ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

Philip wrote:
Lets take into account the Periscope de Adultera, if you look at the passages does it look like something OUT of context with what Jesus preached? would have said?, No, it is very much in character with Jesus's preaching, even more so within the context of the GOJ.
We do NOT know why it was not present in the oldest manuscript, it MAY have been in the original and removed by some scribe that taught it to "forgiving" on an adulteress, or it may have come from a different copy of the GOJ that was "made into one" master copy, we simply do NOT know, but we.they DO KNOW that it does NOT go against the orthodox teachings of Christ.
I would well agree that the Periscope de Adultera passage absolutely sounds exactly what one would expect Jesus might say. In fact, I was rather shocked when I learned that it was considered suspect by many qualified to render such an opinion. The passage at the end of Mark seems contradictory and even dangerous if applied. Plus its assertions are not what we have observed to be true.

If you think about it, God could have preserved His Word in some perfect pristine way that even all COPIES were IDENTICAL, no misspellings, word order mistakes, etc. - with all being precisely the same. But He didn't do that, as apparently He did not think that necessary. In fact, it might make it more suspect, that someone had systematically harmonized them. Even if someone added a MEANINGLESS passage, it has not changed the truth they tried to attach it to (nothing will do that!). Also, I would imagine that, historically, most who might have attempted to add to or change Scripture would have had evil motives to DISTORT what was already there - in an attempt to mislead or contradict what true Scripture says. This is why the other so called "lost" books are rather easy to identify.

Truly, I didn't mean to stir up anything, but to stimulate an important discussion about some passages most Christians are unaware of the debate over them - as a discussion amongst brothers. And I'm sure these teams that put these Bible's together prayed long and diligently over what cautionary comments they might make about them. These are no simple, knee-jerk reactions. And I don't think for a minute that IF they are not Scriptural, that they in any way reflect upon the integrity of the rest of Scripture. I take a very high view of God's Word.
I think that we tend to put a far HIGHER view on scripture than God has and I don't mean that in a bad way.
God's WORD is Jesus and the bible comes second.
I think that all here would agree that if there was no bible, that God would find another way.
As Christ said, "even the stones would proclaim Him".
While the bible is of the upmost importance in terms of the historical writings that have been handed down to us, it is NOT more important than Christ or any other way God chooses to reveal Himself to Us.
The bible is exactly as it should be given the context(s) the various books and letters were written under and for whom they were written.
Let is ALWAYS have in mind that MAN is NOT perfect and NO WHERE do any of the writers of the various books of the bible CLAIM to be infalliable or perfect.
They do NOT and were NOT.

So where does that leave the bible and Us?
It leaves US with the responsibility to view the bible for what it is, for ALL it is and for us to NOT view it for what it never was meant to be.
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by jlay »

I think that we tend to put a far HIGHER view on scripture than God has and I don't mean that in a bad way.
What? The last thing I would say in this day and age is that we hold a higher view of scripture than God.
God's WORD is Jesus and the bible comes second.
I think this is an argument in semantics. The Bible is the god inspired text we have regarding the revelation of the living Word.
I think that all here would agree that if there was no bible, that God would find another way.
Yet, this is obviously the method He chose for today.
While the bible is of the upmost importance in terms of the historical writings that have been handed down to us, it is NOT more important than Christ or any other way God chooses to reveal Himself to Us.

Such as?
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

jlay wrote:
I think that we tend to put a far HIGHER view on scripture than God has and I don't mean that in a bad way.
What? The last thing I would say in this day and age is that we hold a higher view of scripture than God.
God's WORD is Jesus and the bible comes second.
I think this is an argument in semantics. The Bible is the god inspired text we have regarding the revelation of the living Word.
I think that all here would agree that if there was no bible, that God would find another way.
Yet, this is obviously the method He chose for today.
While the bible is of the upmost importance in terms of the historical writings that have been handed down to us, it is NOT more important than Christ or any other way God chooses to reveal Himself to Us.

Such as?
Not everyone agrees with what "inspired" means.
The WORD of God is Christ, there is no semantics.
The written word of God is the bible, lets never confuse the two.

The bible reveals to us God's word as He shared it with the various authors of the books and letters in the bible, in their time for their audience.
Many of the lessons and laws are timeless and applicable to our age, some are not.
God reveals Hmself via the HS as well and in the universe we live.
I don't place the bible above any other method God chooses to reveal Himself ( or beneath it of course).
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by jlay »

I don't place the bible above any other method God chooses to reveal Himself
So, by what do you measure claims of someone who says they have revelation directly from the HS?
The written word of God is the bible, lets never confuse the two.
Got it. The Bible is the written word of GOD.
The written word says that the The Word was God. Therefore, Christ is God, and thus the Bible is what?
God reveals Hmself via the HS as well and in the universe we live
So, you don't place specific revelation that you call, "the written word of God" above general revelation?
The written word of God is the bible, lets never confuse the two.
i'm not confused. I know the differnce between Logos (1 John 1:1) and Rhema (1 Peter 1:25)
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

So, by what do you measure claims of someone who says they have revelation directly from the HS?
I would assume the same way we would if we didn't have the bible.

