God Incarnate ?

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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

God did not become a man, that is what "incarnate" means. When the 3 appeared to Abraham 1 was certainly Yaweh (the Father) the other 2 are not identified "yet" as the bible reads on it says that Yaweh remained with Abraham and the other 2 went to go to Sodom. That is exactly where those 2 are identified, they are angels.
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Re: God Incarnate ?

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1stjohn0666 wrote:God did not become a man, that is what "incarnate" means. When the 3 appeared to Abraham 1 was certainly Yaweh (the Father) the other 2 are not identified "yet" as the bible reads on it says that Yaweh remained with Abraham and the other 2 went to go to Sodom. That is exactly where those 2 are identified, they are angels.

1 John 4:1, 2, 3, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world." NASB

1 Ti 3:16, "...and, confessedly, great is the secret of piety--God was manifested in flesh, declared righteous in spirit, seen by messengers, preached among nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory!" YLT

1Ti 3:16 , "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." KJV
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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

I am not talking about the "2nd God" as per the "trinity" I am talking about the Father and God of Jesus. Jesus was begotten.
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Re: God Incarnate ?

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1stjohn0666 wrote:I am not talking about the "2nd God" as per the "trinity" I am talking about the Father and God of Jesus. Jesus was begotten.
If you are not muslim then you are a JW then?

Jesus spoke often in the Old Testament and appeared - his delight was in the sons of men and he created

Col 1:13-16 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. NKJV

Col 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. NKJV

Isa 44:24, Isa 45:12, Isa 45:18 say what?
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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

Assumption again, I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I am monotheist not JW :shakehead:
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Re: God Incarnate ?

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1stjohn0666 wrote:Assumption again, I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I am monotheist not JW :shakehead:
I take it you are a Christadelphian. That is someone who teaches a different kind of Jesus than what the bible teaches a false gospel. The bible tells us to beware of false brethren as you do not believe in the biblical Jesus.

You need to be honest with the people here of this forum and correctly identify yourself.

That way people can actually have an honest dialogue with you instead pf playing a guessing game.

CARM has much to say on Christadelphianism:

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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

I do not belong to any religious institution, I am simply monotheist.
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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by B. W. »

1stjohn0666 wrote:I do not belong to any religious institution, I am simply monotheist.

You hold the Christadelphian view on all points they do, therefore, I class you as a Christadelphian with a bent toward 666 anarchy.

So how come you hold to all the tenets of Christadelphianism if you are not?

Bit of honesty would be appropriate from you instead of vagueness. Just stating you are a monotheist is too vague and can mean anything. Please use a bit of honesty here but for now, your avatar name tells us all we need to know...

1stjohn666 means 1st john (means: outhouse) and 666 is the Mark of the Beast, the Antichrist number, therefore, please do not list yourself as a Christian on your profile. As for honesty, the 666 gives you away.

A true monotheist would not be a brick wall when talking to them. True monotheist stands up for their religious affiliations. They do not deny them. Agnostics and atheist don’t cower either, they at least are honest where they stand and identify themselves as agnostics or atheist. People can respect that. But to place on your profile, you are a Christian and then deny who Jesus Christ is, well, very revealing.

For now, you have aligned yourself completely to Christadelphian doctrine as documented in the majority of your post. So if people would like to respond to you, they need to read up on the cult of Christadelphianism to understand where you are coming from.
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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by B. W. »

1stjohn0666 wrote:God did not become a man, that is what "incarnate" means. When the 3 appeared to Abraham 1 was certainly Yaweh (the Father) the other 2 are not identified "yet" as the bible reads on it says that Yaweh remained with Abraham and the other 2 went to go to Sodom. That is exactly where those 2 are identified, they are angels.
1stjohn0666 wrote:Answers for B.W.
Let's see what you agree with so far in from you prior postings...it is evident that you believe and agree with the following numbers...from the article...

What do the Christadelphians Teach?
Quote From: http://carm.org/christadelphianism

by Matt Slick
Though they acknowledge many truths found in the Bible, they deny many others.

2. They teach there is only one God. (Isaiah 43-45)

6. They believe that there has been an apostasy and that Christianity is a false religious system. (A tract titled “Christendom Astray Since the Apostolic Age, Detroit Christadelphian Book Supply)

7. They believe annihilation of the wicked. (What They Believe, p. 187).

10. They deny the doctrine of the Trinity. (What They Believe, p. 84-87)

11. They deny that Jesus is God in flesh. (Answers, p. 22)

12. They deny that Jesus existed prior to his incarnation. (What They Believe , p. 85,86)

13. They deny the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit. (What They Believe , p. 115)

16. They deny immortality of the soul. (What They Believe , p. 17

17. They deny that a person exists after death. (What They Believe, p. 17

18. They deny the existence of hell and eternal punishment. (What They Believe, p. 188-189)

John666 should we add to the list as well - do you hold these views? Do you deny these???

14. They deny the substitutionary atonement of Christ. (Answers, p. 25; What They Believe, p. 71) WHICH VERSION OF substitutionary atonement

15. They deny salvation by grace through faith alone. (What they Believe, p. 204)
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Re: God Incarnate ?

Post by 1stjohn0666 »

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