialism means but what kind of worldview can i expect from her? For now we just talk about light things like favorite bands, favorite movies. Nothing too deep.
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Re: I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by Reactionary »

spartanII wrote:I happened to meet a girl the other day who is an existentialist. Or so her facebook profile says. I don't want to be up front in person with her, but she's a sweet sweet girl. I kinda know what existentialism means but what kind of worldview can i expect from her? For now we just talk about light things like favorite bands, favorite movies. Nothing too deep.
How old is she? How old are you? We need to be sure that she completely understands the definition of existentialism. Besides, existentialism is a broad term, and from what I understood about it, it only stresses that humans have an internal locus of control. So some even claim that it's not in conflict with Christianity, i.e. the Bible can be an authority in your life, if you choose it as such.

I can only tell you, from my personal experience, that I've happened to get to know a few people who flirted with existentialist ideas, and I did notice that they were somewhat distant, wore darker clothes, and had a rather pessimistic outlook on life. They seemed to be attempting to find the meaning of life within themselves, but failed.

But let's not jump to conclusions, this is only my experience, yours may be different. Keep us updated with new information. That's all I can tell you at this moment.
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Re: I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by jestes »

It's been a while since I read up on that belief system, but I seem to remember the best way to sum it up would be to say: "They view the human condition as a great cosmic tragedy. It is the curse of a man to be able to realize the hopelessness of the world around him, yet be capable of imagining better."

I don't know a ton about it, but from a really quick web search on it you can probably expect her to be a "live it up while you can, you're responsible for your own happiness" kind of person. I would assume she'd be fairly pessimistic about everything, but that may work to be a tool you can use. Be the really happy optimistic guy. Don't tell her Christ is a superior way, but show her.

Just my $.02
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Re: I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Existentialism is a very broad term, the meaning of which can vary even between individual philosophers who claim the title.

Probably best to ask her what she means by it and then go from there, rather than assuming what it may mean.
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Re: I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by Reactionary »

jestes wrote:I don't know a ton about it, but from a really quick web search on it you can probably expect her to be a "live it up while you can, you're responsible for your own happiness" kind of person.
You see, this is why I would fear entering a relationship with such a girl. You just don't know whether you can trust her, she could cheat on you at any moment and use 'life is short' as an excuse. She may say that she's trying to be "good" because she "loves" or whatever (inconsistent with the position), but who knows if (or when) she might be tempted to break a promise. She obviously doesn't believe in absolute morality, or an omniscient Judge, so I would definitely have problems trusting her. I would continue very cautiously, or preferrably not continue at all.

Disclaimer: While my post was about an imaginary female, note that what I wrote is valid for both genders equally. :mrgreen:
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Re: I know a girl that is an existentalist.

Post by StMonicaGuideMe »

I opened this thread thinking it was the beginning to some really witty joke :P

In all seriousness, keep it at the friend level since there is obviously a huge discord in your philosophical views!
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