Shroud of Turin

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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Icthus »

Wait a minute. I just noticed, Bippy, that every time I've referred to you, I've called you "Blippy." Sorry about that. I should have noticed.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Byblos »

Icthus wrote:Wait a minute. I just noticed, Bippy, that every time I've referred to you, I've called you "Blippy." Sorry about that. I should have noticed.
Lol, I saw that so many times and wanted to call you on it but didn't. I was just having too much fun with it (sorry bLippy :pound: ).
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Icthus wrote:Wait a minute. I just noticed, Bippy, that every time I've referred to you, I've called you "Blippy." Sorry about that. I should have noticed.
Icthus, hehe I didn't even see it till you pointed it out lol. No worries buddy.
Sounds catchy :mrgreen:
Last edited by bippy123 on Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Byblos wrote:
Icthus wrote:Wait a minute. I just noticed, Bippy, that every time I've referred to you, I've called you "Blippy." Sorry about that. I should have noticed.
Lol, I saw that so many times and wanted to call you on it but didn't. I was just having too much fun with it (sorry bLippy :pound: ).
Hehe Byblos and Icthus, I just did a google search on blippy and it turns out there is a popular social media site called
Opps I gotta control that OCD again and channel it back to the Shroud :mrgreen:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by narnia4 »

Others have said it in the past, but I'll add my thanks for all the work you've done here bippy. Keep it up.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

narnia4 wrote:Others have said it in the past, but I'll add my thanks for all the work you've done here bippy. Keep it up.
Thanks Narnia, its true what they say about the shroud, once u start researching it, it's almost impossible to put it down.
I still feel there will be many amazing discoveries about the shroud, and to me the most important research could be the holographic research going on in the holland labs, to which we can thank Doctor Petrus Soons for alerting them to it.

Once they unlock all of the holographic information on it, they will be able too unlock information that will really shock the world. Remember that holographic information is available throughout the universe non-locally, meaning that what happened on that shroud was a universal event. ;)
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Another fascinating article from the world renowned artist Dame Isabel Piczek (who is also a particle physicist that specializes in time). ... -formation


We have stated that there is a dividing line, a real INTERFACE between the projection of the Frontal Image and the Dorsal Image that was, no doubt, created by the Body wrapped into the Shroud.


1) The hermetic separation of the two images Frontal and Dorsal without any overlap.

2) The lack of anatomical distortion of the naked Body projected on the Shroud. 
—These both indicate that the Shroud was forced absolutely taut and precisely parallel with some kind of horizontal entity running in the center.
—Also is apparent the presence of an inner Enclosure, AN ISOLATED SYSTEM, with all that this Isolated System would indicate or even enforce.

3) It is clearly visible on the Shroud Images, especially on the Dorsal Image, that the muscles of the Body are not crushed and flattened against the stone bench of the tomb.

4) The Body is hovering between the upper and the lower sheet and there is NO TRACE OF GRAVITY.

5) The lack of gravity is also further proven by the Shroud linen. The linen does not fall on top of the Body, but remains in its unnaturally stretched condition at some distance from the body.

All the above tell us that the INTERFACE indicated is not an ordinary Interface. Judging by its qualities it has to be an EVENT HORIZON that blocks every communication between the two sides of the Image.

Let us see what is usually indicated by an Event Horizon and how does that relate to the Event Horizon of the Shroud:

An Event Horizon is a critical line or a radius that divides Space-Time into two distinct regions. The exterior region one can experience, but the region beyond the critical line or radius one cannot experience. The critical line marks the path of the last light pulse that still reached the Event Horizon and Time itself slowed to a halt. Looking at the critical line from the other side Time and events gain almost infinite speed and one could see the whole history of the Universe, past present and future rapidly passing to an arbitrary end.

Ordinarily Event Horizons are tied to Gravity and Time, until they both, Time and Space cease to exist in a Black Hole, the end product of the process and gravity suffers a catastrophic collapse.

Does the Interface Event Horizon of the Shroud lead to a Black Hole?

