Aliens and God

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by Alien »

Kurieuo wrote:
Alien wrote:There are no scientific evidences for UFO existence.
That's a massive claim to make, and so I'm assuming you're quite an authority on this issue. Tell me, what are your qualifications and experiences with researching and investigating such things?

I'm glad I have some good reaction to my post.

It's not a massive claim. Opposite, it would be a massive claim to state that UFO do exist.
I don't need to be an authority (I don't like very much this word, I confess) to say that I have never read in any scientific publication an evidence about UFO existence.

Unless we are giving different meanings to the acronym "UFO". Strictly speaking, there might be many flying objects that are unidentified. For example, if I throw a stone in the air, and you do not clearly see that it is a stone before it falls into the water, then for you this was an "unidentified flying object".

But, just to avoid stupid cases, with the term UFO I intend what normal people intend, ie an alien flying vehicle.

Please tell me whether you intend something different, otherwise we start a useless discussion.
bizzt wrote:
Alien wrote:Statistically, in some parts of the universe there might be several places with a life-supporting environment.
Where's the Stat's On that... Really Earth is the only place that Scientists have found that is possible of a life-supporting Environment
I agree: strictly speaking, the Earth is the only place that Scientists have found that supports life, but this does not mean that Earth is the only place in the universe with these environmental conditions.

In addition, in some places in the Solar System there might some environments which, even if not similar to those on Earth, might support "a" life, even if not similar to ourselves.
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Post by bizzt »

Alien wrote:
I agree: strictly speaking, the Earth is the only place that Scientists have found that supports life, but this does not mean that Earth is the only place in the universe with these environmental conditions.

In addition, in some places in the Solar System there might some environments which, even if not similar to those on Earth, might support "a" life, even if not similar to ourselves.
Very True however it has not been found and the find is very unlikely. And if one believes in this then you acting upon Faith...
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Post by Kurieuo »

Alien wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Alien wrote:There are no scientific evidences for UFO existence.
That's a massive claim to make, and so I'm assuming you're quite an authority on this issue. Tell me, what are your qualifications and experiences with researching and investigating such things?
It's not a massive claim. Opposite, it would be a massive claim to state that UFO do exist.
I don't need to be an authority (I don't like very much this word, I confess) to say that I have never read in any scientific publication an evidence about UFO existence.
Please note that your claim was never that UFOs did not exist, or that the burden of proof would be on those who believe they do. Rather the claim you made was that there were no "scientific evidences" for their existence. Now given you made this claim, you would have had to examine "every" testable UFO case and have resolved them, and if you haven't even examined a few cases then your claim is one based on total ignorance. And so your claim that there are no scientific evidence carries zilch weight behind it.

Now I believe it is about 99% of UFO reports investigated that are naturally explainable, yet then there still remains that 1 percent. Given that the last couple of decades the amount of UFO sightings could range into the tens of thousands, this leaves a large amount unexplained. These unexplained are what get called risidual UFOs (RUFOs). Yet, it could be even RUFOs are naturally explainable, and I'm personally not really bothered about such a conclusion. But whether you believe a natural solution to such cases can be found, well I don't believe you're in a good position to really dictate whether scientific evidences don't exist for them for you've never examined any to know this.

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Post by Alien »


I cannot say I believe in extraterrestrial life (even if I am an alien... :wink: ). I don't want to act upon faith.
You say that the find is very unlikely, and I agree.
But our capability is tremendously limited with respect to the universe dimensions, and therefore we should not say that because we don't observe any extraterrestrial life, there isn't any in the universe.

I simply make some statistical considerations and I conclude that existence of extraterrestrial life is "likely".


I think I understand what you mean. My statement sounds a little bit "absolute", and therefore let me explain it.

There are UFO observations that are scientifically explained, and there are some that are not explained.

Therefore, we have just two categories:

1) scientifically explained
2) unexplained

If you agree up to now, the next step would surely become a small one: a third category labelled "evidence" does not really exist. What is unexplained is not really a scientific evidence (yet). It is not an evidence in any of the two directions "existence" or "non-existence".

This is what I mean when I say that I have never seen any evidence about UFO existence. I rely on astronomers and other scientists to give me a scientific evidence. You surely remember my first posts (mainly you commented them): only what is scientifically accepted can be used as an evidence. The rest is disputable.

In addition, just as a side curiosity, please consider that I sufficiently know the scientific principles of flight (either atmospheric and interplanetary) to state that some supposed characteristics of UFO flight clearly violate physical laws.
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Post by Forge »

Well, the debate seems to be raging quite well.

As for me, I really don't care. If aliens exist, big deal. If they don't... big deal.
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Post by John Gooch »

God had trouble raising us up because he is trying to make us use the
difficult to use but usefull pervasive medium of spirituality\telepathy.
Its pervasiveness allows inteligance accross divisions of lifeless death.
For 4 days primed for launch in a mutualy assured destruction world
soviet subs went about in the cuban missile crisis 1963, without any
known form of communications except for prays.

God also made us through the travail of the curse and aparent rule
of the cruelest of nature, that we appreciate Love that we could have
when instep with Him.
And even when not!

May spirit of any sort be valued.
He has such a nice train service.

Let us launch ourselves into His Spirit internet.
Let us not reject the Human or et alien.
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