the painful near future

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the painful near future

Post by pebbleanrock »

One fact about economic crashes is that the general public does not see them coming. They are simply there when we wake in the morning. Lets look at the current geo-political situation. 1st tier facts: EU has no oil; Russia and US are enemies; none but china has an economy; and the Arabs want Jerusalem: Lets put these together. EU and Russia form an economic anti-globalization pact putting tariffs on ALL other countries products, sharing energy and only building up each others economies. This betrays the globalization aspirations of the rest of the entire world. China then offloads its 1 trillion in treasury bonds hamstringing the US economy for a decade. During this time the EU economies go into overdrive. With a weak US, the Arabs take Jerusalem. The Jews [from Israel and 1/2 of Jerusalem] are sent into exile all over the world. The catholic EU sees its opportunity to grab the oil under the guise of saving the Jews and also putting the Pope on his rightful throne in Jerusalem as the head of Christianity. While it was OK to have a bunch of Arabs nations controlling the oil, having a superpower there is another matter. Russia and china join forces to rid the middle east of the EU. The EU joins Russia and China when they spot Jesus and his forces in Jerusalem. CHECKMATE! The US, still economically recovering, is not invited to this conflict where all other superpower armies are wiped out. The US, UK, AUS, NZ, CAN etc coalition form the headline countries pushing with Jesus into the next millineum. What do you think?
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Re: the painful near future

Post by Ivellious »

I'm sorry...But that's one Hell of an insane near future you have lined up. Here's my biggest problems with your prediction:

*Russia and the EU are in no position to join forces to block out the rest of the Earth, nor would they really want to. The EU is at odds with each other right now.
*China has no intentions of joining forces with anybody, and Russia is probably second-to-last on their list of possible allies.
*Since when is the EU Catholic?
*How do the EU nations become economically strong by cutting off the rest of the world?
*Again, what purpose does the Pope serve in the EU's evil scheme you have set up?
*I don't see how a weak US leaves Jerusalem open to being taken over. The US is already weak, and we have no bearing on what happens out in the Middle East right now. It's all up to Israel right now
*How does Russia decide to betray the EU? How does destroying the EU in the Middle East solve anything?
*How does the EU join up with the forces apparently there to destroy them?
*I'm presuming Jesus randomly showing up is revelations...Where is the evil forces here? Is it the Pope?
*The UK isn't part of the EU any more?
*Why is this coalition saved from all the evil of Revelations?

I could go on...But I don't see this idea panning out, for various political/economic/religious reasons.
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Re: the painful near future

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Ivellious wrote:I could go on...But I don't see this idea panning out, for various political/economic/religious reasons.
I agree. the EU is secular first, Protestant (weak/in-name-only) second, and Catholic (weak/in-name-only) third. Paris' suburbs are mostly Muslim and you don't want to be there late at night because it is like being in a Black or Latino ghetto late at night in Miami.... Ditto for Brussels and Amsterdam. (Apologies for my lack of political correctness.)

Pebbleandrock, in French we have a saying: Les voyages forment la jeunesse. ''Travel teaches the youthful mind.'' In other words, ''You need to get out and see the world.''

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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