The roles have changed? I don't think so Bryan. The Bible exists. It is widely accepted as a historical document (at a minimum, and even among non-believers). It is a self-authenticating book supported by historical accounts. There is no evidence whatsoever to contradict it (regarding its claims of prophecies) so the burden of proof is on you to support the assertion that the prophecies were written after the fact. Absence of such evidence, your assertion is baseless. Like I said, a nice piece of evidence would be a contemporaneous document stating that at least 2 of the Gospel writers conspired with one another. Only 2, I won't event ask for all 4 (not to mention Paul who was so far removed from them as to make collusion a virtual impossibility) but that's pretty much what you would need for your assertion to be true, for all 4 Gospel writers to have gotten together at some point and got their stories straight so-to-speak down to the most minutest detail. Any evidence of that at all? No? And if such evidence ever materialized, it would spell the largest, most sophisticated conspiracy theory ever devised in the history of humankind. Does anyone believe simple Jewish fishermen from 2 millennia ago were capable of carrying out such a conspiracy? Perhaps some would but one would literally have to abandon all rationality to believe that.
It's not an actual conspiracy, but since the Bible is full of metaphors, that makes you wonder: why weren't things written in a clear manner for everybody to understand? Why is the Bible cryptic? Because it wasn't meant/designed for the normal average guy. It was written so only a few people of the time could offer explanation/guidance/advice on it. Why?
At least when it comes to prophecies, they should have been made crystal clear so no doubt is there. But what do you know? Prophecies come with metaphors as well.
assertion that the prophecies were written after the fact
The proof that they were written after it happened exists as I said because of the dating of books that compile the Bible.
You are asking for proof that the prophets actually made the prophecy before it happened. And I asked you: are there any other historical documents that mention that prophecy before it actually happened? You said that such evidence exists. Please tell me where I can find it.
So the burden proof is not on me but actually on you.
I have to prove everything, but you have to prove nothing. I'm supposed to believe everything you say.
Let me put this way: if you write a prophecy for the lottery numbers after the lottery numbers are known, what is the use of that prophecy? Zero.
4 Gospel writers to have gotten together at some point and got their stories straight so-to-speak down to the most minutest detail.
The Gospels weren't written all at the same time...
Approximate Dates
Mattew 50 AD
Luke 63 AD
Mark 65 AD
John 80-90 AD
How could they have had stories straight to the most minute detail? You figure it out.
It's again the chronology of events. You don't need to have a conspiracy. You just need to see where they got their inspiration from.
@Furstentum Liechtenstein
Will take a look later at what the prophecy you mentioned. Promise!!