One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever seen

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One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever seen

Post by cubeus19 »

Hi guys, I was browsing around on youtube and I stumbled across one of the strangest if not the strangest view of Christ I have ever seen. Here is the link to it:

It's called "Is Jesus Lucifer"?

First off just how nutty can people get today? I mean this stuff is way worse than what the Gnostics or the Jesus Seminar people put out. I guess it could be due to conspiracy theorists taking things way way too far.

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Re: One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever se

Post by Rob »

Some people think that Jesus was an extra-terrestrial- that an alien fetus was planted in Mary's womb and that's how he could do all those miracles.
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Re: One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever se

Post by BryanH »

The youtube clip just proves how the bible can be interpreted in many ways.

The most funny part is how he scrambles Lucifer... in English:)) English is not the only language in the world and the word Lucifer is not of English origin anyway.

But there are some points which are quite interesting except the fact that he presents Jesus as Lucifer.

Well, everyone is entitled to presenting their point of view. I have to say that the movie is quite funny.
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Re: One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever se

Post by PaulSacramento »

Rob wrote:Some people think that Jesus was an extra-terrestrial- that an alien fetus was planted in Mary's womb and that's how he could do all those miracles.
Well, IF by extra-terrestiral you mean someone NOT of this Earth, then I guess that MAY be one way to look at it, LOL !
If by alien you mean a being from somewhere other than earth.
Sure,, much like Obi-Won said, " From a certain point of view..."
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Re: One of the strangest fringe views of Christ I've ever se

Post by KBCid »

I wonder why nobody really took notice this little fact;
Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Do you notice it clearly states 'morning stars'... there was more than 1.

2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

satan was a morning star.... but.... he was not the only one. The author of the video has blended two things together with an inference that everything must be rationalised as pertaining to only one morning star and he chose Christ as this only star which required every verse touching on the subject to apply to him.
It is as if some Christians sit there and wait for the smallest thing that they can dispute and then jump onto it...
The Bible says that we were each given an interpretation – this gift of interpretation is not there so we can run each other into the ground. It is there for our MUTUAL edification.
// ... each-other
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