What does it mean?

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What does it mean?

Post by Tina »

I guess I know what it means, but how do you know if you're being called by GOD? How did the people in the Bible know?.........And I've heard a lot about GOD's "chosen people" with promises,judgement, and love.........which makes me think about everyone else......Does GOD actually love everyone ? or just "HIS people"?.......I keep struggling with the idea that GOD loves us.......
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Re: What does it mean?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Tina wrote:I guess I know what it means, but how do you know if you're being called by GOD? How did the people in the Bible know?.........And I've heard a lot about GOD's "chosen people" with promises,judgement, and love.........which makes me think about everyone else......Does GOD actually love everyone ? or just "HIS people"?.......I keep struggling with the idea that GOD loves us.......

Hi Tina

God calls everyone in my opinion, some people respond and others do not, even once you become a Christian God does not stop calling.
I was called to play my guitar in the church band, if you knew me personally you would know that I don't like crowds and I suffer from anxiety.
God pulled me towards playing on a Sunday and I listened to that call even though it made me very uncomfortable, God worked through the people around me and also presented me with situations and opportunity's.
Some people listen to God's call, other's ignore it and some blatantly refuse out of pride.
I ignored God's call for many years, because I was to full of pride and I was selfish, I didn't want to give up my life of sin.
I think the hardest thing is that God doesn't come down with a booming voice from the sky, he can be much more subtler than that.
He will work through friends and family, he will make opportunity's come and go and sometimes he will perform small miracles, you just have to put your God ears on and listen hard. :ewink:

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: What does it mean?

Post by Tina »

Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Tina wrote:I guess I know what it means, but how do you know if you're being called by GOD? How did the people in the Bible know?.........And I've heard a lot about GOD's "chosen people" with promises,judgement, and love.........which makes me think about everyone else......Does GOD actually love everyone ? or just "HIS people"?.......I keep struggling with the idea that GOD loves us.......

Hi Tina

God calls everyone in my opinion, some people respond and others do not, even once you become a Christian God does not stop calling.
I was called to play my guitar in the church band, if you knew me personally you would know that I don't like crowds and I suffer from anxiety.
God pulled me towards playing on a Sunday and I listened to that call even though it made me very uncomfortable, God worked through the people around me and also presented me with situations and opportunity's.
Some people listen to God's call, other's ignore it and some blatantly refuse out of pride.
I ignored God's call for many years, because I was to full of pride and I was selfish, I didn't want to give up my life of sin.
I think the hardest thing is that God doesn't come down with a booming voice from the sky, he can be much more subtler than that.
He will work through friends and family, he will make opportunity's come and go and sometimes he will perform small miracles, you just have to put your God ears on and listen hard. :ewink:

Ya I suffer from anxiety too. I'm just not sure how you tell if God is calling you or if you just think He is.....
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Re: What does it mean?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

I think if you stand still and think about all the little things that are happening around you you will see God working.
Be patient and pray a lot, talk to God ask him to show you where he wants you or what he wants you to do then listen and watch.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: What does it mean?

Post by Kurieuo »

Tina wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Tina wrote:I guess I know what it means, but how do you know if you're being called by GOD? How did the people in the Bible know?.........And I've heard a lot about GOD's "chosen people" with promises,judgement, and love.........which makes me think about everyone else......Does GOD actually love everyone ? or just "HIS people"?.......I keep struggling with the idea that GOD loves us.......

Hi Tina

God calls everyone in my opinion, some people respond and others do not, even once you become a Christian God does not stop calling.
I was called to play my guitar in the church band, if you knew me personally you would know that I don't like crowds and I suffer from anxiety.
God pulled me towards playing on a Sunday and I listened to that call even though it made me very uncomfortable, God worked through the people around me and also presented me with situations and opportunity's.
Some people listen to God's call, other's ignore it and some blatantly refuse out of pride.
I ignored God's call for many years, because I was to full of pride and I was selfish, I didn't want to give up my life of sin.
I think the hardest thing is that God doesn't come down with a booming voice from the sky, he can be much more subtler than that.
He will work through friends and family, he will make opportunity's come and go and sometimes he will perform small miracles, you just have to put your God ears on and listen hard. :ewink:

Ya I suffer from anxiety too. I'm just not sure how you tell if God is calling you or if you just think He is.....
What do you mean by "God calling you"? That is, I believe Scripture calls us all. One does not need to wait for a shining light or supernatural revelation, as Dan pointed out. God is subtle, and I believe leads us in the way we should go. That can't be thwarted, but we can pick up on telling signs. However, you also don't necessarily need to wait on God since we are all called. Being proactive rather than reactive is fine and I wish I was moreso myself.

So where do your talents lie? What does your heart wish to pursue? Proactivity isn't a sin. And if God doesn't want you to do something, it has been my experience your plans become thwarted anyway. And if you don't get the message the first time, or second time, eventually your hand is forced.
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Re: What does it mean?

Post by Tina »

Kurieuo wrote:
Tina wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Tina wrote:I guess I know what it means, but how do you know if you're being called by GOD? How did the people in the Bible know?.........And I've heard a lot about GOD's "chosen people" with promises,judgement, and love.........which makes me think about everyone else......Does GOD actually love everyone ? or just "HIS people"?.......I keep struggling with the idea that GOD loves us.......

Hi Tina

God calls everyone in my opinion, some people respond and others do not, even once you become a Christian God does not stop calling.
I was called to play my guitar in the church band, if you knew me personally you would know that I don't like crowds and I suffer from anxiety.
God pulled me towards playing on a Sunday and I listened to that call even though it made me very uncomfortable, God worked through the people around me and also presented me with situations and opportunity's.
Some people listen to God's call, other's ignore it and some blatantly refuse out of pride.
I ignored God's call for many years, because I was to full of pride and I was selfish, I didn't want to give up my life of sin.
I think the hardest thing is that God doesn't come down with a booming voice from the sky, he can be much more subtler than that.
He will work through friends and family, he will make opportunity's come and go and sometimes he will perform small miracles, you just have to put your God ears on and listen hard. :ewink:

Ya I suffer from anxiety too. I'm just not sure how you tell if God is calling you or if you just think He is.....
What do you mean by "God calling you"? That is, I believe Scripture calls us all. One does not need to wait for a shining light or supernatural revelation, as Dan pointed out. God is subtle, and I believe leads us in the way we should go. That can't be thwarted, but we can pick up on telling signs. However, you also don't necessarily need to wait on God since we are all called. Being proactive rather than reactive is fine and I wish I was moreso myself.

So where do your talents lie? What does your heart wish to pursue? Proactivity isn't a sin. And if God doesn't want you to do something, it has been my experience your plans become thwarted anyway. And if you don't get the message the first time, or second time, eventually your hand is forced.
I don't believe GOD forces us to do things. I'm not looking for some supernatural experience, I'm just wondering how do you know if GOD is calling you or not. Like, if you keep thinking that maybe you should do a certain something, well how do you know if that's just you or if that's GOD suggesting you to do that?
"Love others as I have loved you." -Jesus Christ
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