An interesting proposition about creation.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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An interesting proposition about creation.

Post by Dan »

I didn't make this myself, I saw a video of a lecture done by a scientist in Jerusalem and it totally blew my mind. Some elements are added by me to make a clearer picture. However this was totally inspired by God, it's just too brilliant.

Ok, let's set the basis:

-Science says the universe is about 15 billion years old.

-This can be measured by determining how far we can see in space (light takes time to travel, the farthest back we can see is the age of the universe, the maximum time light had to travel).

-The universe is expanding.

- The universe's expansion is actually space stretching, distances get farther because space itself is stretching.

-If space is stretching, over massive periods of time the length of time light would have to travel would increase, thus distorting the age of the universe.

Let's set another base.

- Time is relative.

- To different observers, time will pass differently yet no conflict will arise.

- This is because of relativity.

- Thus, the age of the universe is relative to the observer.

Conclusion: Someone from the point of view of time 0 will perceive the passage of time going radically faster than someone who isn't. They will see time pass very very fast because in the earliest moments of the universe, it expanded at a factor of hundreds of billions of billions.

Now, if I could do the math (it'd be some pretty fancy calculus) I could determine what the observer at the beginning of the universe would perceive about the passage of time.

Luckily, someone's already done it for me.

Suprising results: If you were to observe the universe from the very beginning and you translated our 15 billion years into the time for that observer, the time elapsed, from Earth's creation to now, 6 and 3/4 days.

Totally serious.

If you were to measure the major events on Earth in these days, they would correspond exactly with the Bible.

Now if I could only find that video of the lecture that explained all this. It was done by a Jewish Physicist if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Sounds like Gerald Schroeder's creation view. You might be interested in see in the short discussion about it ... 5&start=39.

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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

Is this proof for Intelligent Design? I think not.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

No, genius, Dan has just given you the design specs to the easy bake oven.
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Re: An interesting proposition about creation.

Post by sandy_mcd »

Dan wrote: ... Someone from the point of view of time 0 will perceive the passage of time going radically faster than someone who isn't.
If you were to observe the universe from the very beginning and you translated our 15 billion years into the time for that observer, the time elapsed, from Earth's creation to now, 6 and 3/4 days.
I'm confused. Wouldn't the observer at the center perceive time to be going slowly relative to Earth if a week passes for him and billions of years for us ?

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Re: An interesting proposition about creation.

Post by sandy_mcd »

I am even more confused - I looked around on the web and the expansion of the universe doesn't seem to have occurred from a point (there is no central point from which all of the universe is expanding outward from), so where is this point of reference referred to where only 6 days pass?

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Post by Eire »

-Science says the universe is about 15 billion years old.

-This can be measured by determining how far we can see in space (light takes time to travel, the farthest back we can see is the age of the universe, the maximum time light had to travel).
This is completely wrong (except the age).

The age of the universe is calculated by measuring the relative distances and velocities of the galaxies. From the trajectories of the galaxies it appears they all started at one point. To get the age we just imagine time running backwards and work out how long it would take them to meet. Allowing for uncertainties 12-16 Billion years.
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