Got it. The Bible is the written word of GOD.
The written word says that the The Word was God. Therefore, Christ is God, and thus the Bible is what?
The written word of God.
Not the LIVING Word of God.
Unless you are suggesting that the Bible is Christ, are you?

So, you don't place specific revelation that you call, "the written word of God" above general revelation?
That depends on which part of the written word of God we are talking about,right?
I don't believe that pillars hold up the heavens, do you?
I don't think rabbits chew their cud, do you?
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by jlay »

I would assume the same way we would if we didn't have the bible
You expect me to believe that you would handle it the same way if you did or didn't have a Bible? Please think about this for a minute.
PaulSacramento wrote:The written word of God.
Not the LIVING Word of God.
Unless you are suggesting that the Bible is Christ, are you?
Not to be snarky, but can you not read? I said, i'm not confused. I know the differnce between Logos (1 John 1:1) and Rhema (1 Peter 1:25)
That depends on which part of the written word of God we are talking about,right?
I don't believe that pillars hold up the heavens, do you?
I don't think rabbits chew their cud, do you?

what's your point? To dengrate the written word as I've heard you do for about two years on this forum. I mean come on, what's your point with this statement?
You said the bible is the written word of God. You also said, you would give it no more heed than general revelation. And it seems you said that if you heard someone's claims about HS revelation, that you wouldn't anymore consult the Word of God as a litmus test, than if you didn't even have the bible to begin with.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by Lux Aeterna »

I've always wondered about the legitimacy of how the Bible was put together. I'm very interested in knowing what resources exist regarding the authenticity of the Bible process.
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by Philip »

I've always wondered about the legitimacy of how the Bible was put together. I'm very interested in knowing what resources exist regarding the authenticity of the Bible process.
Here's a good reference to have about how the Bible was given/received: ... 0802428789

Can we trust the Gospel accounts - were they simply made up?: ... 3W0301.pdf
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

jlay wrote:
I would assume the same way we would if we didn't have the bible
You expect me to believe that you would handle it the same way if you did or didn't have a Bible? Please think about this for a minute.
PaulSacramento wrote:The written word of God.
Not the LIVING Word of God.
Unless you are suggesting that the Bible is Christ, are you?
Not to be snarky, but can you not read? I said, i'm not confused. I know the differnce between Logos (1 John 1:1) and Rhema (1 Peter 1:25)
That depends on which part of the written word of God we are talking about,right?
I don't believe that pillars hold up the heavens, do you?
I don't think rabbits chew their cud, do you?

what's your point? To dengrate the written word as I've heard you do for about two years on this forum. I mean come on, what's your point with this statement?
You said the bible is the written word of God. You also said, you would give it no more heed than general revelation. And it seems you said that if you heard someone's claims about HS revelation, that you wouldn't anymore consult the Word of God as a litmus test, than if you didn't even have the bible to begin with.
What YOU view as "denegrate" I do NOT view in that way.
Do you view humans as infalliable? and inerrant?
Of course not.
Do you think that God accommodates to Man's understanding of things, or that God changes his mind about things?

If the Bible says something that God' revealed universe and nature shows to be different, that I must view that the bible writer had a different intent than to comment on "the nature of physics" of whatever thing he was speaking about.
If the bible says it's ok to keep slaves, then says that there are no slaves and all are one under christ and someone says that in reading the bible it was revealed to them that slaves keeping is correct, then I would question that revelation.
If someone comes to me and says that the HS told them that the earth is flat, No I wouldn't need to consult the Bible.
If someone comes to me and says the HS told them that a certain BIBLICAL passages means this and not that, YES I would consult the bible because it is ABOUT the bible.
If someone comes to me and says that the HS told them that Lazarus and not John Bar Zebedee wrote the GOJ, I'd research within the bible and without, to see other views AND ask guidance from the HS to what I should believe in.

That is what I am saying.
If by doing that I am "denegrating" the bible in your view, so be it.
But to me I am being honest to the Bible, to who wrote it and why, to Christ and to how God reveals himself in the universe we have.
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

Lux Aeterna wrote:I've always wondered about the legitimacy of how the Bible was put together. I'm very interested in knowing what resources exist regarding the authenticity of the Bible process.
These two books are very good, IMO:
The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (4th Edition) by Bruce M. Metzger and Bart D. Ehrman (Apr 28, 2005)
The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance by Bruce M. Metzger (Apr 10, 1997)

RE the OT and NT:

The Canon of Scripture [Hardcover]
F. F. Bruce (Author)
Exploring the Origins of the Bible: Canon Formation in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective (Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology) by Craig A. Evans and Emanuel Tov (Oct 1, 2008)
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by jlay »

Paul, I don't see how your comments specifically address the context of this thread. I have little if any disagreement with your last post.

