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Post by Tina »

Hey guys, I am currently in the process of creating short comic strips that correct the ignorant view athiests have towards Christians and Christianity (such as the things on )

But Im stuck on something. Their first "proof" is that when you pray, let's say to cure all cancer, nothing happens.

I know they're wrong, but I don't know how to refute this. Please help me.
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Re: Praying?

Post by RickD »

The old "God is a genie in a lamp" belief. Just ask the genie what you want, and every desire will be yours. Cancer, and physical death are part of the "circle of life". Without death, there can be no life.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Praying?

Post by jlay »

A good one would be Jesus, sitting in heaven, hand over brow (oh brother). And some saying, "God if you'll appear to me, fix all my problems, etc. I'll believe in you. In jesus name, amen!"
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious
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Re: Praying?

Post by Stygian »

"My name's Jimmy, and I'll take all you can gimme!" People make the mistake of believing God works on some kind of formula: "Do good, God rewards me with good things. Do bad, God gives me nothing." Truth is, God doesn't owe anybody anything.
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