Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

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Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by DRDS »

Hey everyone I was wanting to ask you all if by any chance you are becoming weary of facebook somewhat like I am. I don't know if you all are aware but facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is an avowed atheist, not to mention one of if not, the richest person currently in America.

What is also shocking is the man who is currently the 2nd richest and growing man in America George Soros. Who also like Zuckerberg is an atheist. I'm also assuming too that just like Soros, Zuckerberg is also very far left wing. It seems to follow most devout atheists. If anyone knows for certain that Zuckerberg is far left wing please let me know.

What I'm very nervous about is the very good possibility of these two men joining forces in hopes of creating that one world government or "open society" that Soros is striving to achieve.

He is also supposedly behind the revolutions in Greece, Egypt, Libya, Europe, and now the ones happening in New York and other big US cities. Oddly enough, facebook had a big part with organizing these events.

It also makes me wonder about how this relates to Christian eschatology. Because there is this other form topic here...

http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... orge+soros

That talks about how Soros or someone who will eventually come into, and or take over, or help assist Soros and his band of far left organizations and supporters into creating this one world government which will be blantly against Christians, Jews, conservatives and anyone who associates themselves with them.

And to be perfectly clear, I'm not 100% certain yet that Soros could be the antichrist, but at the very least in my lifetime and yours, he appears to be the best candidate for the antichrist.

And if he is not, then again, at the very least, he is clearly working for the wrong side and clearly when the antichrist does come on the scene, it would be no surprise if he works within the framework that people like Soros are currently building.

So with that in mind, should we as concerned citizens and as Christians be weary of Facebook? And should those who have accounts delete them? I'm currently debating that in my mind. Let me know what you all think. Thanks for your time guys, take care.
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Reactionary »

DRDS wrote:should we as concerned citizens and as Christians be weary of Facebook? And should those who have accounts delete them?
Should we be cautious? Yes. Should we delete our accounts? I vote for no.

Many people these days forget that humans rule technology, not vice versa. We shouldn't fear it if we know how to use it. The problem is, the majority of people don't know how to use it properly. FB can be a useful tool for communication, but as I said, we should be cautious, as you never know who might be monitoring your online activities (which applies to the entire Internet anyway). The problem is, unlike on a forum like this, there is very little room for anonymity on FB.

Another thing that concerns me, and has started to terrify me, is how many people wilfully allow such social networks to control their lives. FB for mobile phones? Tagging yourself in specific locations when you find yourself there? Uploading thousands of pictures on the Internet? And all this is viewed by hundreds of "friends", thousands of "friends of friends", and who knows who else? Please! And the people who do it (at least those I've talked to) can't really explain why their project their private lives onto the Internet. :shakehead:

Not to mention that whenever I'm outside my home, I think twice before saying something about major issues (political ones, for instance) as I never know who might be recording. Call me paranoid, but these days you can't even get drunk in a club without "official" photographers taking "official" pictures of the evening and uploading them guess where? :brick:

So my conclusion is, these are times when one should be extra cautious. This doesn't mean however, that we should isolate ourselves. I recommend that you analyze the benefits and weaknesses of having an account on a social networking site (and how they apply to you), and act as you find most reasonable. And be careful not to reveal about yourself more than you would reveal to a random person on the street. Good luck.
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Silvertusk »

I guess we are all screwed if we find out that having a facebook account is the mark of the beast. :ewink:
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by DRDS »

Also, another thing that makes me very uncomfortable about Zuckerberg is the way he tries to force his ideas onto us. For example with this...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/f ... lsory.html

This "timeline" thing (which I don't have mostly because to me it looks HORRIBLE) is going to allow the general public not just your fb friends to view your full profile and it's set up almost like a biography of your entire life. Everything you have "liked", every friend, every comment (and I guess this includes even deleted comments), pretty much everything will be in full view for anyone to see. Criminals, terrorists, the government, anyone.