Paul, my point is that, today, the Bible is a finished canon. It is closed, and by rightly dividing the word of truth the church is edified, God glorified and the Gospel spread. Unless you have some other evidence, the Bible is God's method of specific revelation, today. I agree, that doesn't mean we shouldn't accomodate for context or the authors God selected. In fact, I'm a huge advocate. But, God will supply those who approach the text with humility, submission, and reverence the guidance through the HS to do such things. I would not say that most believers are giving the Bible this high of a view. Far from it.

I'd love to hear some detailed examples of how God is specifically revealing Himself (today) in the universe apart from the scriptures.
If the bible says it's ok to keep slaves, then says that there are no slaves and all are one under christ and someone says that in reading the bible it was revealed to them that slaves keeping is correct, then I would question that revelation.
Oddly, the biblical structure of servitude would be a better and more benevolent method for dealing with unemployement, homelessness and hunger than anything we have in the world today. But, I would never say the Bible MANDATES slavery. It accomodates servitude, and the realities of this world.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

Paul, I don't see how your comments specifically address the context of this thread. I have little if any disagreement with your last post.
yeah, we went a bit off, sorry about that.

Paul, my point is that, today, the Bible is a finished canon. It is closed, and by rightly dividing the word of truth the church is edified, God glorified and the Gospel spread. Unless you have some other evidence, the Bible is God's method of specific revelation, today. I agree, that doesn't mean we shouldn't accomodate for context or the authors God selected. In fact, I'm a huge advocate. But, God will supply those who approach the text with humility, submission, and reverence the guidance through the HS to do such things. I would not say that most believers are giving the Bible this high of a view. Far from it.
The issue of the "closed canon" is an interesting one, cause that brings about WHICH canon you are talking about BUT nevertheless, I agree that it is closed.
I believe that the bible IS God's chosen method of THEOLOGICAL revelation, yes.

I'd love to hear some detailed examples of how God is specifically revealing Himself (today) in the universe apart from the scriptures.

Not sure what you mean...The order of the universe, our understanding or how nature is working, how the universe is working, all that ( and more) shows Us the God created a universe of purpose and order, that God's nature is one of purpose and order.
Oddly, the biblical structure of servitude would be a better and more benevolent method for dealing with unemployement, homelessness and hunger than anything we have in the world today. But, I would never say the Bible MANDATES slavery. It accomodates servitude, and the realities of this world.
Indeed, "indentured' servitude could be viewed as such, I just don;'t think that WE can accommodate that view anymore.
We complain when people get paid less in other countries for work we get OVER payed to do here, simply because our cost of living is greater.
How would we react to servitude?
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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by jlay »

Not sure what you mean...The order of the universe, our understanding or how nature is working, how the universe is working, all that ( and more) shows Us the God created a universe of purpose and order, that God's nature is one of purpose and order.
That is general revelation, and it is not new. You will not get any argument from me. But does it reveal, specifically, the guilt of man, the promise of redemption, the cross, the resurrection, salvation, and the consumation?
No. Only scripture is our source of this today.
Indeed, "indentured' servitude could be viewed as such, I just don;'t think that WE can accommodate that view anymore.
We complain when people get paid less in other countries for work we get OVER payed to do here, simply because our cost of living is greater.
How would we react to servitude?
Poorly, I'm afraid. Since the world is sinful, outside of the theocracy (Israel) of God, servitude would likely be abused, much like chatell slavery and the Hindu caste system. I'm afraid our sense of entitlement (something for nothing) is so engrained, that actually requiring something of someone is seen as taboo.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: ACTUAL Scriptures or NOT? If not, don't quote them!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

That is general revelation, and it is not new. You will not get any argument from me. But does it reveal, specifically, the guilt of man, the promise of redemption, the cross, the resurrection, salvation, and the consumation?
No. Only scripture is our source of this today.
I agree, hence my view that God reveals Himself to us in Various ways.
Scripture gives us the theological view AND a recorded history of God interacting with this world.
Nature reveals to Us HOW God reveals Himself to us in the world we live in.
Christ is God revealed to Us at "our level" and THE definite action of God in our Word.
The HS is there to help us understand and out it ALL together.
ALL parts are needed and no one part is "dispensable", though, depending on the stage we are at, some parts "speak" louder than others.
Poorly, I'm afraid. Since the world is sinful, outside of the theocracy (Israel) of God, servitude would likely be abused, much like chatell slavery and the Hindu caste system. I'm afraid our sense of entitlement (something for nothing) is so engrained, that actually requiring something of someone is seen as taboo.
Couldn't agree more.
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