Everything on the Shroud indicates that the answer is NO.It is here that we face the most substantial paradox of our investigation. A paradox of that magnitude one cannot solve all at once, but one can assemble everything that is known so far and get closer to the magic door opening through the Shroud into a startingly different world. 

We have stated before that the images on the Shroud firmly indicate the total absence of Gravity. Yet they also firmly indicate the presence of the Event Horizon. These two seemingly contradict each other and they necessitate the past presence of something more powerful than Gravity that had the capacity to solve the above paradox.


Entropy decreasing can produce energy levels powerful enough to replace gravity while leaving other gravity-like effects in place, as the Event Horizon. This has to be studied further. It promises some very new results.

The upper region of the Isolated System of the Shroud has one Event Horizon, H1, that serves as a boundary of the Upper Region and there has to be an Event Horizon, H2, that is boundary to the Lower Region of the closed system. There is no space region but infinite density between the two. The two Boundaries can be looked at as one. Because H1 and H2 move so close to each other that they look as one, makes them eventually disappear, causing a total collapse of the Time quantum to ABSOLUTE ZERO TIME.

The total Space and Time breakdown to zero exposes that what was in the heart of the now collapsed Event Horizon. Not a Black Hole, but a very special kind of SINGULARITY, similar to the one that once assisted the creation of a universe, our own.


For years science looked at dark matter as something that cannot exist in reality. The existence of dark matter has now been proven. For a long time no one believed in the real existence of black holes. When their existence was accepted science thought of them as very sinister entities in outer space. Now we know, that with their great gravitational power, they keep the galaxies together against the gravitational pull of dark matter. Singularities are feared and are on the extreme sinister list. It is here that the laws of nature, order and organization, as we know them, cease to exist, together with the predictability and consequently science itself. Due to them one has to give up rigid symmetries or the idea of an exactly uniform Universe. Unpredictable influences can come into the Universe from elsewhere. 

What is the true face of the Big Bang type Singularity ??

Space-Time Singularity Big Bang style allows something to come out of nothing. It lends us to the possibility of the creation of a Universe. Science and human thinking since centuries was trapped in the notion that events that already have happened and the previous structures of the universe determine with considerable precision the structures and events of the present and even the future Universe. It seems to be a safe and utterly mechanized set up! The trouble with it is that it just does not work. Creation is alive, it is not mechanized. It was formed by Singularity. It freely implants new patterns and ideas into creation for its DEVELOPMENT, not for its smooth working. Singularity stands in the service of Information, the real INFORMATION, not the one science believed in for centuries through its mechanized set up. Information is the basic, living substance of the universe of which everything is made. It cannot be destroyed or changed.(Landauer’s Principle:”Any process that erases a bit in one place, must transfer that same amount of information somewhere else”). It always comes in from the future, never from the past. While Space and Time can fall to zero in the depth of Singularity, it is the wrong notion that that also Information is trapped there. Nothing can trap Information. Its propagation is independent from light, it has its own Information waves that can overcome any field or force. While everything in the Universe began at some point out of Singularity and may cease to exist at another point, Information simply stays.

The presence of Singularity selects for us the type of field at work in the tomb. It is undoubtedly THE FIELD OF INFORMATION. Its nature forbids the formation of its own anti-field.

Symmetry breaking is an almost more frequent phenomenon than invariance in nature. This should be attributed to the character of Singularity and its still ongoing consequences in creation. The subatomic world was mankind’s first exposure to the real nature of creation without any human manipulation. Science had to accept randomness, vague probability, constant change, sudden appearance and annihilation of particles. The real world seems to be a very creative world but hard to hold on to where anything can happen. 

Paul Davies, one of the physicists who most profoundly studied Singularities, calls Singularities of the Big Bang type “a permanent and inexhaustible life support system”.

A Space-Time Singularity has two functions and characters in one. The time-like character of Singularity is a boundary to Space and its space-like character is a boundary to Time. The time-like Singularity in this Universe is a more severe boundary to Space than the space-like Singularity to Time. Both could be considered past, like if this would not be turned over by the quasi rules of the quantum world.

