Need help proving to a Jewish person Jesus is the Messiah...
Need help proving to a Jewish person Jesus is the Messiah...
This person does not believe Jesus is the Messiah. Can anyone provide info that I could send to him?
- LittleShepherd
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- Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:47 pm
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- Location: Georgia, USA
Here's a website with a brief overview of Messianic prophecy: ... cies.shtml
Discussing such points, though, isn't normally an effective way to witness. Discussion of messianic prophecies can literally go on forever, and Jews are loathe to give on any of their points(even if they go against common Jewish beliefs before the coming of Christ) if they haven't first accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Sounds kind of problematic, but there's a nice way around.
Jews have the same law that Christians do. Since they already believe the law of Moses, this makes confronting them with said law that much easier -- when you do this, the Holy Spirit <B>will</B> work on their heart to show them their sinful nature and need of a savior. Just like it works for everyone else.
Then you can present the gospel. Be clear and concise, and avoid the sticky messianic prophecies. Just give the core points. Stuff like paying the price for our sins, being the ultimate sacrifice(the spotless lamb), and dying on the cross so that we can experience eternal life with God in spite of our sinful condition. That's the ticket.
Don't be discouraged if they don't accept right away. Just do what you're supposed to do. With this one person, it seems you've already gotten yourself in a sticky spot discussing messianic prophecies. Be willing to say "Okay, we'll put that prophecy to the side for now" if they have counterarguments. There are a few you'll have to do this on, but then point out how Jesus still fulfilled an overwhelming number of prophecies even without those.
Also, as the website suggest, show them that Jesus' resurrection is what makes his fulfillment of both sets of Messianic prophecies possible. He can be both the spotless lamb and perfect sacrifice, who dies a humiliating death, <B>and</B> He can be the coming judge and warrior. They've been disregarding the prophecies that seem to counter each other for centuries, so pointing out that they can <B>all</B> be fulfilled by Jesus is a very good thing.
Oh, and never witness without first praying. For guidance. For the words that you need. If you try to witness without first praying about it, chances are your witnessing won't be very effective. Pray -- then obey. ... cies.shtml
Discussing such points, though, isn't normally an effective way to witness. Discussion of messianic prophecies can literally go on forever, and Jews are loathe to give on any of their points(even if they go against common Jewish beliefs before the coming of Christ) if they haven't first accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Sounds kind of problematic, but there's a nice way around.
Jews have the same law that Christians do. Since they already believe the law of Moses, this makes confronting them with said law that much easier -- when you do this, the Holy Spirit <B>will</B> work on their heart to show them their sinful nature and need of a savior. Just like it works for everyone else.
Then you can present the gospel. Be clear and concise, and avoid the sticky messianic prophecies. Just give the core points. Stuff like paying the price for our sins, being the ultimate sacrifice(the spotless lamb), and dying on the cross so that we can experience eternal life with God in spite of our sinful condition. That's the ticket.
Don't be discouraged if they don't accept right away. Just do what you're supposed to do. With this one person, it seems you've already gotten yourself in a sticky spot discussing messianic prophecies. Be willing to say "Okay, we'll put that prophecy to the side for now" if they have counterarguments. There are a few you'll have to do this on, but then point out how Jesus still fulfilled an overwhelming number of prophecies even without those.
Also, as the website suggest, show them that Jesus' resurrection is what makes his fulfillment of both sets of Messianic prophecies possible. He can be both the spotless lamb and perfect sacrifice, who dies a humiliating death, <B>and</B> He can be the coming judge and warrior. They've been disregarding the prophecies that seem to counter each other for centuries, so pointing out that they can <B>all</B> be fulfilled by Jesus is a very good thing.
Oh, and never witness without first praying. For guidance. For the words that you need. If you try to witness without first praying about it, chances are your witnessing won't be very effective. Pray -- then obey.