This really bothers me...

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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by BavarianWheels »

Mitzy wrote:Logicly evolution is ridiculous.
Actually it's very logical...else it wouldn't even be considered. Of course if one holds to this dogmatically, I can see why "they" might think one a loose cannon. It can be proved that things/animals/humans/society...evolve. Now whether man came from some speck of cosmic dust is another position all together.
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Reactionary »

BavarianWheels wrote:humans/society...evolve.
I would disagree that humans or the society evolve. It's shared knowledge that makes advancements, and enables us to reach more and more of our potential. But a 21st century human is, in my opinion, in no way smarter or more capable than a human from the ancient era. More educated, maybe, but that's a result of the conditions in which (s)he was raised. Imagine, if you travelled back through time to the ancient or medieval era, would you be able to advance the society with your knowledge? Few people would be able to do that, because very few know how to build an internal combustion engine, generate electricity, build a telephone, computer etc.
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7:6

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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Mitzy »

BavarianWheels wrote:
Mitzy wrote:Logicly evolution is ridiculous.
Actually it's very logical...else it wouldn't even be considered. Of course if one holds to this dogmatically, I can see why "they" might think one a loose cannon. It can be proved that things/animals/humans/society...evolve. Now whether man came from some speck of cosmic dust is another position all together.
Ok what you may call evolution I call small adaptations through time. The whole Darwin theory does sound ridiculous especially when you really go over all the evidence that supports it and is against it.
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Callisto »

Mitzy wrote:
I have some of the same issues. I use debating with those kinds of people to help me control my temper and be able to respond to them without insults and getting all emotional. I have been debating a lot and I understand what you mean. You get attacked just because you are Christian and have a different opinion than the liberals. Athiests are the worst they try and make Christians who believe in creation seem illogical and just plain stupid. When in reality they are the ones that lack logic. Logicly evolution is ridiculous. I fight back by not posting scripture because they believe it is just a book written by man, but by posting scientific facts that debunk their beliefs. It doesn't matter what you say anyway because they refuse to believe in a God especially the Bible God. They will ignore facts and reason but I like to put just a little bit of doubts in their minds about their beliefs.

If talking to them at all really upsets you then I sugest you quit or do it in moderation. You have to be tough skinned to talk to those people because you will be attacked. We are the close minded ones but in reality they attacked for believing differently.
Yes, I'm starting to figure out that I really just need to let it go and stay away from people like that in the first place because they will only believe of their own accord. But it is good to plant in some doubts about their atheistic beliefs, if only to get them thinking and dropping their predispositions. Many atheists have been saved this way. Part of the reason I came here though, was to a) get answers for questions; b) fellowship with others; c) NOT get attacked for once. I don't consider it cognitive dissonance since I do talk to people with differing views, I just am tired of being attacked and reading complete crap on the Internet about my beliefs.
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Mitzy »

Yes, I'm starting to figure out that I really just need to let it go and stay away from people like that in the first place because they will only believe of their own accord. But it is good to plant in some doubts about their atheistic beliefs, if only to get them thinking and dropping their predispositions. Many atheists have been saved this way. Part of the reason I came here though, was to a) get answers for questions; b) fellowship with others; c) NOT get attacked for once. I don't consider it cognitive dissonance since I do talk to people with differing views, I just am tired of being attacked and reading complete crap on the Internet about my beliefs.[/quote]

I understand, that is kind of why I decided to join these boards. Its nice not getting called ignorant and all sorts of other names for a change. I have been going to Dr Drew's FB page and debating on there but a lot of times it ends me getting called names and then accuse me of being the bully. It gets to a person after a while. There is so much that I can take. Here it seems that people are more respectful to each other even though they do not always agree.
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by mandelduke »

It is ok to plant a seed, but if they are not receptive don’t waste your time.

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Reactionary »

mandelduke wrote:It is ok to plant a seed, but if they are not receptive don’t waste your time.

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Mandelduke, you're copying my signature. :lol: ;)
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7:6

"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." Romans 1:20

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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Dudeacus97 »

You know, those idiots deserve a big thank you. Their comments on YouTube, Yahoo Answers, and Cracked have gotten me into Christian Apologetics and onto this site. After a while, I realized that their comments were not arguments, but illogical insults. After this realization, I stopped becoming offended by many of their comments, but many of them still annoy me.
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Re: This really bothers me...

Post by Callisto »

Dudeacus97 wrote:You know, those idiots deserve a big thank you. Their comments on YouTube, Yahoo Answers, and Cracked have gotten me into Christian Apologetics and onto this site. After a while, I realized that their comments were not arguments, but illogical insults. After this realization, I stopped becoming offended by many of their comments, but many of them still annoy me.
It happened exactly like that to Richard Morgan, who used to be an atheist on the forums. His testimony, if anyone's interested:

Yes, I've more or less come to scoff immediately at comments like theirs and ignore them, though as I've said in this thread, they DO annoy me and sometimes really can bother me, depending. Since I wrote this thread's starting post I think I've gotten even better at letting it bounce off of me. Key word: gotten better. Still not that good at it. y(:|
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