Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

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Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Tpatt17 »

I'm just curious to see how many are in support of Mitt Romney this November. For some his Mormon views are a big problem, others maybe how much money he makes, and if he will focus on middle class Americans. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of Mud slinging in these campagin adds that will begin to come out. What are some things that Americans have for or against Romney, likewise with President Obama. This election is important to America, I just want to see what the general feelings about Romney are.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Ivellious »

Personally I thought the Republicans did a great job of bringing forth an entire roster of failure-in-the-making candidates, none of whom were remotely qualified to run for office. While I certainly don't classify Romney as the worst among them, he has the stigma of being part of a religion that carries a great deal of stigma itself. As far as popularity or marketability, Romney has some issues to overcome. I believe some people even label him as being "too liberal" to run as a Republican, so that just adds to the ways he is alienating his own party.

I don't know a ton about his politics, but I do know he faces a huge uphill battle even within his own party at the moment.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Katabole »

I'm Canadian however, I think it's a really tough choice for Christians in the US as to who to vote for, especially around moral issues because I think both fail pretty bad. I don't really like either one of their economic policies but I am the type of person who will vote regardless of who is running as that is my right, so in this particular election, I would probably vote Romney and give him a chance.

Obama however does like Jeff Beck and Mick Jagger :mrgreen:
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Tpatt17 »

I did see the issue of Romney being to liberal to run as a Republican; But I think that a major roadblock He'll face is his Religion, whether or not the majority of Christian's would vote him in. Will Christian Americans vote for Romney or Obama? This may have a big impact on the election, this is going to be interesting to see how it will play out as it gets close to November. But, should we focus on His religion, or look more towards how he will deal with the countries problems. For me, the issue of his Religion does not bother me, its whether or not he is up to the task of being president.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Gman »

Tpatt17 wrote:I'm just curious to see how many are in support of Mitt Romney this November. For some his Mormon views are a big problem, others maybe how much money he makes, and if he will focus on middle class Americans. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of Mud slinging in these campagin adds that will begin to come out. What are some things that Americans have for or against Romney, likewise with President Obama. This election is important to America, I just want to see what the general feelings about Romney are.
Well for one thing, anyone who falls for Mormonism has a serious screw loose in their thinking... A mean serious.... I don't know if anyone has really analyzed Mormonism but it is really whacked. I won't even go into how it was started, ok some cooky guy staring into a hat with seer stones reading some Egyptian gibberish on some gold plates. And if that isn't enough, the Book of Mormon calls blacks and other minorities cursed of god with darker skin. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.. There is planet Kolob, magical underwear, and man many other goofy beliefs that comes with this system.

I know you shouldn't judge someone on their beliefs alone, but you have to be super whacked out to believe this stuff... I most certainly couldn't trust anyone who believed in this.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Tpatt17 »

Oh yes, I have looked into Mormons. I was at a loss for words when it studied it. I was just curious, I don't know if My Lutheran Church members will vote for Romney or not, but the my general thinking is that Evangelical Christians will be less likley to vote for him. Hopefully we won't have to deal with bashing his religion on political adds, but you never know what could put in them. I really couldn't believe some of the things mormons teach, I really wouldn't call it any form of Christanity at all.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by DRDS »

For me personally (and I even started a thread about the difficulty of this subject for American Christians even before Romney's chances for being the republican candidate increased)

And right now I'm seriously thinking about writing in Ron Paul and that's if that's even an option come election time. In months past I was weary of wanting to vote for Ron Paul due to the rumors about him being anti Israel, but I did see not too long ago Paul silenced those rumors and voiced his support to Israel so unless I hear or see something very convincing again about Paul being anti Israel I will consider writing him in come election time.

If that is not an option which I kinda doubt it will be and if there is no other third candidate, I'll just not vote. Sorry I mean it's like voting for Satan or Satan's wife, there is just no way Christians nor America will win in this election. Ain't no way. :(
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Jac3510 »

Tpatt17 wrote:I'm just curious to see how many are in support of Mitt Romney this November. For some his Mormon views are a big problem, others maybe how much money he makes, and if he will focus on middle class Americans. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of Mud slinging in these campagin adds that will begin to come out. What are some things that Americans have for or against Romney, likewise with President Obama. This election is important to America, I just want to see what the general feelings about Romney are.
Of course he has a chance at becoming president. Obama is an incredibly weak incumbent, and the general mood in the country (indeed, the world) seems to be anti-incumbent. Now, I think Romney is an incredibly weak Republican nominee--probably one of the weakest choices they could have fielded. But now it is what it is. It's going to come down to how seven or eight states vote (North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc.).

It could be a blow out in either direction. It could be very close. Who knows? In any case, I won't be voting for Romney. I would have voted for any other Republican candidate rather enthusiastically (excluding Paul), but I can't vote for Romney. It has nothing to do with his Mormonism, and I think it's not only absurd but dangerous to start going down that road. There should be no religious litmus test for being POTUS.