The big difference between the space-like and the time-like Singularities is that the space-like Singularity does not endure in the true sense. It shows an explosive behavior. The time-like Singularity in this creation system continues with time at least through certain duration. John Archibald Wheeler said:”It carries new influences into the Universe”. 

The double Event Horizon of the Shroud, once it is fused into ONE (with the energy supplied for it probably by reverse entropy), exposes a Singularity that has this double nature, time-like and space-like and behaves accordingly. As a Big Bang type space-like Singularity it explodes in one impact. As a time-like Singularity it will continue. If we wondered how Time could recover from a zero collapse state, the answer is to be found in this. Time also has to go through a PHASE TRANSFORMATION.


When an Event Horizon is reached and Time stops, events are frozen in Time. It is held to be true that events are recorded on the Event Horizon.
Similarly, since the Shroud represents a closed system, the Body was recorded, Frontal and Dorsal, on the two Event Horizons, together with some of the traces of the phenomena that effected the closed system. After Time, due to the impulse of Singularity, started to proceed again, it had to give forth the image that was joined to the last Time quanta and recorded on the Event Horizon. Hence the retrospective quality of the image and the fact that it is the dead Body that got recorded, not the risen one. At the “time” the image was transferred on the cloth, the Body was no longer in the tomb. But the difference in time is infinitesimal. Not expressible in our own terms.

The process that permanently fixed the two Images on the cloth is not any simpler than what lead to it till now. No wonder Shroud Research never was able to tackle this problem. Why were these complexities necessary at all?

“The Singularity may represent the interface between the natural and supernatural”. (Paul Davies).

We never could find and describe the “physics” of the Resurrection or find the secret to make people rise. All these belong to God alone. But perhaps we could get a glimpse of the purpose this extraordinary piece of cloth wants to serve?  
Earnestly reading on the cloth the traces of some colossal phenomena, there is only one conclusion. Let us follow the complex process again described by the Shroud.


There is the hermetic separation of the two Images with no overlap. The Frontal Image is projected upward and the Dorsal Image downward, clearly describing a Horizontal Interface in between.The Interface seems to have the power of making the Shroud straight and taut and definitely forced to be parallel with this mysterious entity. Due to this condition of the Shroud the Image of the Body on both sides is visibly perfect and undistorted anatomically. The cloth is staying at some distance from the Body and does not fall on it. Also clearly visible is that the muscles of the Body are not flattened against the stone bench of the tomb. The body is weightlessly hovering between the two sides of the sheet. The fact that the upper side of the sheet did not fall on the Body and that the muscles are not crushed and flattened against the stone bench of the tomb clearly proves the total absence of gravity.

All the above visible traces on the Shroud indicate that the new Entity, the mysterious Interface is significantly more than just an Interface. It has obviously great power of a special kind that indicates we are dealing with an Event Horizon. The lack of Gravity, however, introduces here a significant paradox. There is a great upsurge of energy with strong organizing power that would mean decreasing entropy. The immense energy released has the means to overpower Gravity while energizing the Event Horizon already in place. (here some new and different laws seem to present themselves that have to be studied).

The greatly divided Upper region and Lower region of the Isolated System of the Shroud each seems to have its own Event Horizon. Since energy has been added by entropy falling, the Event Horizons move closer and closer to each other, finally becoming one. Time collapses to Zero. Eventually they disappear, revealing the entity they were clothing so to speak, the Space-Time Singularity Big Bang style. Everything indicates that at the collapse of the Interface the Body is suddenly no longer in the tomb.

After time, due to the impulse of the time-like part of Singularity started to proceed in a new direction, it had to give forth the Image that was carried by the last time quanta and encoded, as we know, on the Event Horizon. It was the Image of the dead Body with a retrospective quality and recorded in two halves.

