Are you bipolar (god versus science)?

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Re: Are you bipolar (god versus science)?

Post by Bradigans »

No, that is not inspiration. Inspiration is when you speak God's words. It comes from the Greek word θεοπνευστος (theopneustos, which literally means "God-breathed." Scripture is inspired. Prophecy is inspired. Even if I conceded you had the power to forgive sins (and I don't, but that's another argument entirely), that would not be inspiration. That would just be you exercising an authority God granted you.
Jac 3510,

Whose body is THE CHURCH (1 Corinthians 12, John 1:50)?

As a member of Christ's body, everything I do is inspired...

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Re: Are you bipolar (god versus science)?

Post by Bradigans »

Bradigans wrote:
No, that is not inspiration. Inspiration is when you speak God's words. It comes from the Greek word θεοπνευστος (theopneustos, which literally means "God-breathed." Scripture is inspired. Prophecy is inspired. Even if I conceded you had the power to forgive sins (and I don't, but that's another argument entirely), that would not be inspiration. That would just be you exercising an authority God granted you.
Jac 3510,

Whose body is THE CHURCH (1 Corinthians 12, John 1:50)?

As a member of Christ's body, everything I do is inspired...

--- IN CHRIST ---

- John 15:5 - I am the vine (THE CNS), ye are the branches (The peripheral nervous system): He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

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Re: Are you bipolar (god versus science)?

Post by Bradigans »

Jac3510 wrote:So you hold to a tripartite view of man. I hold to a dipartite view, but we have more in common than we disagree. Everything I said above we apply equally to the model you have suggested.
I believe man to be dipartite also if I have correct understanding of what you mean... We can either yield our souls; the distinct part of our beings, to the spiritual part of us, or to the carnal parts of us.. Of course to have this type of choice you must have had been regenerated (John 3:3, John 3:6 ).

Also, I'm not saying that yielding to the flesh is always bad either... Our carnality has needs also.. The carnal just needs ciphering through the spiritual so that it won't try to take over.

--- IN CHRIST ---

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