Creation Museum

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Creation Museum

Post by Ivellious »

So I'm sure most of you have heard of answers in genesis and their big, shiny "creation Museum" in Kentucky. For those who don't know, it is a self-procaimed museum of the young Earth Christian creationist account of the history of Earth. It claims to provide scientific evidence for strict biblical historical events from the young Earth creationist stance, while also demonstrating that evolution and old-Earth creationism are both incorrect and in violation of God's word.

I know the topic has been broached numerous times, and I don't want a Young Earth/Old Earth debate. Rather, I'm interested in your opinions on the place itself. What are your views on the message presented? Has anyone ever visited?

Of course, anyone who knows me on this site should know I do not approve of it at all. Besides the fact that what I've seen in videos and pictures is a mockery of "science", in my opinion, but it's made very clear that if you don't accept their views, even if you are a Christian, you are incorrect and ignorant and probably a lot of other negative words.
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

I think they have lost their way, the Bible is the why not the how.

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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Gman »

As a Christian, I don't much care for the creation museum. In my opinion they are simply trying to spot-weld the 6 day creation into 6 literal days... When you understand Hebrew you have to understand that G-d's time is different from man's times.
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by RickD »

Never heard of it. Did you say Answers in Genesis? Never heard of that group. y:^o
Ivellious, I'm assuming you've been there from your comments. Do you have anything specific that stands out in your mind, that you remember?
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Stygian »

The young Earth model always irked me, but I've yet to really look into this museum. Heard of it, though.
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Philip »

Bet it has at least a few "Barney" exhibits: Like Fred Flintstone walking around with his pet dinosaur, "Dino."
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by jlay »

I've been. i actually enjoyed the trip. Someone offered me free passes, and we only live about 3.5 hours away.
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"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by RickD »

Ivellious wrote:
What are your views on the message presented?


Don't get me started... :twisted:
John 5:24
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by PaulSacramento »

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Re: Creation Museum

Post by RickD »

How is this relevant to the topic?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Ivellious »

Ivellious, I'm assuming you've been there from your comments. Do you have anything specific that stands out in your mind, that you remember?
Actually, I have not visited. Not many opportunities to travel, much less to Kentucky (which would be a fair distance to travel just to see the museum). I asked because I recently watched 3 different video "tours" of the museum from 3 very different perspectives. One was a young-Earth creationist, one was a vocal and well known atheist scientist, and one was a christian pastor (not sure of the denomination, but he was certainly in an old-Earth mindset). I mean, from what I saw, I found several of the exhibits almost humorously inaccurate, and some of it just confused me. Mostly I was kind of depressed at how some exhibits are not scientific at all, but just seemed to use science-y sounding words to give what I suppose is the "appearance" of science. I was also a little bothered by how often the exhibits seemed to simply reference the Bible as if it was a science textbook...that is, their exhibit was accurate and confirmed scientifically only because the Bible says so, regardless of anything else out there.

What I found more interesting were the similarities between the atheist and the old-Earth pastor's videos. In both cases they asked the resident scientists lots of questions that were met with either BS answers or harsh words about their impending doom. I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much considering what I've seen of Ken Ham, but it was interesting that the pastor received way more attacks for his beliefs than the atheist did. By the end, the pastor was more angry with the experience, whereas the atheist scientist was more amused by everything he found inaccurate about it. I also found it funny how the atheist showed the books for sale and almost all of them were written by Ham.
Bet it has at least a few "Barney" exhibits: Like Fred Flintstone walking around with his pet dinosaur, "Dino."
I don't know if there were any "pets", but there were certainly plenty of dinosaurs happily going about their lives alongside Adam and Eve. ... an_species

How is this relevant to the topic?
I think it's relevant if nothing else because it clearly doesn't jive with the Creation Museum's stance/worldview. I mean, have fun convincing Ken Ham that other human-like creatures existed before Adam and Eve, etc...and that's not even including how scientists say we evolved from them haha
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Ivellious »

Oh, and it was interesting how all the "expert scientists" they have working there have no practical experience/knowledge in fields related to biology or geology or paleontology or the like. They were all astrophysicists or astronomers or theologians...Not that that means they aren't smart people. No one will doubt that getting a Ph.D in astrophysics is pretty tough stuff. But I just don't see how that makes you an expert in the history of the Earth any more than you or I am. It kind of reminded me of how the Discovery Institute boasts having loads of people with Ph.D's but very, very few of them are doctors of biology of chemistry (most at the DI are philosophy doctors I think).
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by RickD »

Ivellious, do you happen to have the link to the video with the pastor who visited? I'd like to see it.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Creation Museum

Post by Murray »

If I were going to go to a museum in Kentucky i'd probably go to the Patton museum.
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Re: Creation Museum

Post by PaulSacramento »

DO they have a KFC museum in Kentucky? cause they should !
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