If God is all-knowing...

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Re: If God is all-knowing...

Post by inlovewiththe44 »

This might seem like a very elementary analogy, but does placing a delicious steak in front of someone force the person to eat it? They still have the choice to eat or deny the gift of food.
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Re: If God is all-knowing...

Post by jlay »

Love - an action which does not cause others to be subject to fear, terror, punishment: Torture - the absence of love
Sounds like this definition is LOADED with bias. The problem is that when you load your definition this way, it is easy to show where it fails.
If a person loves justice, will they in turn hate injustice? What would a person who loves justice do. Would they punish oppression and injustice? Should criminals fear the hand of justice?
Let's put it towards you. Let's say you are aware that someone is harming children for pleasure. And let's assume for the analogy that you are a loving person. What would your response be to the injustice of harming children for pleasure? Would a loving person be indifferent, or would they abhor and even hate this atrocity? Would a loving person seek to bring justice and punish the wicked for their crimes?
Just how do you reconcile that fear, terror and punishment are negative musts in light of love?

Maybe you shouldn't paint with such a broad brush. And perhaps you shouldn't load your definition with such prejudicial bias.

Analogies always fail in some area, that is why they are analogies. But does that, in and of itself, make the analogy weak in the area of focus? Hardly. Your objection assumes God is the author of temptation, so I wouldn't expect you to agree with the analogy. Still, you've yet to demonstrate that God is the author of temptation.
The Bible says this, When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:13,14,15)
Freewill is the free opportunity to choose or not choose to follow Jesus Christ. The Bible says God will not interfer with free will - that is, the choice everyone must make. He DOES 'interfere/influence' people on a daily basis.

That is also a pretty narrow definition, loaded with bias, and hardly explains freewill. Where does the Bible make this statement about God not interfering? Chapter and verse please.
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Re: If God is all-knowing...

Post by B. W. »

avisin wrote:Love - an action which does not cause others to be subject to fear, terror, punishment: Torture - the absence of love
Nice definition, for a selfish living being to use. This is the kind of love that lets the one who loves becomes a doormat and aids people to use such love as you define – to get away with things i.e. can’t punish me cause you love me aso I’ll do whatever I please.

That is not love, avisin., that the definition for absolute tolerance.
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