Dallas wrote:Don't know if this fits here, but oh well

Hi Dallas. Well, this most likely isn't a theological topic, but I don't see a problem. This isn't some totalitarian forum where you have your thread locked and get an infraction for writing anything that doesn't fit the criteria.
Dallas wrote:I've had a crush on a female for some time now. It's a different type of crush. It's more of a emotional/mental attraction, compared to the physical/sexual attraction.
That's good. When you feel the former, it's much easier to start feeling the latter. Not the other way around though.
Dallas wrote:I've talked to my Youth pastor and a Friend of hers about it, and they told me just to talk to her.
They told you correctly. By the way, if you talked to a close friend of hers, it might be possible that your crush already knows about your feelings.
Dallas wrote:I'm afraid to though

That's the catch. It's a trick that a young male brain frequently does to its owner, unfortunately. When you become attracted to a girl, a mixture of hormones and other biological and psychological stuff makes you think that she's the best in the world. You start idolizing her, that's why you fear that you may not be good enough for her. Ignore that. Keep in mind that she's a human being like anyone else, and that you have qualities to impress.
Dallas wrote:She just got out of a horrible breakup, which made me mad on how her ex handled it. Nonetheless, I just need some tips to be more or less appropriate for the situation.
First, don't mention her ex.
Second, if I were you, I'd just like to be sure that she's not one of those trouble-seeking, submissive girls who date violent guys for reasons that aren't that easy to explain. They usually end up in abusive marriages with bullies, who emotionally blackmail them, as well as beat them. Such are to be avoided.
Dallas wrote: And before you ask why i'm attracted to her, i'm going to tell you. "It's something I just can't explain. It is just something about her that i find so appealing." I think a reason why i'm feeling this way is because it might be an answered prayer, and that she kinda meets the requirements I see in a female. Follower of Christ, intelligent,etc...

. Lord Willing it fits in Gods will.
It's definitely good that you share religious beliefs. Sharing common ideology/worldview is, in my opinion, a
must if we're looking for someone in the long term.
OK, now a few of my questions.
I assume you haven't talked to her yet. Have you ever made eye contact?
Does she know who you are?
Where did you notice her, and what are the common places you visit?
How often do you see her?
How old is she? Older/younger?