The space-like part of Singularity, as we have seen, explodes with everything all at once spreading its powerful Information Field. With its obvious assistance the Image recovered by time spreads itself on both sides of the cloth. The mechanism is extremely complex. The orthogonal projection is scarce. The oblique forms are transported in multi planes turning and turning, superposed and creating a Bas-relief effect with the mysterious Event Horizon as its impenetrable background. Another paradoxical quality of the Shroud is its semi-three-dimensional character, a two-dimensional encoded Image that can only translate itself in three dimensions, forever speaking about the presence of a real three-dimensional Body.

We have to remember also that the explosion of a singularity is an incredibly powerful event even in an Isolated System. One of these brought forth the Big bang. The tomb can contain and witness only the infinitesimal split duration of the explosion and action of the Singularity, hence the unknown and alien marks on the Shroud that no one could imitate.

Creation started out of a Singularity and its explosion. We call it the Big Bang. No matter how startling and how unbelievable it is, but this investigation led to a definite Singularity. The Second Creation has been started in the tomb and burst forth from there. The Shroud is an incredible Blueprint presented amidst the signs of a monumental sacrifice.

I close with the very fitting words of John Archibald Wheeler:

“Some day a door will open and expose the glittering central mechanism of the world in its beauty and simplicity”. 
Who would have thought that this door will open through the Shroud of Turin!
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Philip »

Ever get the impression, that after a hard day of thinking, Isabel probably has to go and soak her head in a bucket of ice water? :esmile:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:Ever get the impression, that after a hard day of thinking, Isabel probably has to go and soak her head in a bucket of ice water? :esmile:
Definitely Philip, cause she also made the philosophical mistake of the "something from nothing" which William lane Craig proved was wrong. A thought may be immaterial but it definitely isn't nothing.
Philip let's send her some dry ice hehe
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Philip »

Bippy, you know, I was just looking over the entirety of the Wikipedia entries on the Shroud, and it struck me that we have brought all our wise men of science and all of our latest technology to bear, and yet we're to believe some clever alchemist, 1,000 years ago, somehow faked a relic so brilliantly that it confounds us to this day. And a simple method - which would have been all anyone of the time would have would have been able to employ - should be very easy to explain by us today, certainly as it has been examined at the microscopic and chemical levels.

It would appear that the miracle of the Resurrection was so fantastical, that its miraculous effects dramatically extended even to Jesus' burial garments. The fact that it cannot be explained sure sounds like something I would expect to be associated with the Lord. And I can't imagine any textile has been studied to the degree the Shroud has. And yet it is so disheartening to see how superficial most media stories written about it are - which, unfortunately, is no real surprise.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:Bippy, you know, I was just looking over the entirety of the Wikipedia entries on the Shroud, and it struck me that we have brought all our wise men of science and all of our latest technology to bear, and yet we're to believe some clever alchemist, 1,000 years ago, somehow faked a relic so brilliantly that it confounds us to this day. And a simple method - which would have been all anyone of the time would have would have been able to employ - should be very easy to explain by us today, certainly as it has been examined at the microscopic and chemical levels.

It would appear that the miracle of the Resurrection was so fantastical, that its miraculous effects dramatically extended even to Jesus' burial garments. The fact that it cannot be explained sure sounds like something I would expect to be associated with the Lord. And I can't imagine any textile has been studied to the degree the Shroud has. And yet it is so disheartening to see how superficial most media stories written about it are - which, unfortunately, is no real surprise.
Yes Philip, interesting isn't it. How could the forger put in spatial 3d information. I've also read articles of experts who went to the shroud display exposition in 2010 and when you are too close to the shroud the image disappears. The forger would need a brush that was 15 feet long for that is the distance that best displays the shroud, and on top of that the scientists explained that each individual pixel came about separately. How could a forger paint each microscopic pixel o e by one and not make any errors?

No one on earth could do this, and this doesn't even count the other incredible aspects of the shroud.
When they first ran the shroud picture through the vp8 image analyzer and it came out a perfect 3d image, they thought they were looking at something from another world, because it is the only 2d image on earth with 3d I formation on it. An image this ancient isn't supposed to have all of this technology embedded on it.

