Canuckster1127 wrote:I quoted directly from Ham, I linked to his blog and I quoted him directly.
Never said you didn't. Where did I imply you didn't quote him directly?
My issue is that the quote you sight is simply not a big deal. It doesn't state anything except what you'd expect someone of his position to state. I mean come on Bart, Ham directly quoted Koukl and Penner. So apply that same reasoning? He quotes them directly, so what? It is not as if Ham is just name calling. He is addressing specific points made by OEC proponents. Are you saying he isn't entitled to do so, yet, you are? That is what I call a double standard.
He does equate Old Earth Creationists with evolutionists. He does equate his hermeneutic with the Bible itself and shows little grace (and it's growing shriller) toward those who disagree with him.
Of course he does. He really, really believes in a young earth. An OE accomodates evolution, as in Darwinian.
-Everyone thinks their hermeneutic is right. Ham's criticisms derive out of the fact that he really, really, beleives in a literal 6 day creation and young earth.
I'd suggest that you're better than him in this regard and not defend him when he suggested that people who disagree with Him are diminishing Scripture.
Bart, That is exactly what Koukl does. Plus, what other conclusions do you expect him to arrive at, considering his beliefs? If you go through AIGs material, you will understand how
foundational they view Genesis regarding the rest of scripture. You may not agree, but it is how they see it.
If you wish to take offense on behalf on Ken Ham as a fellow YEC supporter, that's your perogative.
Just pointing out that no matter how flat you pat a pancake, it always has two sides. You demand grace from Ham, but I see little offered. The issue as I see it is that it's OK to accuse people of diminishing scripture (Koukl) as long as they agree with you. If not, then they lack grace.
Sorry if it offends you. I've complemented you in the past on your approach and methods in supporting YEC. I've spoken respectfully with you on issues even where we disagreed and I've complemented you to others.
Bart, where did I say I was offended? Because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm offended on his behalf or even my own. Your past complements (thanks btw) are irrelevant to the issue at hand, and I beleive you know that. Let's not try to put me in a position, or stroke me. This is not about me defending Ham or AIG, but about pointing out the issues I have with your and Rick's criticism toward Ham.
I agree, you are welcome to have any opinion of Ham you like, and you owe me no apology. And when I think I see a double standard I am welcome to point it out. Of course, I could be wrong, but I sincerely do believe it, and think I've articulated it well.
The bible says God created in 6 "yoms". It doesn't say "6 24 hour days".
Rick, red herring. I'm not here to debate the meaning of yom. I said,
If I said, regarding one of your post, "Same ole crap from Rick," your telling me you wouldn't take it personally?Yes or no?
How does OEC undermine the authority of the Bible? OECers interpret the bible literally. OECers believe in the authority if the Bible.
Again, Ham's interpretation IS NOT equal to scripture itself.
Let's just assume for a minute that Ham is right. Not saying he is, only let's assume. Let's be graceful enough to see it from his position, because he genuinely thinks he is right. If he is right, then does OEC undermine the authority of the Bible in any form or fashion? We could ask the same, "If OEC is right, then does YEC undermine the scripture in any form or fashion?" So, if Ham really, really believes what he teaches, and if he sees the creation account as the essential foundation for the rest of the Bible (which he does) then why wouldn't you expect such criticisms of OEC positions? In fact, if he is right, then he would be correct in his actions. And like it or not, your position would be a compromise. For me, I'm not nearly as confident in the age of the earth, nor as confident that the creation account, YEC or otherwise is foundational in the revelation that follows, in the sense that AIG holds. Therefore, I wouldn't say that OEC is a compromise. I would however say that TE is a compromise. Apologies to the TE that post here, but it is only the logical conslusion of rejecting Darwinian evolution. And I wouldn't be intellectually honest with myself if I stated otherwise. And no, it doesn't mean I don't believe in microevolution.
So, let me ask you Rick. Do you think TE compromises the Bible in any form or fashion? Seem to recall a post today on the very issue.
Jlay, don't you believe in micro evolution?
I don't recall Ham saying this. But, it's a moot point. I'm not here to argue what Yom means, or any such issues. The issue is people getting in a tiff because Ham says that their position (OEC) is a compromise.
BTW, I think you are reading into this, (micro evolution) and drawing that conclusion. He is using the term "evolution" in the sense of Darwinism. Where does he say he rejects what we call microevolution?
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord
"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious