Actually let's do slow down. This is what we call fundementals. Let's reason through this. The Bible is our written revelation of Jesus Christ. You say, it is unreliable and up for any interpretation. We've shown you where that logically fails.Ok, let's slow down here. This wasn't meant to become an argument regarding the accuracy of the Bible. The Bible is a very important text and I hold it very closely as important to my faith, I just think that there are a few things that don't make sense. I mean, first of all on an unrelated topic the Bible does contain information on how to properly enslave another which I think that we can all today agree that slavery is not a good or sensible thing. This being said, I'm not using this as an argument against the Bible, I'm just using this as an example to say that not everything in the Bible is applicable to today's modern society.
Where did the wise man build his home? On the rock. When the rains came the house stood. The foundation was solid. Your foundation, by your own admission is weak. You have a weak view of the authenticity and reliability of the Bible. If your view of the Bible is weak, then why would you heed the warnings in the Bible? Answer: You won't.
You assume the Bible is unreliable, why? Because, you are having difficulty understanding things, such as the issue of slavery. But did you know there is solid explanation for slavery? You see you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. In one sense slavery is not a good thing. But you see, you are applying your modern impressions of slavery onto the Bible, as opposed to reading the Bible with sound exegesis. Like most of us you have a picture that comes to mind when you hear 'slavery.' Images of the Civil war and the abuses to African Americans. Evil? Without question. So, like many you are prone to equivocate this understanding onto the biblical text when it mentions slavery. This is an equivocation fallacy.
Would the Bible condone Chattel slavery from the times of the civil war? No, it would condemn it. The Bible does make provisions for slavery, but the differences in biblical servitude and how you envision slavery are dramatically different. Still, you are lumping one in with another. We need to understand the Bible in the sense of when it was written and to whom. Application is a very important element. I don't think anyone here is saying that we should willy nilly apply everything in the Bible to our lives. The Bible simply isn't written that way. Audience is one element of sound exegesis. ... reprise_1/
So, considering the issue of homosexual behavior, following sound exegesis, how do you arrive at the conclusion that the Bible is not reliable in its conclusions?
Even though we aren't commanded to live under theocratic rule as Israel was, we need to be careful as to whether we dismiss the Torah as 'out of date.' That is chronolgical snobbery. Take slavery for example. I can assure you that servitude as outlined in the Bible could actually do wonders for world hunger, homelessness, and poverty. All of which were a problem then and are a problem now. It would be infinitely more benevolent than many of the methods of dealing with it today. On the other hand, slavery as we know in the Civil War would be evil regardless of what era it occured in. It is objectively evil. Selling people as property and abusing them for financial gain is expressly condemned in the Bible.
Can you be specific? Chapter/verse.I definitely use the Bible as God's mandates for what how we are to behave/live our lives, but I think that we can all agree that certain things in the Bible cannot or should not be applied towards today's society (also including how a man treats his wife).
Are you saying it is not applicable today for a husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church?
Homosexuality (acts) is either right or wrong. A strong society is and always will revolve around a strong traditional nuclear family. Strong familes provide the basis for society, which also provide a basis for sound government. Anything that is contrary to this will lead to moral decay. It isn't any wonder we see a rise in militant homosexual activity. We also see a rise in divorce, promiscuity and a low opinion of the traditional nuclear family. They are all symptomatic of the collapse of the family. You are here telling us that we should accept something the Bible condemns, and except as normal and the same as traditional marriage, which is blessed in the same scriptures BTW. And you are saying we are WRONG for not doing so.I am on here to try and find out from other Christians why they believe homosexuality to be a negative thing and what harm it has on our society.
We could even apply your reasoning to the garden. What harm was there in eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Your inability and insensativity to the perils of homosexual behavior do not make them any less real. If God says don't, then we should take Him at His word.
Haven't we already addressed this? I think we've heard from more than one person that no one is comdemning anyone to Hell. So, because you are saved, should you live according to being conformed to the image of Christ, or just do whatever the hell you want?I refer to people telling homosexual people that what they do is a sin and that if they do not change their ways they will surely go to hell