God, Zeus, and Odin

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God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

This is in part an experiment. Often people seem to understand me meaning something quite different than what I was trying to say. Sometimes even the exact opposite. It has happened too much to suit me on these very forums. I am going to see this can be avoided now.

I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.

If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?

Or would he just wipe out the human race?

Perhaps the experiment is not challenging enough, now. Maybe it will be continued.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Read revelation.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by RickD »

If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?
But He did use divine intervention...That's what the message of the cross is about.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

RickD wrote:
If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?
But He did use divine intervention...That's what the message of the cross is about.
Obviously the experiment shows you did not understand me or chose to act as if you did not.
Which was it? I suspect the latter. These forums are full of......that. Where did you all get your doses?

Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?

I wonder if self-righteous "Christians" make God weep?

No doubt the ways some of you express your indignation will prove my point better than my poor means to do so.

If you must, proceed, you know you want to.

However, I would love to be PROVEN wrong about the character of most of you all who bother to respond.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by Zionist »

i believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question but i'll touch on it a bit more for you and i do suggest you read revelation more thoroughly along with matthew 24, 2nd thessalonians 2, 2nd timothy 3, 2nd peter 3 this is just to name a few but there are more in the NT and a lot in the OT as well and i will provide the rest if you need just let me know. all events leading to Christs return is the culmination of peoples unwillingness to come to God which ultimately leads to the events described in the book of revelations. Christ himself warned of people falling away from the faith as did paul. Matthew 24: 10-12 2Thessalonians 2:1-17. the events described are for people to turn from their ways but unfortunately we know from scripture that people are unwilling even til the end. even with all the signs, the prophecies and warnings that God has laid out for us many still will not turn to the faith and sadly many will fall away from it because of lawlessness abounding. all this leads to Christ coming and eventually to judgment. as you can see God has provided the answers for you in the scriptures it just takes a little time to read through and see. i hope this answers your questions...
Our rightousness is of filthy rags and in the eyes of God all have gone astray and nobody is justified under the Law. We are saved by the Grace of God through our faith in Him and in Him who he has sent Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by narnia4 »

ultimate777 wrote:This is in part an experiment. Often people seem to understand me meaning something quite different than what I was trying to say. Sometimes even the exact opposite. It has happened too much to suit me on these very forums. I am going to see this can be avoided now.
The more I have taken part in conversations the more I've realized how hard it can be to get through to each other. Sometimes you have to say something, then say it in a different way, and then in another way yet again (I have no problem with this. And you have to speak plainly, if you have a point maybe you should come out with it (unfortunately I'm very bad at this and has led to my being accused of all kinds of things in the past). Perhaps the most important thing is the principle of charity. Basically, never come out assuming the worst of the person your talking to or his argument, if he makes a mistake in wording don't get boiled down in trivialities or semantics. Be charitable. To speak plainly now, treat the people here with charity. Don't assume that we're pretending to not understand what you're saying, maybe they just don't understand or take it the wrong way.
I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.
Well there's lots of evidence that the Greek and Norse gods weren't real. Multiple metaphysical reasons, the fact that Greek and Norse gods were described as doing things that can pretty well be proven that they don't do.
If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?

Or would he just wipe out the human race?

Perhaps the experiment is not challenging enough, now. Maybe it will be continued.
God is in control, he sent his Son. Belief in Him fading away wouldn't catch him by surprise.

But this doesn't seem to me to be a correct view of divine intervention. I think God intervenes all the time, particularly the Holy Spirit. God has provided Scripture and lays things on the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians and provides opportunity for non-believers to trust in Him.

If you have some specific Scripture in mind it might be easier if you lay it out there. Are you talking about Revelation?
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by PaulSacramento »

ultimate777 wrote:This is in part an experiment. Often people seem to understand me meaning something quite different than what I was trying to say. Sometimes even the exact opposite. It has happened too much to suit me on these very forums. I am going to see this can be avoided now.

I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.

If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?

Or would he just wipe out the human race?

Perhaps the experiment is not challenging enough, now. Maybe it will be continued.
Its a good question.
I have certain views about "other gods" that are a bit outside mainstream Christianity, so I will keep those to myself, LOL !
The difference I think is that God, being self sustaining, does not NEED to be sustained r to sustain belief in Him.
So why does God sometimes intervene?
Well, because we can't do this by ourselves, given our flawed nature and our prideful and selfish tendencies, so God intervenes not for Him, but for Us.
To keep us from a path of annihilation and destruction AND to help us reach the ultimate potential that we do have.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by RickD »

ultimate777 wrote:
Obviously the experiment shows you did not understand me or chose to act as if you did not.
Which was it? I suspect the latter. These forums are full of......that. Where did you all get your doses?

Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?

I wonder if self-righteous "Christians" make God weep?

