Trying to take the high road

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Trying to take the high road

Post by ultimate777 »

I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Jac3510 »

I question every assertion you make in your post (that you've taken the low road; that you repent; that you've changed your mind about your opinions; that you will now try to take a higher road; that most people here are conservative Christians; that such is your opinion; that the responses here are either cutesy or inadequate, etc.).

In short, I question the adequacy of your entire post. Since I am the questioner, then it is clear that your post is inadequate in defending any of its statements. I would like you to defend them all.

Note that no matter how you defend them, I will categorically reject them, if they're not adequate for me then they're not adequate, since I am the questioner. But, please, I insist on taking the high road, and I'm not interested in cutesy arguments. I really am open minded. So I need you to explain your post in better detail, so that I can categorically reject their inadequacy--and since I am the questioner, their inadequacy will necessary be unquestionable!
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by jlay »

First, there is no link to the thread. 2nd, There are no quotes, so we don't know if you are speaking, or you are quoting someone else. Basically, I have no idea what you are talking about.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by PaulSacramento »

ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
I think, if I may, that the issue is this:
You view that the only answer that you accept is one that YOU agree is a valid one.
I think that is an incorrect premiss.

One may get an answer to a question and NOT like it or even agree with it, but to say it is invalid based on THOSE reasons is, well, wrong.

If someone asks me why God allows suffering and I reply, because He has good reason to, that may NOT be the answer they want or need or agree with, but it is AN answer.

When we are presented with a question to which an answer can NOT be proven to be 100% correct, then we have to accept that a POSSIBLE answer is still that, an answer and we have to do that regardless of whether we like that answer or not, whether we agree with it or not.

Now, THAT said, every Christian doctrine we have Should be able to be defended in some reasonable way.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Have I just been called a conservative Christian? Moi? ;)
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by RickD »

Canuckster1127 wrote:Have I just been called a conservative Christian? Moi? ;)
Bart, I don't think he was referring to you. Probably just the rest of us right wing, conservative, evangelical, nut jobs.
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it.
You're still on the low road: a very bad road with potholes, soft shoulders, hairpin- and off-camber gas stations, either...and unfriendly locals who will rob you if your car breaks down. Beware of falling rocks! There are cyclists everywhere and you don't have a driver's licence!

As Jac said,
Jac3510 wrote:I question every assertion you make in your post (that you've taken the low road; that you repent; that you've changed your mind about your opinions; that you will now try to take a higher road; that most people here are conservative Christians; that such is your opinion; that the responses here are either cutesy or inadequate, etc.).

In short, I question the adequacy of your entire post.
Get off the road before you kill someone!

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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Zionist »

ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
first off i don't appreciate you misquoting me . don't pull part of my answer and not post the rest of it and on top of that you only quoted part of a sentence and not even the whole sentence don't you think that is a little misleading? not just that you actually responded to my post which i thought provided more than enough info for the the questions you asked and after your response i responded with even more info. what makes this even worse is that you're manipulating what people say to justify your actions then say you're taking the high road then after making that claim you continue to talk trash. i mean seriously what is your problem? you asked a question got an answer what more do you want? if nobody's answer is good enough for you then don't ask. i categorically reject your topic.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by ultimate777 »

ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
I meant to put this in the Questions for Christians forum, probably more appropriate :oops:
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by ultimate777 »

Jac3510 wrote:I question every assertion you make in your post

I question your questioning

(that you've taken the low road;


that you repent;

You are not my judge

that you've changed your mind about your opinions;

You have that bass akwards that I ever meant that.

that you will now try to take a higher road;

I will try not to name call

that most people here are conservative Christians; that such is your opinion; that the responses here are either cutesy or inadequate, etc.).

Just plain wrong

In short, I question the adequacy of your entire post. Since I am the questioner, then it is clear that your post is inadequate in defending any of its statements. I would like you to defend them all.

You can't always get what you want, I don't here

Note that no matter how you defend them, I will categorically reject them, if they're not adequate for me then they're not adequate, since I am the questioner. But, please, I insist on taking the high road, and I'm not interested in cutesy arguments. I really am open minded.

You know you are not

So I need you to explain your post in better detail, so that I can categorically reject their inadequacy--and since I am the questioner, their inadequacy will necessary be unquestionable!

You are tempting me to name call, shame on you :shakehead:
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by ultimate777 »

PaulSacramento wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
I think, if I may, that the issue is this:
You view that the only answer that you accept is one that YOU agree is a valid one.
I think that is an incorrect premiss.

One may get an answer to a question and NOT like it or even agree with it, but to say it is invalid based on THOSE reasons is, well, wrong.

What torks me off is when IMHO the answer is not on point or not thyought out. Other dissent is welcome, if IMHO thought out.
I will be the judge of what I think.

If someone asks me why God allows suffering and I reply, because He has good reason to, that may NOT be the answer they want or need or agree with, but it is AN answer.

So is 5 is what 2+2 equal.

When we are presented with a question to which an answer can NOT be proven to be 100% correct, then we have to accept that a POSSIBLE answer is still that, an answer and we have to do that regardless of whether we like that answer or not, whether we agree with it or not.
Now, THAT said, every Christian doctrine we have Should be able to be defended in some reasonable way.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by ultimate777 »

Zionist wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:I realize that I have taken the low road here and I repent of it. That does not mean that I have changed my mind about my basic opinions or will neccesarily suffer contrary opinions silently. It means I will try to take things to a higher plain than I have done previously. Each of you will have to judge for youself if I am successful.

I call most people here conservative Christians. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, I think I'll have to call you something.

IMHO conservative Christians all to often when challenged respond unthinkingly with unorigional and often cutesy sayings.
You may deny that I am correct. You cannot deny it is my opinion.

Here is an example from a previous thread:

I believe daniel's answer is a very adequate answer to your question

I categorically reject this, if its not adequate for me it is not adequate, since I am the questioner.
If you review previous posts to me you will see similar replies are legion. I categorically reject them all.
I think if conservative Christiaity is valid, it is thus being poorly represented.
first off i don't appreciate you misquoting me . don't pull part of my answer and not post the rest of it and on top of that you only quoted part of a sentence and not even the whole sentence don't you think that is a little misleading? not just that you actually responded to my post which i thought provided more than enough info for the the questions you asked and after your response i responded with even more info. what makes this even worse is that you're manipulating what people say to justify your actions then say you're taking the high road then after making that claim you continue to talk trash. i mean seriously what is your problem? you asked a question got an answer what more do you want? if nobody's answer is good enough for you then don't ask. i categorically reject your topic.

I categorically reject the above.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Noah1201 »

In the world is this thread about?
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by cheezerrox »

Ultimate, you are ridiculous. I'm pretty confident that the others who have commented in this forum are mature enough to keep this from turning into some kind of argument, but that certainly seems to be what you want. As I and others have said before, you're constantly argumentative and condescending. I've never once seen you say something loving or Christ-like here on these forums, and if you or anyone else has an example I missed, then feel free to prove me wrong.

I personally think this thread is not worth any more replies. You can say I'm not being Christ-like, or that I'm persecutivng you, or whatever, but even Jesus and Paul rebuked those who were not acting right. I'm honestly surprised a moderator hasn't removed you from the board. I don't have anything against you, and I'll continue praying for you. I hope that you're able to start interacting with the members of this board and get the answers to the questions you have. But, you'll have to change your attitude first.
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Re: Trying to take the high road

Post by Jac3510 »

ultimate777 wrote:You are tempting me to name call, shame on you :shakehead:
No I'm not. I categorically reject it. Your assertion is inadequate proof, and since I am the questioner, it is necessarily inadequate.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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