Can you imagine the look on Peters face when he entered that tomb:)

As far as the media, I was on a different forum in 2009 when suddenly ever major media out online announced that the shroud had been replicated. It was as if the media were like a school of sharks and some dropped a bucket of blood into their area. Almost all newbies in the forum I was at said "oh well, I didn't think it was real anyways", but after the hardcore shroud experts got a chance to examine the replica, they all saw that it had none of the shrouds unique characteristics of the real shroud the story all of a sudden went away, but instead of showing that this replica was an epic fail in all aspects the media went silent, and to this day today I still get newbies that tell me that the shroud was proven a fake because they replicated it in 2009 lol y#-o .

Before 2009 I didn't even know what the shroud of Turin was, but thanks to the media buzz about the replica I was alerted to it.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

DRDS wrote:
bippy123 wrote:There was a video on YouTube from the spokesperson of the sturp team DR. Kenneth Stevenson which I can't find now (so frustrating) as it didn't have his name on title of the video, where he gives a great initial lecture on the injuries and the image of the man on the shroud.

DRDS he was one of the baptists that was on the sturp team and he and Gary Habermas teamed together to write a book on the shroud. I forgot the name but I heard it's a good book.

Let me know if this helps, I found this while searching on youtube for Dr. Kenneth Stevenson.
DRDS, I can't believe that I posted the YouTube video of Doctor Kenneth Stevenson's on this thread back in march. I completely forgot about it but I'll post it again here. Stevenson is da man :mrgreen: ... ata_player

This is one of the best and detailed presentations on the injuries of Jesus on the shroud I have seen.what's frustrating me even more is that this is just part 1 of the video and I can't find the other parts of it anywhere y#-o
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by DRDS »

Thanks for the link Bippy,I'll certainly check it out. I tell you I was thinking, with evidence as good as this stuff is on the shroud it's such a shame that Christianity as a whole is not welcoming the shroud and the evidence that goes with it as they should.

I guess between the 1988 carbon dating fiasco, the fact that the shroud is considered by most to be a "catholic relic" especially by Protestants, and the nut fringe group Kent Hovind groupies who think Jesus had a Chuck Norris haircut in a time long before barbers were invented people I guess just wrongly consider the shroud to be spiritual taboo of sorts.

I really hope people will get a chance to be exposed to all this great new evidence and hope they have an open mind to accept it because if they do, we could see a flood of new people coming to Christ because of it.

The only bad thing is those groups of people I mentioned above try everything in their power to keep people away from studying the shroud with an open mind. They almost become as committed to their alternative shroud views as yecs and theistic evolutionists have with their views in the age of the earth/creation debates or as Calvinists and Armenians get in their debates.

I just wish they could put aside their emotions for a bit and try to just examine the evidence presented here in this thread with the same kind of sober mindedness like detectives view a crime scene. If that could happen that could spark almost like another second great awakening type of event. Or at least that's my take on it.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Swimmy »

Was this you :P

I am posting this 2010 news item here on my Shroud news for February 2012, because of its importance, and it is the first I became aware of it. I was alerted by a commenter bippy123 to my blog post, "Re: Shroud blood ... types as AB ... aged blood always types as AB, so the significance of this ... is unclear" that King Tutankhamun's blood type was A2. The significance of this for the Shroud is that its blood type (and that of the Sudarium of Oviedo) is AB:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Swimmy wrote:Was this you :P

I am posting this 2010 news item here on my Shroud news for February 2012, because of its importance, and it is the first I became aware of it. I was alerted by a commenter bippy123 to my blog post, "Re: Shroud blood ... types as AB ... aged blood always types as AB, so the significance of this ... is unclear" that King Tutankhamun's blood type was A2. The significance of this for the Shroud is that its blood type (and that of the Sudarium of Oviedo) is AB:
:mrgreen: Yea Swimmy, thats me. Seems like Dan Porters shroud blog picked up my find. Stephen Jones I believe was kind enough to blog about it first on his blog where we first had the discussion about it.They both have a great bunch of guys that know their shroud research well.
Last edited by bippy123 on Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.