No doubt the ways some of you express your indignation will prove my point better than my poor means to do so.

If you must, proceed, you know you want to.

However, I would love to be PROVEN wrong about the character of most of you all who bother to respond.
Apparently I didn't understand your experiment. You need to make your point simple, and easy to understand. When in your post, you use the "word" substain, 2 times, and then complain that I'm misunderstanding you, do you even realize that substain is not a word? If you are trying to make a point, simply make it. Making vague posts and expecting us to understand them doesn't help us understand what you're saying. It also leads to you attacking me by calling me self-righteous, which I am not.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?
Hi Pot, your looking very black today, said the Kettle.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

narnia4 wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:This is in part an experiment. Often people seem to understand me meaning something quite different than what I was trying to say. Sometimes even the exact opposite. It has happened too much to suit me on these very forums. I am going to see this can be avoided now.
The more I have taken part in conversations the more I've realized how hard it can be to get through to each other. Sometimes you have to say something, then say it in a different way, and then in another way yet again (I have no problem with this. And you have to speak plainly, if you have a point maybe you should come out with it (unfortunately I'm very bad at this and has led to my being accused of all kinds of things in the past). Perhaps the most important thing is the principle of charity. Basically, never come out assuming the worst of the person your talking to or his argument, if he makes a mistake in wording don't get boiled down in trivialities or semantics. Be charitable. To speak plainly now, treat the people here with charity. Don't assume that we're pretending to not understand what you're saying, maybe they just don't understand or take it the wrong way.
I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.
Well there's lots of evidence that the Greek and Norse gods weren't real. Multiple metaphysical reasons, the fact that Greek and Norse gods were described as doing things that can pretty well be proven that they don't do.
If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?

Or would he just wipe out the human race?

Perhaps the experiment is not challenging enough, now. Maybe it will be continued.
God is in control, he sent his Son. Belief in Him fading away wouldn't catch him by surprise.

But this doesn't seem to me to be a correct view of divine intervention. I think God intervenes all the time, particularly the Holy Spirit. God has provided Scripture and lays things on the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians and provides opportunity for non-believers to trust in Him.

If you have some specific Scripture in mind it might be easier if you lay it out there. Are you talking about Revelation?

You are trying to do the right thing. I hope I can make clear my reply:

I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.

Well there's lots of evidence that the Greek and Norse gods weren't real. Multiple metaphysical reasons, the fact that Greek and Norse gods were described as doing things that can pretty well be proven that they don't do.

I am having trouble understanding that. Can you give me more details?

But this doesn't seem to me to be a correct view of divine intervention. I think God intervenes all the time, particularly the Holy Spirit. God has provided Scripture and lays things on the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians and provides opportunity for non-believers to trust in Him.

I honestly think this has nothing to do with what I am trying to say.

If you have some specific Scripture in mind it might be easier if you lay it out there. Are you talking about Revelation?

No specific scripture. In case the End Times don't come for a long time, and please people, lets not get diverted into discussing that, I will even post another topic where we can discuss that in a minute, I think unless God does something drastic faith in him may fade away.

Will He do what the non-existent Greek and Norse gods could not do, prevent that by taking a hand in preventing it?
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

narnia4 wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:This is in part an experiment. Often people seem to understand me meaning something quite different than what I was trying to say. Sometimes even the exact opposite. It has happened too much to suit me on these very forums. I am going to see this can be avoided now.
The more I have taken part in conversations the more I've realized how hard it can be to get through to each other. Sometimes you have to say something, then say it in a different way, and then in another way yet again (I have no problem with this. And you have to speak plainly, if you have a point maybe you should come out with it (unfortunately I'm very bad at this and has led to my being accused of all kinds of things in the past). Perhaps the most important thing is the principle of charity. Basically, never come out assuming the worst of the person your talking to or his argument, if he makes a mistake in wording don't get boiled down in trivialities or semantics. Be charitable. To speak plainly now, treat the people here with charity. Don't assume that we're pretending to not understand what you're saying, maybe they just don't understand or take it the wrong way.
I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.
Well there's lots of evidence that the Greek and Norse gods weren't real. Multiple metaphysical reasons, the fact that Greek and Norse gods were described as doing things that can pretty well be proven that they don't do.
If for any reason at all belief in God seemed to be fading away like those faiths did would God use divine intervention to substain belief in Him?

Or would he just wipe out the human race?

Perhaps the experiment is not challenging enough, now. Maybe it will be continued.
God is in control, he sent his Son. Belief in Him fading away wouldn't catch him by surprise.

But this doesn't seem to me to be a correct view of divine intervention. I think God intervenes all the time, particularly the Holy Spirit. God has provided Scripture and lays things on the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians and provides opportunity for non-believers to trust in Him.