I can't vote for him because I think he is deeply corrupt, and not in your average political sense. I think he's a man of no principle save one: what's good for Romney. He's no less of a narcissist (in my view) than Obama. People complain that Obama was too inexperienced to be president. That wasn't the problem. He was (and is) too self-centered. Romney is exactly the same. His record makes John Kerry look like an icon of integrity. Romney won the nomination by essentially buying it, and that by disqualifying everyone else with what essentially amounted to lies. Obama has some serious flaws that make him completely untenable as a candidate for me, but at least he isn't a liar (in the sense Romney is).

I'll be voting for Virgil Goode.

But, again, I'm not saying Romney can't win. I think he has at least an even shot. I think just about anybody else would have had a better than even shot, but Romney's is at least even.

edit: I also don't buy into the hype about this being the election. I can personally remember hearing that in every single election since Bush Sr was beaten by Clinton. It's standard boogie-man tactics. Will it be had if Obama is reelected? Yes, it will. But contrary to Hannity and Limbaugh and their ilk, it won't be the end of the republic. Besides, I don't see Romney changing the long term trend any more than Obama will. Romney basically just wants to tweak a fundamentally broken system. He may manage the decay better, to use the cliche, but it's all still decay. I just don't see that much of a difference in the two.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Callisto »

DRDS wrote:For me personally (and I even started a thread about the difficulty of this subject for American Christians even before Romney's chances for being the republican candidate increased)

And right now I'm seriously thinking about writing in Ron Paul and that's if that's even an option come election time. In months past I was weary of wanting to vote for Ron Paul due to the rumors about him being anti Israel, but I did see not too long ago Paul silenced those rumors and voiced his support to Israel so unless I hear or see something very convincing again about Paul being anti Israel I will consider writing him in come election time.

If that is not an option which I kinda doubt it will be and if there is no other third candidate, I'll just not vote. Sorry I mean it's like voting for Satan or Satan's wife, there is just no way Christians nor America will win in this election. Ain't no way. :(
Agree. I'll write in Ron Paul's name too, probably. I've vowed it in the past so I should follow through with it; I'm just thinking about the other parties who would also be good choices (Constitution Party, Libertarian Party).

The other thing is, Romney is basically Obama but with an "R" and a Book of Mormon attached to him. Policy-wise, there's not much difference, despite what he says when he's pandering to get votes from Republicans who doesn't do any research and only listen to what their televisions tell them. His Mormon religion gives me pause, but mostly I won't vote for him based on his record and the things he's said. He does seem to have a serpent's tongue, saying whatever is politically expedient for him to do at any given time (like Obama and others).

Plus, I really don't think Romney could ever beat Obama, even if he weren't Obama/Bush/Clinton 2.0.

Eh. I'll leave it at that. y[-(
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Gman »

By the way I forgot to add, Mormonism teaches that you become your own god to rule over your own planets and people. What does that tell you?

Am I the only one who studies this stuff? y:-/
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Callisto »

Gman wrote:By the way I forgot to add, Mormonism teaches that you become your own god to rule over your own planets and people. What does that tell you?

Am I the only one who studies this stuff? y:-/
:lol: No, we actually had a girl that was invited to our Campus Crusade group who was Mormon and we had to explain to her that it didn't make sense to think you were going to become a god by virtue of God himself and you aren't a Christian at all but a polytheist if you think God is just our neighborhood deity who once lived on Xanadu or where-ever. ...Well, we said it a lot nicer than I just did but that's what went through my mind.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by RickD »

Latest news, is that Romney is thinking of choosing Marco Rubio, to be his VP running mate. That would be a brilliant move, if Mr. Mitt chooses Rubio.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Beanybag »

As my vote will likely not make a difference, I'll be voting for some third-party candidate. I haven't decided yet. As for the subject, I think Romney has a good chance at becoming President - I foresee a close race.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by Byblos »

RickD wrote:Latest news, is that Romney is thinking of choosing Marco Rubio, to be his VP running mate. That would be a brilliant move, if Mr. Mitt chooses Rubio.
He needs the Hispanic vote, without it he is doomed.
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Re: Does Mitt Romney Have a chance at becoming president?

Post by RickD »

Byblos wrote:
RickD wrote:Latest news, is that Romney is thinking of choosing Marco Rubio, to be his VP running mate. That would be a brilliant move, if Mr. Mitt chooses Rubio.
He needs the Hispanic vote, without it he is doomed.
"¡Si Señor!..."
But also, Rubio is a favorite here in Florida, especially with conservatives. He would help Romney get the votes of more conservative Christian voters, who may not like Romney's flip flopping. Rubio would definitely help get more of the conservative voter base that May be put off by Romney's Mormon beliefs, as well.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
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St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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