PremoMD in reply to the original thought...
Ask yourself, 'Why did a loving God permit such a tree in paradise?'This is a question I get asked often. If God is so loving why did He create a hell to eternally punish people? Why didn't He just put the fruit from the tree of knowledge good/evil up a little higher so sin would have never entered into the world? Why didn't He prevent all this from happening so no one would end up in hell? Almost 3 separate questions here but I think you get the gist.
Can God tempt man? Now here I am saying can God tempt man with evil.
Absolutely Not! It states in James 1:13-15 that cannot [may I add will not] tempt any man with evil. It would be evil if God was enticing man with something he should not eat or touch. But God was going to allow man to take from that tree, but not now! We as humans are so impatient! We want things NOW! Look at our world, it is building upon the instantaneous. God was wanting man to wait. Wait for what you ask.
Glad you asked. In the book of 2 Peter 1:5 it states [KJV] "And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge;". Now 'diligence' is hard work, making every effort on your part. What is it that we are to work hard at.
It is to work hard at 'virtue', 'moral excellence', 'modesty & purity'. In simplest terms it is the desire to be pleasing to God.
Then after you have virtue, then add knowledge. When man has the desire to please God, then he is ready to fill his head with knowledge. Then there will be no desire to move towards evil because he would see that is not pleasing to God.
Similarly, when your child shows trust and desire to please you, you are ready to move them to a higher level of trust. Interestingly, God says we are to be as a little child when we come to Him.
See Luke 18:17, Matthew 18:2-5.
You would never give your young child power tools to play with, and if they did get hold of them they could much damage to themselves and others not understanding the power behind it. So likewise God does not want us to have something before we are ready for it.
In Romans 5:15-19 we find Jesus is the second Adam that learned obedience. Whereas the first Adam was disobedient, the second Adam was obedient. Praise be to God.