If you have some specific Scripture in mind it might be easier if you lay it out there. Are you talking about Revelation?

You are trying to do the right thing. I hope I can make clear my reply:

I have always felt that strong evidence that the Greek and Norse gods were not real was that they did not use divine intervention to substain the belief in them that existed befre Christianity. Christianity almost certainly hastened if it didn't actually cause those faiths demise.

Well there's lots of evidence that the Greek and Norse gods weren't real. Multiple metaphysical reasons, the fact that Greek and Norse gods were described as doing things that can pretty well be proven that they don't do.

I am having trouble understanding that. Can you give me more details?

But this doesn't seem to me to be a correct view of divine intervention. I think God intervenes all the time, particularly the Holy Spirit. God has provided Scripture and lays things on the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians and provides opportunity for non-believers to trust in Him.

I honestly think this has nothing to do with what I am trying to say.

If you have some specific Scripture in mind it might be easier if you lay it out there. Are you talking about Revelation?

No specific scripture. In case the End Times don't come for a long time, and please people, lets not get diverted into discussing that, I will even post another topic where we can discuss that in a minute, I think unless God does something drastic faith in him may fade away.

Will He do what the non-existent Greek and Norse gods could not do, prevent that by taking a hand in preventing it?
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

Zionist wrote:@ultimate
i believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question but i'll touch on it a bit more for you and i do suggest you read revelation more thoroughly along with matthew 24, 2nd thessalonians 2, 2nd timothy 3, 2nd peter 3 this is just to name a few but there are more in the NT and a lot in the OT as well and i will provide the rest if you need just let me know. all events leading to Christs return is the culmination of peoples unwillingness to come to God which ultimately leads to the events described in the book of revelations. Christ himself warned of people falling away from the faith as did paul. Matthew 24: 10-12 2Thessalonians 2:1-17. the events described are for people to turn from their ways but unfortunately we know from scripture that people are unwilling even til the end. even with all the signs, the prophecies and warnings that God has laid out for us many still will not turn to the faith and sadly many will fall away from it because of lawlessness abounding. all this leads to Christ coming and eventually to judgment. as you can see God has provided the answers for you in the scriptures it just takes a little time to read through and see. i hope this answers your questions...

Funny, I have recently been to several sermons on Revelation. Are you saying that it's going to be God's divine intevention when an inevitable falling away of the faith ensues?
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
Obviously the experiment shows you did not understand me or chose to act as if you did not.
Which was it? I suspect the latter. These forums are full of......that. Where did you all get your doses?

Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?

I wonder if self-righteous "Christians" make God weep?

No doubt the ways some of you express your indignation will prove my point better than my poor means to do so.

If you must, proceed, you know you want to.

However, I would love to be PROVEN wrong about the character of most of you all who bother to respond.
Apparently I didn't understand your experiment. You need to make your point simple, and easy to understand. When in your post, you use the "word" substain, 2 times, and then complain that I'm misunderstanding you, do you even realize that substain is not a word?

WTH did you get the idea substain was not a word. I will se soon if I can prove you wrong.

If you are trying to make a point, simply make it. Making vague posts and expecting us to understand them doesn't help us understand what you're saying. It also leads to you attacking me by calling me self-righteous, which I am not.
I am not trying to be vague I will send you another reply to prove it.

I need to slip this in somewhere. Much of my inspiration for this topic comes from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Mourns_for_Adonais%3F.
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
Obviously the experiment shows you did not understand me or chose to act as if you did not.
Which was it? I suspect the latter. These forums are full of......that. Where did you all get your doses?

Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?

I wonder if self-righteous "Christians" make God weep?

No doubt the ways some of you express your indignation will prove my point better than my poor means to do so.

If you must, proceed, you know you want to.

However, I would love to be PROVEN wrong about the character of most of you all who bother to respond.
Apparently I didn't understand your experiment. You need to make your point simple, and easy to understand. When in your post, you use the "word" substain, 2 times, and then complain that I'm misunderstanding you, do you even realize that substain is not a word? If you are trying to make a point, simply make it. Making vague posts and expecting us to understand them doesn't help us understand what you're saying. It also leads to you attacking me by calling me self-righteous, which I am not.

See my reply to narnia4, you could learn from it.

As for the word substain. Do you deny that you knew all the time I meant the word sustain and had mispelled it by one letter?
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Re: God, Zeus, and Odin

Post by ultimate777 »

Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Are too many of you intentionally or unintentionally coming across as self-righteous?
Hi Pot, your looking very black today, said the Kettle.

I think if I were being self-righteous I would not acknowledge that you are a jerk, would I?

However, if this were not a family forum I would have pointed out at least one other thing you are instead, which you know even better than I.

Don't mess with me, Kettle. If you do, family forum or no family forum.........remember the kiddies.
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