This really makes me angry. If I'm forced to use this new "timeline" crap, I may just delete my account and be done with facebook. I'm certainly considering it. And to me it adds some more evidence that Zuckerberg at the very least is a very crooked individual who shouldn't be trusted.

Also as another small minor detail, he has a pet dog, he named him "beast" Again, I'm just stating the details I'm not jumping to any conclusions.
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Don't worry too much DRDS, God will protect us and even if we do die because of tribulation what does it matter we just get to Jesus quicker. :ewink:
I hope that doesn't sound too fatalistic, I mean take pre-cautions and trust in the Lord but don't spend your time worrying too much or you will stress yourself out.

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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Silvertusk »

I suppose what is worring about Facebook is the fact that it is vert difficult to actually delete your account. You have to search for the link through google to actually do it.

The moment it gets to the point where you can't buy or sell anything without a facebook account then we should worry. Although technically nearly every company has a Facebook account now and they do better business with one.

DRDS might have a point here. Not sure what to think now really.

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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Murray »

I thought soros was jewish
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by tunde1992 »

i already deactivated my facebook account..
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by DRDS »

tunde1992 wrote:i already deactivated my facebook account..
Wow, say did you do this because of the info I provided in my earlier posts, or did you do it for other reasons? If you did it for reasons that I provided earlier do you happen to know anything else in addition to what I mentioned? Please share if you know even more about this Mark guy if you do so you can warn both me and the others here.
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by 1harpazo »

I closed my fb account a year or so ago when it was learned that fb reported all info to the federal government. One of the evils of fb is that all Christians who have a fb account create a web of family and friends which is known to the feds. It makes it that much easier to sort out and find Christians if there is a round-up. The feds can already track us down through our charitable donations of our irs forms. Oh well...
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Murray »

never even had a fb...
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by tunde1992 »

DRDS wrote:
tunde1992 wrote:i already deactivated my facebook account..
Wow, say did you do this because of the info I provided in my earlier posts, or did you do it for other reasons? If you did it for reasons that I provided earlier do you happen to know anything else in addition to what I mentioned? Please share if you know even more about this Mark guy if you do so you can warn both me and the others here.
well as a teenager i saw that every other teenager had one so i guessed i pressured myself .. this is not to be bias against athiests but i dont associate myself with anything atheistic.. like i used to watch family guy maybe even a tiny little bit like it .. but then i found out that seth mcfarlane was athiest ..i still little bit liked it then the jokes and plots got atheistic.. it either was make fun of God this or christians are stupid that.. then i just stopped..
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by cubeus19 »

Something I was wanting to know, are there any Christian or at the very least, any conservative alternatives to facebook? Because after all regardless of the kind of person that owns it, it on its own is a very good idea.

And besides people are not there for Mark Zuckerberg they are there to keep in touch and to interact with friends, family members, co workers and other people that people generally like. Most of the top Christian apologists have fb accounts. Even Rich Deem has one.

So I say if someone could step up to the plate and start a Christian based fb type site, people would flock to it. Especially if the owner of it promises to keep things consistent and not force most people to take something they don't like ie "timeline".

Besides other popular sites like Youtube already have a Christian alternative (Godtube). So surely if people continue to get outraged with the stuff that Zuckerberg is pulling along with his atheistic background, I wouldn't doubt that you will see a Christian fb alternative either sooner or later.
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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by Murray »

Here's a good alternative I found, its called believers space

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Re: Discussion about facebook and it's founder...

Post by bippy123 »

Murray wrote:Here's a good alternative I found, its called believers space

Great link Murray. What I don't understand is why aren't Christian leaders or Christian entrepreneurs getting together and informing their churches and congregations (no matter what the denomination) to start signing up to alternatives like this?

For Pete's sake we have over 2.1 billion Christians world wide . Instead we are on facebook and most facebook users don't even know that the facebook founder is an avowed atheist. Jesus even warned about days like this coming.
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