Did Science create God or Did God create Science?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Did Science create God or Did God create Science?

Post by TGGIL »

Science or God? Which is it? Did Science create God or did God create Science?
Okay, lets start with Science and say God is non-existent.
Something happened to began creation and all that we know today was evolved to present existence.
The Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and everything we discovered and physically invented as far in time as we can prove to ourselves, not a guess, not an imagination, but based on scientific research has concluded that we evolved without Divine Intervention, no God, no supreme spirit or power.

Is this the stated case and Man's conclusion? Is this Man's decision, finite and resolved?
In a nutshell Space created You and I and we created a word called “science”. Now we grew up to be taught by Parents, Teachers or whomever to give us the knowledge to decide if we exist by Science or a Supreme God who we never seen or met. Those who do not believe there is a GOD will lean towards science. WHY? There can only be two answers to this WHY?
1. Because that's what you were taught to believe in as a child before you even knew your ABC's. Who taught you? Who taught that person that taught you and on and on. You see the first answer would have to be another human being taught you to speak, learn, write to believe what you believe today. Common Sense right, not a scientific discovery, just pure fact. You were taught there is no God or not to believe any answer to a supreme unseen force that created this world and universe we live in. You were taught by another just like you, maybe smarter, maybe not. Think about it.
2. You were taught still as a child of a God that created everything and have yet to meet or see this so called God ever. You grow up all your life reading and hearing about this GOD, witnessing many others believing this same God you know very little about if anything at all. It's all what you were taught from the moment your child mind can decipher. So you go to school or self taught by books written by others who were taught just like you and maybe they know more than you or maybe not. You make a decision about your existence in this universe and you base this decision on facts and data of facts and mainly on your self understanding of all knowledge and wisdom you have come to understand.
There can be no third answer as to why you believe we were evolved by science and not of GOD.
Other intelligence, aliens or some superior life form matter that cannot be proven is all simply not science and any of these answers would still be none other than a GOD thrown in the list as well.
God or Aliens, God or intelligence, God or some superior life matter, whichever one is decided would still draw a conclusion that we just don't know, but you were taught by others and made your decision because given free will you can make all your decisions no matter what anyone else believes.

Okay, lets says there is a GOD that created EVERYTHING. I capitalized everything to mean EVERYTHING. A supreme GOD with absolute control over EVERYTHING.
What is wrong with this conclusion? What harm will God create to you and I? Is this God a threat to society? Does he cause you grief, pain and torment? Is God so bad that you can't live your life?
What makes you steer in another direction to prove to yourself and others that there is just no possible way that GOD exist? Can it be one of the answers I just mentioned? Someone or you yourself has researched all their life to come to your decision? Because millions believe in God and millions may not you have made a logical scientific choice to debate that there is no God.
Is it so hard to accept God as an answer? I'm positive that nothing will harm you if you do. Some of that scientific matter won't reverse and cause you to have pain and die because you chose God.
But if your wrong about God, what will God do? If your right about your choice what will science do?
You die with science and you may be remembered as a brilliant man, but your dead and your life has ended. What if God does exist but you died without ever knowing the truth?
I don't think your going to some other place to burn forever, that should never be the Christian stance.
You may meet my God or not. You may stay in the ground or ashes and you may rise to some other place of God's promise. Do you care? Not when your dead. Do I know where you will go? Let's just leave that to God to decide and not me or anyone else, because we are all taught from Child birth to make our own logical decisions.

Did Science create GOD?
Did You make God up because you really don't have the answers to prove your scientific works.
So if the answer cannot be explained, lets give the answer to something that cannot be real and call the answer GOD. You invent GOD for all the answers you cannot explain and get off the hook for your lack of intelligence. So from the beginning of time, when one would ask the wisest person a question this wise person cannot answer, GOD became the answer. Science creates GOD. Science creates man and man than creates GOD.

Did God create science?
As I stated earlier, the word “science” was invented in language and we formed and shaped science to what is is today. God creates man and man creates science.
How perfect is this world and universe. Is it perfect? Is the earth spinning on an axis so perfectly that the slightest tilt will destroy everything on it?.Is the oceans of water set in it's ways rising and falling with gravity? Is the solar systems revolving around the Sun which warms the Earth 24 hours a day. Speaking of time, is time a define set of numbers we live by. We have day and night and nature.
We have history, past, present and predicable futures because we made it so with our own intelligence.
We worship God because we can and testimony after testimony forever brings forth the professed joys of finding God in ones life. Time after Time, God has been the subject of war and peace.
A bible, however invented and whoever wrote it, one or many, has such divine words that can teach a child to adult the ways to love and act and bring peace in yours and others lives. It's not written to make you ignorant or lose yourself in life, but to bring forth life in you and wise in your ways.

What about Childbirth? What a miraculous event that is. Our own DNA, our own fingerprints, our own thoughts and free will to make decisions and find answers to our questions. Should I believe in GOD or not. We all make the choice and it brings us to the beginning. Did science create God or did God create science? A perfect world with perfect results and millions of followers of God. Let God control our lives and we will follow in good times or bad, we will stay faithful in God. We may never see or meet God in our living life, but we feel him, we pray to him and even can say he listens and answers our prayers. We feel better, we live as best we can and we go about our daily life with God in our hearts.
Is this so bad to have? Take away the money and all the man made reasons to falsify God for one's own selfish gain and you have a true spirited family of God fearing people living happy lives.

Throw science out there to reason with and you have the same money and reasons for selfish gain.
Where's the harm in GOD? Your opinion is yours and mine my own. If you don't need God and your doing just fine the way you are, happy, content and loving your fellow man, prosper well. If ever a time comes when you don't know the path to take, how about asking my God for a little, just a little advice. If you ask sincerely I'm sure he will give you an answer. There is no special way to ask, just take a breath and ask. I'm not sure if God will speak to you in person or from some unknown place in the air, but he has his ways of getting his point to you and sometimes it can be comical, so watch for the signs or events to happen. When he does answer, you will make a choice and later may says science did it or maybe God had something to do with it. Listen to your mind and do what your heart feels, that my friend is God and you won't get that from any book or teacher.
If he does talk to you, you decide what to do next, your life is going to change fast.

Can I say God Bless You?
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