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Post by Forge »

Well, what do you want?

"Though shalt not put ranch on pizza crusts."?
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Post by bizzt »

Let's take this From Scripture we Know that People Drank in Pauls time and many Drank Too much!!! Drinking in itself is not bad as long as you don't get Drunk (as most people say). There are many Benefits of having Wine which is REALLY good for your Stomach! My Father-in-law has wine which extremely benefits his Stomach. But not only that Drinking can also be a Ministry to some. If there is a person who is having a hard time SOMETIMES having a Casual Drink with him can help you minister to his needs and be a great Friend as well!!! It also can be a hinderance as Paul says that you should not do this around a brother that can easily Stumble. You are supposed to be a living Example and if one does not believe in Drinking then DON'T drink around them! My thoughts and I hope this was not already Covered :oops: :wink:
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Post by CountryBoy »

From an ex-alcoholic I'll tell ya, it ain't the taste, it's simply the addiction.

For those of you who can drink a glass of wine, or a few beers and then stop, more power to you, I never could do that...with any drug. If there is a such thing as an addictive personality, then I have it.

If I tried it, I liked it, and there was never a such thing as enough. But that was the way all of the friends I grew up with were, so maybe it was a learned behavior that became an addiction.....who knows.

Anyhow, I'm teaching my 6 year old that there's no reason to even start. If she's anything like me and starts...well, I don't want that.

Like was said earlier, alchohol was very medicinal back in the biblical days, even then it was much abused. Who knows how readily available it was then, I guess home breweries could have been common. But I'm sure you couldn't stop for a cold 6 pack at every corner. But now, it's a kazillion dollar industry. The over indulgence possibilty has grown immensely. There's really no reason to start, it's not a valid medicine anymore.
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Post by ella »

I think a very good check (applies to most things, not just alcohol) is whether you're dependant on it or not. If we're more dependant on ANYTHING other than God, that's wrong, and needs to be dealt with quickly, decisively and ruthlessly. Not wanting to make this sound legalistic or anything, but I was thinking the other day... how can I disciple someone with a drug/alcohol addiction and speak to them about God setting them free from it when I'm addicted to tea (random example, but I hope you catch my drift...)?! Nothing should ever take the place of God in our life... if we're turning to outwards things for comfort, "good feelings", a pick-me-up, to cope with lack of sleep etc, and not to God, I think we've SERIOUSLY missed the plot.
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Post by CountryBoy »


Very true...but please don't take my tea, it's all I got left :oops: . I was born and raised in South Carolina, there was sweet tea in my baby bottle.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


do you feel disturbed by your tea addiction? why is it an addiction for you?

when i see alcohol i need to have it. i often drink until i pass out. i have had alcohol poisoning a few times. i drink to fall asleep. i drink to feel good. i drink because it's there. i want it. i like it.

is that the same as a tea addiction? then, aren't we all addicted to something? all of us seeking after some false god?
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Post by CountryBoy »


That's definately true, if we put something before God it's wrong. And I guess the way Ella explained it was right on target.

BUT...we can be addicted to coffe or tea or chocolate without affecting our witness. Tea and cofee are not gonna cause us to do the things that someone may do when they are drunk. I've been drunk way to many times and woke up in jail a lot of mornings. Sometime I had to be told what I did to get thrown in jail. Sometimes I was horrified. I've been stabbed, I've been shot at and missed (saw where the 38 slug went in the door jam a few inches over my head), beat with pool sticks and kicked close to death, both eyes swollen shut on several occasions...and whatever many other idiotic stories. All because of things I've done while drunk. I don't even want to talk specifics about many of the things I've done...it's sickening

Don't take your addiction lightly, I was an alchoholic when I was 16 back then we all thought it was way cool to have everyone talking about how drunk we were last week-end, fighting, throwing up, destroying some one's property. That was cool to a teenager. But as we aged, the things we did became more and more serious, and stupider. That addiction will grow stronger and stronger. I know people who started smoking crack when thet were drunk, they knew how stupid it would be when they were sober, but when drunk their common sense levels drop very low. Drunk people kill from rages, they do crazy things out of drunkeness that get's them in prison for the rest of their life. Maybe you aren't that kinda drunk, well, I know plenty of gentle drunks whose lives are ruined too, nobody who drinks with your intensity will have a good life..NOBODY.

Have you ever heard of anyone robbing a store and then going out to buy a box of tea bags, a cup of coffee, maybe a box of chocolates.

Give it up, you'll probably never be the type that can have a drink or 2 socially. It'll ruin your life.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


i know. hadn't been doing it for awhile. then, it just got out of control in an instant. i will take care of it.
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Post by ella »

I'm not "disturbed" by my tea addiction! Eeeeep! And I agree with CB that "we can be addicted to coffe or tea or chocolate without affecting our witness"... I was just using it as a random example to illustrate my belief that we shouldn't rely on or draw strength etc from ANYTHING other than God.

Prod: you might find it difficult to "take care of it" by yourself, in your own strength... It's a great safety to have someone (a trusted friend) who'll stand with you, who you can turn to when you're feeling tempted, and help you stand strong against it. I have two good guy friends, one who used to have a serious drinking and drug problem. He's only been able to kick it because of this other guy who's stood with him. Every time he feels tempted, he tells his friend, and his friend holds him accountable. There's sooooooo much God wants to do in and through your life... but a serious addiction can definitely limit the extent to which you walk into all He has for you.
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