What happened to the dinosaurs?

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What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Ivellious »

I've done a fair share of research into the Christian explanations for dinosaurs and how they fit into biblical history after being inspired by my mother's children's Bible from her youth (which vividly depicts Adam riding a T-Rex like a boss). I've found about a hundred different explanations and theories about them, ranging from "they simply didn't exist" to "they got left off the Ark (oops)" to "they mysteriously all died sometime after the Flood". Obviously YEC and OEC vary rather greatly on the topic.

So I'm curious, how do you guys see them fitting in to everything?
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Silvertusk »

They lived over 75 million years ago and was wiped out by either a meteorite or an ice age.

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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by bippy123 »

Silvertusk wrote:They lived over 75 million years ago and was wiped out by either a meteorite or an ice age.

My thoughts exactly Silver :)
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Dallas »

I believe dinosaurs did exist with adam and after the flood. It's a possibility that there are some still alive, they're just not as common. Loch Ness monster :P. It's a possibility they died right after the flood because of the Ice age. Nonetheless, they existed whether you're an OEC or a YEC. There is plenty of evidence they roamed the earth.
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by RickD »

Unfortunately, the true story of how dinosaurs became extinct, isn't very well known. In a nutshell, it goes as follows: Fred Flintstone got laid off from his job, by Mr. Slate. This was too much for Fred to handle. Fred went berserk, and ran over all the dinosaurs with his car. I learned that while studying YEC(Young earth Cartoons) ;)
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Silvertusk »

RickD wrote:Unfortunately, the true story of how dinosaurs became extinct, isn't very well known. In a nutshell, it goes as follows: Fred Flintstone got laid off from his job, by Mr. Slate. This was too much for Fred to handle. Fred went berserk, and ran over all the dinosaurs with his car. I learned that while studying YEC(Young earth Cartoons) ;)
That is more feasible that the dinosaurs bunking up with Adam and Noah.....now where is that emoticon for a can of worms......
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by jlay »

I was biking through Hitlon Head Island today and saw many prehistoric critters lurking at the waters edge.
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Gman »

What really happened to the dinosaurs? After many years of research, the truth has finally been discovered..

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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by dayage »

I've done a fair share of research into the Christian explanations for dinosaurs and how they fit into biblical history after being inspired by my mother's children's Bible from her youth (which vividly depicts Adam riding a T-Rex like a boss). I've found about a hundred different explanations and theories about them, ranging from "they simply didn't exist" to "they got left off the Ark (oops)" to "they mysteriously all died sometime after the Flood". Obviously YEC and OEC vary rather greatly on the topic.

So I'm curious, how do you guys see them fitting in to everything?
There were three different ages of dinosaurs. The Triassic (250-200 Mya) Jurassic (200-145 Mya) and the Cretaceous (145-65 Mya). Each group died in mass extinctions. The Cretaceous dinosaurs died out 65 Mya.

They actually give good evidence for creation. Research published in Science 5/30/2002 showed that in less than 30,000 years after the last Triassic taxa, large Jurassic theropod dinosaurs appeared. In less than 100,000 years of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, dinosaurian diversity reached a stable maximum. After the mass extinction of Triassic taxa, where did the Jurassic dinos come from? How did they appear so fast?

They were first created near the end of day 5 and were gone by or during day six. Below is my take on the dating of these two days.

Day five
Swarming animals [sheres nephesh hayya] are created – 543 Mya; Cambrian Explosion
Creation of flying insects [owph] – 320 Mya
Creation of large sea reptiles [tanniyn] – 245 Mya; Ichthyosaurs, Nothosaurs and Pistosaurus
Creation of flying reptiles [owph] – 220 Mya; Pterosaurs
Possibly the creation of the first birds [owph]– 150 Mya (but see day six)

Day six
Creation of three groups of land mammals which co-existed with man – 10 Mya
(domestic [behemah], wild [hayya] and rodents [remes]) These are three groups of land mammals seen in Psalm 104:11, 14, 18, 20-21
If it refers to all current and past land mammals – 205 Mya
Creation of man and woman – 100 kya
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Re: What happened to the dinosaurs?

Post by Ivellious »


I'm not really too concerned about the origins of species and dinosaurs here, but mostly about exactly what happened to them. Obviously mass extinctions and the like go along with both non-Christian and OEC explanations of Earth's history, but YEC followers have a much less clear view of that portion of history.
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