Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

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Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

Post by Swimmy »

The Vatican has allegedly issued an official request to examine a 1,500-year-old Bible that has been held in Turkey for the past 12 years, the Hurriyet Daily News reports.

The Bible reportedly contains early teachings of Jesus Christ and is written in gold lettering on animal hide in Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, which was the native tongue of Jesus.

According to a report by National Turk, the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.

Today's Zaman reports that the Bible is under high security and that a Turkish daily newspaper, the Star, claims the book could be a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas -- a controversial text which Muslims claim is an addition to the original gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- that was suppressed.

In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

Due to its value as a cultural and religious artifact, even photocopies of the pages could be worth between 3 and 4 million Turkish Lira, or about 1,703,233 U.S. dollars. ... f=religion
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Re: Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

Post by Ivellious »

I would imagine archaeologists and numerous religious groups would love to get their hands on this...though if I was Turkey I would be extremely cautious before handing it out to anyone. Wouldn't want it to be damaged or stolen in the process.

That said, I would say it is their responsibility to consult with archaeologists and experts to determine a safe way to either transport the document or photocopy it for the use of scholars and groups like the Vatican. Obviously, if possible, it would be good to try to verify its authenticity in as many ways possible. Again, be cautious and thorough before taking action, but it needs to get done.

If they can analyze and photocopy the dead sea scrolls, they should be able to put together a plan for academics and theologians to study this too, right?

On a more personal note, this sounds fascinating. I'll have to keep up on this story.
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Re: Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

Post by Canuckster1127 »

It does sound interesting. If it represents to any extent and independent Syriac or Aramaic Textual tradition it would be very illuminating, especially for the preservation of Christ's words where he is speaking within the Gospels. Jesus almost certainly spoke in Aramaic in general in His speaking and what we have in the Koine Greek tradations is itself a translation from Jesus' original words.

Obviously though, the article here is not written from a particularly scholarly or nuetral position with some of the general claims made. That's not unusual though. Newspapers thrive on sensationalism and balanced statements don't generally sell newspapers.
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Re: Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

Post by jlay »

In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.
Well duh, that's in the Bible.

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Re: Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

Post by Stu »

jlay wrote:
In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.
Well duh, that's in the Bible.

Matthew 24:11
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