Imaginary GOD? I think not

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Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Tina »

I hate it when people try to disprove GOD when they twist everything around. It's simple, T_T you can't condradict Christianity if you don't understand it in the first place.
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Beanybag »

Making the positive claim that God doesn't exist by attacking the position that God exists isn't an argument, but an argument from ignorance. It doesn't matter if they're being honest in their representation of christianity or not, they have no 'proof' to support the positive claim. The best they can do is try and support their argument with evidence, but I'd find that very difficult still.
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Reactionary »

Simple advice for you, Tina. Don't read that intellectually dishonest nonsense. It's an insult to intelligence. ;)

EDIT: A quote from the very site which refutes all 50 points in one go:
These molecules react together in different ways to create what we call life. Although all of these molecules are reacting in fascinating, interlocking ways, they are still nothing more than chemicals reacting. The "miracle of life" is no miracle -- it is a big chemical reaction.
Therefore, all 50 "proofs" brought up are mere results of the author's brain chemistry, and therefore, completely irrelevant. Q.E.D.
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Lux Aeterna »

Jesus is actually in our midst. So he is right here already, supposedly. Yet when we pray to him to physically materialize, as he did to hundreds of others, nothing happens.
I wonder if the author really believes what he's writing or not. I can never tell.
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by sky »

For us Christians it should not be so much a matter as to whether God exists but that He is.
That is His name. "I am." Exodus 3:12; John 8:58.

Well it is wonderful to me, every day I live, and the longer I live the more wonderful it is to me, into how small a space, and how simple a truth, all the truth is resolved. Whoever comes to the recognition of this fact, and holds himself to it, has all the truth there is in the universe. God is, and there is no other. “He who comes to God must believe that He is.” Hebrews 11:6. That is His name. “I Am.” Exodus 3:12. God is. Where? He is. Go where you will in the universe, and there it can be said, He is! His name means eternal presence! You know it says in Psalm 139:7, “Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Where shall I flee from Your presence?” He is an ever-present God! Jeremiah 23:23,24.

Lucifer had thought to divide divine honours with the Lord. He had said, “I will be like the Most High,” and he has instilled that spirit into mankind from the very beginning, saying, “In the day that you eat thereof, ye shall be like God.” Isaiah 14:14; Genesis 3:5. I believe that was why our first parents cut loose from God. They thought they could get along without Him. It is all involved in that; Satan said, I have power outside of God. I am independent of Him. Satan made them believe that. Satan changed the truth of God into a lie. He forgot that all creatures, including himself, live by the will and power of God being recipients of the life of the Son of God, for in Christ all creatures live and move and have their being. Acts 17:28. “In Christ all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17.

So Christ is the life of everything that lives.

But that fact does not make one a Christian.

Christ can only dwell in the heart by faith. Eph.3:14.

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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by sky »

The greatiness of God is to us incomprehensible.
The Lord's throne is in Heaven (Psalm 11:4)
Yet by His Spirit, God's immediate Agency, an unseen, mighty Intelligence,
He is everywhere present, working in and through all, moving in all things
according to His will. Through the Spirit He has an intimate knowledge of
and a personal interest in all the works of His hands.

Take a cell that is resting, for instance, a white corpuscle in the blood. It is round like a drop of jelly. In a moment it changes its form, and starts off to travel. It has no feet to travel with, but it makes a foot, and with the foot it pushes itself along until it has travelled quite a distance. Now this cell gets hungry and wants something to eat. It has no mouth so it makes a mouth on the spot; it makes a little indentation in the side of its body, putting out one lip, and then another, and thus forms a mouth, and then takes in a bit of chlorophyll or protoplasm. But it has no stomach; how is it going to digest it? It makes a stomach. All that is necessary is to get that speck of food inside, and it will digest it, because it is all stomach; it is all mouth; it is all feet; it is all brain; it is all nerves; it is all everything. It is one of those little ultimate specks of life complete in itself. It is nothing but a speck of transparent jelly, yet it has in it everything that is in the most complex animal form!

In the body we find an association of individual cells gathered together to do business in harmony. Just as in a community of several men there are some who are computer technicians, some carpenters, some electricians, some bakers and cooks, some common labourers, a few doctors, a few preachers, and other people, and each one has his office to perform.

Each cell is independent of all the rest, just as each man in a community is independent. You can not see the individual cells with the naked eye, but through the microscope you can see, in a drop of blood about five millions of these cells. A process is continually going on in these cells. The protoplasm in these cells grows and changes; it is found in very curious forms and shapes. It divides up into little pieces of just the same length and shapes; then these little pieces all split from end to end. After they split, they separate; half of them turn one way and half the other way, and go to the other end of the cell. Then the whole mass begins to break, and shortly afterward it splits in two, and then we have two cells instead of one.

That is the way the cells multiply, and that is the way the human body grows. You can see the whole thing going on through the microscope; you can see them moving along in just the same order as a company of well-trained soldiers, keeping perfect time, marching and countermarching. When we see all these little cells marching along in such perfect order, we feel that we can almost hear the divine voice speaking to these particles, issuing orders to them. We can see there is a divine Intelligence there, who is certainly directing every movement! This thing can not happen by itself!

"In Him all things hold together." Col.1:17.

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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Dudeacus97 »

They also have forum. It's called "Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?" I didn't bother looking at it for more than a few minutes.
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by RickD »

Dudeacus97 wrote:They also have forum. It's called "Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?" I didn't bother looking at it for more than a few minutes.
Here's Rich's response to that website: ... utees.html
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Dudeacus97 »

RickD wrote:
Dudeacus97 wrote:They also have forum. It's called "Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?" I didn't bother looking at it for more than a few minutes.
Here's Rich's response to that website: ... utees.html
That was good. I'm pretty sure if Brain saw it, he would just go "WELL, YOU SUK" or other such intelligent atheistic responses. I also find it strange that some atheists try to disprove God by doing stupid "experiments" like that. Really, don't you think God has better things to do than shoot lightning bolts at somebody shouting blasphemies in the middle of a field during a storm? (Madalyn Murray O'Hair.)
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Re: Imaginary GOD? I think not

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Dudeacus97 wrote:
RickD wrote:
Dudeacus97 wrote:They also have forum. It's called "Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?" I didn't bother looking at it for more than a few minutes.
Here's Rich's response to that website: ... utees.html
That was good. I'm pretty sure if Brain saw it, he would just go "WELL, YOU SUK" or other such intelligent atheistic responses. I also find it strange that some atheists try to disprove God by doing stupid "experiments" like that. Really, don't you think God has better things to do than shoot lightning bolts at somebody shouting blasphemies in the middle of a field during a storm? (Madalyn Murray O'Hair.)

Even if God did act and shoot a lightning bolt at him it would still be explained away as just random chance event. :roll:

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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